

【作者】 江远山

【导师】 陈明明;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 现代国家建设是一个不断寻求国家与社会、市场、个人关系合理化的持续的历史过程。在这一进程中,国家权力结构的“集中化”摧毁了地方分割性的权威格局,将管辖权强制性地上升和集中到中央政府手中。由此,国家权力的自主向下扩张、渗透和控制与地域社会的反抗成为国家建设的一个斗争中心,它们围绕政治权力的归属、分享和政治认同资源展开竞争。晚清的覆灭,民国的建立,标志着中国现代民族国家建设的启动。在由传统王朝帝国体系向现代国家的转变进程中,建立一个适应时代潮流的现代国家是近代中国面临的极其重要而又迫切的问题。从政治发展的角度看,近代以来中国政治发展的基本路径是从传统王朝政治进入现代民主政治,政治民主化与国家的统一是近代中国国家建设的两个核心目标。近代中国的国家建设的矛盾在于,其中心任务是重建全国性政治权力中心和国家制度,将以地域为单位的多中心的政治力量纳入到新的国家体制的过程;而近代以来中国对民主政治的追求,又与重建中央政权的集权性需求相矛盾。由此,地方自治与分权的期望与国家建设的集权性需求之间的张力成为影响近代中国政治转型的一个重要因素。地域政治化是近代中国国家建设过程中一个重要的特征。所谓地域社会政治化,是指地域精英和地域政治力量以本地的社会、经济和文化作为政治行动的前提,形成了明显的地域意识和地域政治认同,在发展地方政治的同时,以此作为国家建设的起点。地域政治化是从空间(地域——国家)关系上把握近代中国政治发展的历史,这种空间特性远不只是自然地理意义上的,它更多的是地域社会在实践中形塑出来的一种思想和行动。近代之前,地域社会在经济上是一个自足的生活空间,文化上接受儒家思想和观念,政治上认同中央集权的君主制度。进入近代后,由于西方文明的冲击,中国传统政治体制和儒家意识形态逐渐衰落并最终崩溃,由“文化—社会—政治—心理结构”构成的高度一体化的社会有机体最终解体。在向现代社会转变过程中,地域社会接受了西方现代政治思想观念,在民族主义的感召下形成了异于传统儒家文化的政治意识,并在实践中造就了一种新的政治气象,形成了一条自下而上的国家建设路径。本文将地域政治化的研究放在近代中国国家建设的历史进程中,对近代中国国家建设的路径选择、国家体制的形成进行更为深刻的分析。19世纪末20世纪初,传统政治认同危机和政治社会秩序崩溃之下对秩序重建的需要,使人们认同于更小的“共同体”,地域意识由此急速膨胀。既分裂又凝聚的地域社会,在不断获得政治独立性的时候,以来自西方的现代政治理念证明这种自主的合法性。这种日益政治化的地域意识促使地域社会从国家夺取权力,使后者的“群自性结构”最终崩溃,埋没于地域社会的“分形性结构”里,国家崩落到社会之中。此后,中国的国家建设开始了与西方国家建设的一个相同道路:重建一个能够代表整个国家的的政治单位(中央政权)、并努力克服和整合地域政治认同,创建以公民和民族等多重要素结合在一起的现代国家认同。文章以近代中国地域政治化的产生发展为研究主线,围绕地域政治化与国家建设之间的互动关系,从地域意识、地域认同和地域政治发展三个层面作为切入点展开分析。认为在近代中国政治转型中,地域政治化是近代中国国家建设的一个重要现象。在认同危机、合法性危机簇生时期,地域社会产生了异于传统社会的政治意识和地域认同,并在在实践中形塑出一种思想和行动。它将国家建设的目标设定为联邦主义的共和制,将国家建设的中心从直接建立中央政治权力层面转向地方和基层的制度变革,成为近代中国国家建设的一条路径选择。为了阐释近代中国地域政治化的历史发展进程、特征和作用,文章采取了如下的结构安排:导论对近代中国国家建设与地域政治发展的文献和理论进行了基本的梳理,根据政治学学科的特色和问题意识,对地域政治化进行了理论定位。在总结学术界对近代中国政治转型各个层面分析视角、理论的基础上,提出自己的核心观念,并对论文的时空选择、研究方法和资料来源进行了说明。第一章围绕地域政治化的历史生成和演进展开,分析了传统中国整体的政治社会结构和特征以及地域社会的历史地位,研究了近代地域政治化的特征及其表现形式,并最终探讨地域政治化产生的原因。指出传统地域社会在思想上和政治上缺乏自我意识和政治自主,是大一统王朝政治体系的附属物。在近代政治转型过程中,地域社会获得了思想上和政治上的自主地位,将西方现代民主、自治思想与传统中国地域意识结合起来,迈出了政治现代化的第一步。第二章考察传统政治体制崩溃后,认为政治的边缘地带中心化是近代中国政治转型的一个重要特征,探讨了近代广东地域意识和地域认同的产生和发展,认为由“乡”到“国”,由“臣民”到“国民”的意识觉醒,既是现代政治认同的形成,也是近代中国政治转型过程中政治动员的一种方式,指出组织的地域化是近代中国通向民族认同和国家认同的一种短暂但却有效的组织和联合方式。并最终分析了近代中国地域意识表现出来的“分裂性”以及背后所隐含的“统一性”。第三章对地域政治化的思想和行动进行了考察。在思想方面,分析了近代中国地域意识的兴起与现代政治价值认同形成之间的密切关系,同时考察了陈炯明的联省自治思想的特征。地域政治化的行动层面,一方面分析了近代广东地域政治现代化的发展、成就和特征,同时以孙中山和陈炯明在广东的政治竞争,分析了中国国家建设进程中联省自治运动与以党建国两条道路的斗争和分裂,从案例的角度对地域政治化的失败进行了分析。第四章围绕党国体制的兴起和地域政治化的衰落及展开,考察了孙中山政党思想的发展及其转变,并最终在国民党第一次代表大会确立了以党建国思想的历史发展过程,指出党治国家思想和体制的兴起标志着地域政治化在思想和行动上被列宁式政党思想和组织形式所替代,地域政治化在国民党党国体制日渐发展和完善的历史进程中逐渐衰落并被遗忘。本章最后分析了地域政治化衰落的原因。通过对地域政治化的历史产生与发展历程的分析,文章最后对地域政治化的基本特征及其历史意义进行了理论把握。认为地域政治化发展是理解近代中国国家建设的一个重要视角:从政治意识和政治认同的角度看,地域意识的兴起和地域认同的产生是对中国传统认同方式的现代再造,是影响国家认同的重要政治亚文化,成为民族国家建设的一种思想资源和组织资源;从国家建设路径的形成来看,地域政治化一方面表现了中国国家建设中对政治民主化的追求,另一方面对中国国家结构形式提出了一种新的构想,并努力通过和平的、制度化的形式实现国家的政治整合和国家统一。1920年代的联省自治运动以省为单位实行自治,以此作为建立联邦制国家的基础,通过制定省宪法对省的自治及政治权力给予保障并对省的权力实行约束,为联邦制的实践找到了具体的载体和操作方案。这使近代中国国家建设呈现出宪政、共和、联邦主义与地方自治的逻辑展开。在政治现代化的道路上,建立一个现代国家是近代中国国家建设的重要任务,民主政治是中国政治发展的目标取向。近代以来,中国政治一直在这两者之间的纠缠交错中发展。作为近代中国出现的一种新的政治转型和发展的模式,地域政治化虽然由于历史和时代的原因,没能按照自身的逻辑自下而上发展成长起来。但是,地域社会政治化提出的许多思想及其历史实践,为我们提供了一个理解中国政治的参考视角:地域政治的自然发展与生长,是推动和实现中国政治转型的一条重要途径。只有根植于中国历史传统和现实需要的政治发展,才是适合中国和具有生命力的。本文通过对近代中国地域政治化发展的研究来考察中国政治转型与国家建设的内在机理,但仍然留下了很多需要进一步研究的问题,如地域政治化发展的内在困境、对地域政治化所揭示的中央与地方关系的价值的研究以及近代地域政治化的发展对现代中国政治发展的历史启示的分析等问题。

【Abstract】 The modern state-building is an unceasingly historical process of seeking rationalization among state, market, society and individual. In this advancement, the centralization of state power structure has destroyed the authoritative pattern of regional separatism and forced jurisdiction to go to central government. Hence the seepage, control and independent expansion of state power going down to the regional society and corresponding resistance against it has became a main struggle in state-building. The two sides launched competition on the ownership and distribution of political