

【作者】 郭姵君

【导师】 苏勇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 近年来奢侈品产品在全球造成一股消费热潮。经济数据表明,奢侈品市场的成长率,至少是全球经济成长率的两倍。奢侈品产业的蓬勃发展,不但表现在消费文化相对成熟的欧美国家,在新兴发展中的国家,例如中国、印度、俄罗斯等,奢侈品更是被新富阶层消费者所拥抱,甚至迷恋。而中国根据估计将在2015年成为全球奢侈品的第一大消费国。总结奢侈品产业的发展轨迹历经了四个阶段:从百年前的欧洲市场,到二次大战后的美国市场,70年代后的日本市场,与当今以中国、印度、俄罗斯为主的新兴市场崛起。而消费族群也从原本的传统欧洲上流社会,过渡到一般消费大众与新兴富裕族群。因此也造就了一种新的奢侈品消费族群与消费文化。90年代以来,学者纷纷从社会学、心理学与营销学等视角,对奢侈品消费现象进行研究。然而学术成果停留在各个消费者行为学与社会学领域,并未有跨领域的整合。使得营销者无法对学术成果进行运用。学术上对于奢侈品品牌的研究尚停留在奢侈品品牌的特点与消费者对于购买奢侈品品牌的感知价值上。尚未将奢侈品品牌的价值,与营销学中基于消费者心智的品牌资产(Consumer BasedBrand Equity,CBBE),甚至与基于市场产出的品牌资产(Product Market OutcomesBrand Equity,PMOBE)做出连结。因此本研究在奢侈品品牌与消费行为学既有的研究基础上,加上营销学中的品牌资产概念,进行定性与实证研究,建立奢侈品品牌资产驱动模型,以提供学术发展的研究基础,同时也为中国作为奢侈品新兴市场的消费文化代表作出研究贡献。本研究由定性研究与定量研究两部分构成。第一阶段定性研究,采用文献研究(literature review)、与焦点小组访谈(focus group discussion),以了解中国消费者购买奢侈品的动机及其品牌资产的价值泉源。从焦点组访谈获得77个测项,形成奢侈品品牌资产测项库(item pool),然后进行专家甄别(judgemental panelscreening),并进行前测(pre-test),得到八个变量共27个测项的主体问卷。第二阶段定量研究,针对中国奢侈品消费者进行问卷调查,得到220份有效问卷。然后运用LISREL以及SPSS分析软件对数据进行分析。实证研究发现,基于消费者心智的奢侈品品牌资产由「品牌形象」、「美学特征」、「稀缺性」、「感知品质」与「高价性」五个维度构成。产品市场产出由「品牌延伸」、「溢价」与「重复购买意愿」三个维度组成。基于消费者心智的奢侈品品牌资产与产品市场产出之间存在明显的结构关系。15个理论关系假设中,有14个得到明显支持。本研究解读了在中国本土化背景下,一、奢侈品品牌资产的维度结构与其之间的结构关系。二、中国奢侈品消费群体区分。本研究从人口统计特征与心理上的社会阶层功能描绘出中国奢侈品消费群体的轮廓。三、指出中国作为新兴奢侈品消费市场的特点。四、提出了中国奢侈品品牌的创建路径与营销战略。然而本研究在研究上的困难主要体现在问卷的设计与样本回收上。由于奢侈品的概念在国内外并无权威的定义,因此在问卷的操作性定义上,设计相对较为困难,因此确保问卷的信度是一大难度。同时在奢侈品品牌资产调查上,牵涉面子与高价等问题,涉及个人隐私,因此可能影响问卷回答的可信性。另外,奢侈品消费者相对一般大众消费品而言为高端收入人口,在接触与调查配合上比较困难,所以本研究在样本数量与区域分布上有一定限制。本研究在三个方面对奢侈品领域学术研究作出贡献。一、提出奢侈品品牌资产驱动模型(Luxury Goods Brand Equity Drivers Model),以全面地、整合地途径表达奢侈品品牌价值的产生过程。二、构建并实证检验基于消费者心智的奢侈品品牌资产模型与产品市场产出的结构关系。三、中国本土化背景下对奢侈品消费者进行学术实证研究。针对中国消费开发出适合中国消费者的奢侈品品牌资产问卷量表,供中国及其它新兴国家奢侈品研究者借镜,使得学术成果可以落实。奢侈品品牌营销人员可以检视自己品牌、竞争对手品牌和跨品类、跨区域、跨国家的品牌相对地位的比较。同时营销者可以定期追踪自己品牌在各个维度上的表现,以适应竞争环境。

【Abstract】 Luxury goods consumption is being a trend in these years. Sales growth rate of Luxury goods industry is twice than global economy growth at lease. Luxury goods consumption occurs not only in Europe or America, those mature markets, but also in the new developing countries, such as China, India, and Russia. In a nutshell, there were two turns in the trend of the development of the luxury goods market which went through four stages in the geographical distribution: from European markets a century ago, to the United States market after the Second World War, to the Japanese market since the 1970s, and China, India, Russia-based emerging markets nowadays. At the same time, China has become the most important market of luxury goods in the world. A new consumption culture and behavior is being building up.After a delicate literature review and focus group discussion, the consumption motivation and brand value has been revealed. 77 ideas have been got from focus group discussion to form item pools. After judgmental panel screening and pretesting, eight variables, 27 sentences formed main questionnaire. The survey has beed conducted through face to face interview and email, and outcomes 220 valid sample data at the end.The study illustrates that there are five factors significantly impact on Chinese customer-based brand equity elicited by luxuries, which are brand image, uniqueness, aesthetics, perceived quality, and premium. Product market outcome brand equity is formed by three factors, which are brand extension, price premium, and repeat purchase. The study also demonstrates there is a positive relationship between CBBE and PMOBE under a unique China background. 14 hypotheses of 15 are proved very positive.The conclusions drawn from the study are discussed briefly in terms of the CBBE and PMOBE relationship for luxury brand, Chinese consumer segment profile, the unique point in China luxury market, and Chinese luxury brand building and marketing strategies.The contribution of the study shows on three aspects. First, developing Luxury Goods Brand Equity Drivers Model to introduce the brand value forming process in a consistent and integrated way. Second, demonstrating the relationship between consumer-based brand equity and product market outcome brand equity. Third, conducting an explorary research towards Chinese luxury goods consumer under unique China background. The Luxury Goods Brand Equity Scale helps luxury brand marketer to review and trace their own brand value performance. Further more, it helps luxury brand marketers to make comparison between their own brand value and competitive brands to maintain their competitive advantages.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】F273.2
  • 【被引频次】31
  • 【下载频次】5369

