

【作者】 张湛

【导师】 李天纲;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 宗教学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 什么是灵知派(Gnosticism)?灵知派首先是《创世记》解释的理智主义派。它力求为充满矛盾的《创世记》文本提供逻辑上的融贯解释。这种解释的结果就是把《创世记》中的创世神解释为一个次神。因而灵知派提出了一个两神(上帝[及其索菲亚/逻各斯]、德牧革)或三神(上帝、索菲亚/逻各斯、德牧革)的解释系统。灵知派因而是《创世记》上帝解释的次神论派、二神论派和二元论派。它认为只有这样才能为《创世记》提供逻辑上完满的解释。但在这种解释下,上帝成为极端超越的本源,而人成了神性自我。灵知派作为《创世记》上帝解释的次神论派乃是以理智主义为前提的神秘主义学派。什么是灵知(gnosis)?灵知即此神性自我。神性自我包含两个要素:一是神性成分的内包(即认为躯体、灵魂来自造物主,而躯体中所包裹的神性成分却来自至高上帝的神性王国);一是神性成分外融(复归)。神性自我是灵知的本质。神性自我的承担者乃是可以通神的精英主义者。什么是神秘主义(Occultism,mysticism)?灵知派提供了神秘主义的基本形态。任何一种宗教或神学都需在至少在神和人这两个维度上作出解说。所谓神秘主义至少包含两个要点:一是要对上帝作否定神学的解释,把上帝解释为一个极端超越的本源(灵知派、埃克哈特、波墨、卡巴拉主义者);二是要把人解释作神性自我。否定神学和神性自我构成神秘主义两个最基本的结构要素。基督教正统派为什么要反对灵知派?首先,基督教作为一种一神教(一神论、一元论)必然反对灵知派把旧约中的至高上帝贬损为一个次神。第二,灵知派二神体系所具有的神秘主义本质(否定神学+神性自我)包含导致整个系统破裂的种子。基督教正统教义既反对神性成分的内包,也反对神性成分的外融。义人是可以升天的,但不能成为上帝。神性自我内包的必然结局是唯我论或纯心学。而纯心学(唯我论)必然走向瓦解。由于对人的神化同时必然是对神的人化,神性自我外融的必然结果是无神论。否定神学加神性自我是神秘主义和灵知派的基本要素。否定神学的直接结果是泛神论,神性自我的最终结果是无神论。泛神论和无神论是一个问题的两个方面,正如否定神学与神性自我是一个问题的两个方面。这既是它们的内在关联,也是基督教反对神秘主义和灵知派的内在原因。

【Abstract】 1 .What is Occultism (mysticism)?Every religion or theology would give an interpretation on at least two levels, god and man. Occultism thus includes two elements: first, God should be interpreted as an source with absolute transcendence, that is what the Negative Theology wants to say; the second, man should be interpreted as the divine self. The Negative Theology and the divine self thus make the two most basic elements of Occultism.2.What is Gnosticism?Gnosticism is first the reasonable exegesis of Genesis. It gives a three-god exegetical system (God, Sophia, Demiurge) by interpreting the creator in Genesis a second god. However, what this reasonable exegesis results in is Occultism. In this exegesis, God becomes an absolutely transcendent source while man becomes the divine self. Gnosticism is the Occultism with a reasonable exegesis of Genesis.3.What is gnosis?Gnosis is this divine self.To the divine self, two points are important: one is the inner-wrap of the divine element, the other is the extra-merge of the divine element. Although Gnosticism and Christianity are all doctrine of spirit (pneuma), but the spirit (pneuma) of Christianity is simple divinity in its monotheistic Trinity, while the spirit (pneuma) of Gnosticism becomes the divine self in its three-god system. The divine self is the real essence of gnosis. It is the common foundation of the chiliastic tradition, of the astrological, alchemical and magical tradition which was restored and renovated during the Renaissance, and of modern atheism.4. Why does Christianity condemn the divine self (gnosis)?The divine self contains the seeds which can destroy the Christian system. The inner-wrap divine self will lead to solipsism. And the ending of solipsism is the collapse or transformation of itself. Since the divinization of man is at the same time the humanization of God. The inescapable fate of the extra-merge divine self is atheism. While the divinization of man is coming to its end, man feels the dying of God (Meister Eckhart, Hegel and Nietzsche). The history of Christian heresy is basically the history of the divine self.The Negative Theology results in pantheism and the divine self result in atheism. Pantheism and atheism are the two respects of the same thing just as the Negative Theology and the divine self are the two respects of the same thing. This is the their inner connection and why Christianity will condemn Occultism and Gnostisim.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】B978
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】709