authority and on the resources of political identification. The collapse of the Late Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China symbolized the beginning of Chinese modern state-building. In the transition from traditional empire system into modern country, it is extremely important and urgent for China to establish a modern country to keep abreast of the times. From the view of political development, it can be seen that the basic path of Chinese politics is from traditional dynasty politics to modern democratic politics and that two core goals of China nation-building are political democratization and national unification. The central task for modern China’s nation-building is to reestablish a nationwide political power center and state system and bring multi-polar regional political powers into the new state system. Since modern times, however, China has been pursuing a democratic politics, which is contradictory with the demand of centralization of central government. That’s exactly the contradiction for modern China’s nation-building. So the inner-intensities between expectation of local self-government and demand of centralization for nation-building became an important factor influencing Chinese political reform.Regional politicalization is an important feature of modern China during its nation-building process. The so-called regional politicalization means that regional elites and regional political powers take political actions on the basis of economy and culture of the local society, thus forming obvious regional consciousness and political identification and aiming to start nation-building while developing regional politicalization. Regional politicalization deals with the history of modern China’s politics from the angle of geographical space (region and state). This kind of spatial characteristic goes far beyond pure geography. Rather, it refers more to the thought and motion which take shape in the practice of local society. Before modern times, the regional society is a self-sufficient living space in economy, accepts Confucianism in culture and in politics approves centralization of monarchy system. After entering into modern times, as a result of the impact of western civilization, the traditional political system of China and the Confucianism gradually declined and finally collapsed. The highly integrated social structure of "culture-society-politics-psychological structure" disintegrated at last. During the transformation towards modern society, regional society has accepted the modern western political thought, formed a political thought different from traditional Confucianism due to the influence of the nationalism, and developed a state-building path of "from the bottom to top". This paper puts the research of regional politicalization into the historical course of modern China’s nation-building, then makes deeper analysis on path choice of nation-building and formation of state system of modern China.From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, with the traditionally political identification crisis and the debacle of political society order, people tended to identify smaller common community for order construction, therefore regional awareness sweeped rapidly. Regional society that combined separation and solidarity justified its independence by western modern political idea while reaping political independence continually. The politicalized regional awareness prompted regional society to seize the power from state, leading to the collapse of national holon-structureeventually and falling into fractal-structure n regional society, hence nation collapsed into society. Then China’s nation-building took the same road as western countries did: reconstructing a political unit (central sovereignty) and making