

【作者】 马东亮

【导师】 郭定平;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 政治学理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 国家财政补助政党制度是指在实行西方民主制度的国家中,由国家出面,以法律为保证、以财政收入为资源、依照一定法定分配标准向政党提供政治资金补助的一种制度。这种从国库向政党拨付补助经费的制度并不是与西方政党政治一同出现的,作为一种制度现象它出现在第二次世界大战之后的西方民主国家中,制度产生的原因主要是政党政治与现代选举制度的发展造成的政党资金匮乏。国家财政补助政党这一制度现象产生之后,在当代经过一段时间的发展,已经在几乎所有实行西方民主制度的国家中普及开来,但是在中文学界尚未有专门研究与论述这种制度现象的论著出现,因此,作为开创性的研究,本论文在第一章与第二章对这种制度现象的内容及其产生与发展作了一些介绍,但是,本文的重点在于希望进一步回答以下几个问题:国家在动用财政资源补助政党时其目的何在?政党面对这种补助制度其目标与态度产生了怎样的变化?国家与政党的目标达成情况怎样,原因又是什么?为此,本文选取了已经建立起比较稳定的民主制度的美国、英国、德国和日本四个国家在第三章至第六章进行专门的国别研究。美国的国家补助政党制度不仅向总统竞选阶段提供补助,同时也对民主、共和两大政党的党内预选提供补助金,并且美国的制度规定政党可以自由选择是否接受财政补助;英国的国家补助政党制度长期以来以间接补助为主,主要向政党的竞选活动提供免费设施与服务;德国不仅存在向政党与政党基金会提供的大量直接补助,也存在税务抵扣、免费媒体时段等大量间接补助;日本的国家补助制度不仅向政党提供了巨额的补助金,同时还对政党的转型产生着重要的作用。这四个国家不仅补助形式各异,而且补助金额占政党政治资金的比例也各具代表性。通过对美国、英国、德国和日本四个国家的分析与比较研究,本文认为,国家希望利用财政补助政党制度来达到两类目标,即具体性目标与原则性目标,但是这些目标的达成效果十分有限,这主要是由于政党对国家补助制度进行了一种工具化利用,而国家在面对政党这种工具化利用时或因自身位置的模糊而相对软弱无力,或因国家所秉持民主价值理念的内在张力而表现出矛盾与摇摆的态度,国家财政补助政党制度难以达到其设计目的主要原因即在于此。

【Abstract】 In western democratic countries State Funding for Political Parties means financial resources allocated by the state according to a procedure laid out in the law to political parties with the aim of supporting their essential democratic activities.As a kind of institution State Funding for Political Parties was introduced after the World WarⅡ,and had been adopted in nearly all western democratic countries.But until now it has not come to dominate academic and political debates in the field of Chinese relative researching.So the author introduces how it comes into being and how it develops in the first and second chapter.But the very emphases of this paper is answering these questions:what is the intention of the State while providing financial resources for Political Parties? What is the objective and posture of the Political Parties when facing state subvention and how these chang? When managing to achieve their goals did State and Political Parties get their outcome? and,why?Public financing in United States provided for not only the president election with the General election grants but also for the presidential primaries of each of the candidates of the Democratic and the Republican with the Primary matching payments and Party convention grants.In Britain,for a long time indirect subsidies was afforded to the party campaign on the way of giving free using of facility and free media time.As in Germany abundant direct as well as indirect subvention was given to the party and the pary fundations,such as tax deduction and free media time. Substantive grants is also allocated to support the political activities of the Japanese party,furthermore,it is expected to make for better transition of the party system.All of these four countries show the researcher different frame,and also,the proportions between the financial grants and party funds in these four countries are so different that can make it valuable for us to study carefully.In this comparative survey of United States,Britain,Germany and Japan which are uniquely suited to this research,I argued that the State expect to see two kind of aim,one is the concrete aim and the other is the aim in principle by allocating cash grants.But both effect of these aims are limited because of the utilization of the State Funding by Political Parties.When facing with the Parties’ instrumental utilization of this institution,the State cannot respond to it effectively because of either the blurred image of its position or the immanent tension among the democratic value which the state held on to.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 05期
  • 【分类号】D564
  • 【下载频次】420