efforts to solve and consolidate regional political identification, founding modern national identification through the marriage of many factors such as citizen and nation etc.The paper studies the origin and development of regional politicalization in modern China, involving the interactive relationship between regional politicalization and nation-building, and analyzing it through regional awareness, regional identity and regional political development. The paper believes that during political transformation in modern China, regional politicalization is an important phenomenon of nation-building.During political identity crisis and legitimacy crisis, regional society not only caused different political awareness and regional identity, but also constructed a kind of thought and action in practice. Its task of nation-building was set as Federalism Republicanism, which transformed the core of nation-building from directly founding central political power to institutionally reforming region and grass-roots. It becomes a path choice of nation-building in modern China. In order to explain historical development, character and impact, the paper is arranged as follows:The introduction analyses proceedings and theories on nation-building and regional politics development in modern China, and positions regional politicalization in theory, according to characteristics of political science and question consciousness. In summing up different kinds of perspectives and theories of political transformation in modern China, the paper suggests its core-point and explains its spatiotemporal choice, research approaches and proceedings’ origin.Chapter 1 involves the origin and evolvement of regional politicalization, analyses the overall political society construction and character in ancient China and historical role of regional society, studies character and form of modern regional politicalization and discusses the cause of production of regional politicalization. The paper points out that traditional regional society lacks self-consciousness and political independence, therefore it is the affiliation of political system of the "world unifying" .During modern political transformation, regional society gains ideological and political independence, combines modern democracy along with autonomy of western society and regional awareness of ancient China and takes the first step of political modernization.Chapter 2 holds a belief that the centralization of the political fringe is an important feature in the political transformation of modern China, having finished probing into the causes of the collapse of the traditional political system. It examines the rise and growth of regional identification in Guangdong province and comes to conclude that the consciousness wakening from "xiang" to "country" , from " subject" to " citizen " indicates the shaping of modern political identification and as a political mobilization in the course of political transformation of modern China, points out that organizational locality is a short-lived but effective organizing and combined methods leading to ethnic identification and national identification. It also analyzes the profound unity between nation and state, which is covered with the separatism showed by the regional consciousness of modern China apparently.Chapter 3 conducts a survey on the thoughts and actions concerning regional politicalization. In terms of the thoughts, it analyzes the close association between the rise of regional consciousness of modern China and the shaping of modern political value identification; meanwhile, it implores the characteristics of Chen Jiongming’s thought characterized by joint province autonomy. In the terms of the proceeding of regional politicalization , it studies, on the one hand, the development, achievement and features of the modernization of regional politicalization in Guangdong Province, and on the other hand, it conducts an analysis on the causes of the failure in regional politicalization through case study, i.e. researches through reviewing political competition between Sun Yatsen and Chen Jiongming in Guangdong province, the fights and differences between joint province autonomy movement and state-building by the party.Chapter 4, focusing on the spring-up of party-state system and the decline of regional politicalization and investigating the evolvement of Sun Yatsen’s party ideology and the establishment of the guideline of state-building under the leadership of the KMT party in the 1st representative conference, presents that the spring-up of the party-governed state-building ideology and system indicates the replacement of regional politics by Leninism in terms of ideology and organizational system concerning party, and the gradual decline of regional politicalization with the development and maturation of KMT’s the state and the party system. The last chapter analyzes the reason for the decline of regional politicalization.By an analysis of the history of regional politicalization, the last chapter of this paper explores the fundamental characteristics and historic significance of regional popliticalization theoretically and arrives at the conclusion that the understanding of regional politicalization is the key to the understanding of state-building of modern China; that the regional politicalization and sense of regional identity coming into being reshaped the traditional identification model of China as an important subculture related to national identity, and an important ideological resource for the national state-building; that regional politicalization, on the one hand, reflects the quest for political democratization in china’s state-building, and on the other hand, presents a new scheme for the state structure of China via a peaceful and institutionalized way to realize the political and national unification. The joint-province movement in 1920s conducted autonomy by each province, providing the basis for the establishment of a federation. Provincial constitutions were made to guarantee the provincial autonomy and political powers and restrict their powers. In this way, a specific vehicle and operational mechanism for federalism were found. As a result, there appeared the co-existence of constitutionalism, republicanism and federalism in China’s state-building, in which, the endeavor to establish a modern country and realize political democracy had been interwoven. As a new pattern of political transformation and development in modern China, regional politicalization, although it failed to develop successfully in a bottom-to-top way according to its own logic for various reasons, provides a lot of thoughts and experience of social politicalization of regions and a perspective to understand Chinese politics: that the natural development of regional politcalization is important for the political transformation of China; and that the political development is vital and suitable for China, which takes root in the tradition and reality of China.The paper explores the inner mechanisms of political transformation and state-building by investigating the development of regional politcalization of modern China. However, there are still many questions to be explored, such as the inter-predicament confronting the development of regional politicalization, the value of relationship between central and local power, the historical enlightenment of the regional politicalization for political development of present-day China, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】K25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1328

