

【作者】 徐建

【导师】 彭希哲;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 社会管理与社会政策, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 城市更新,是当前中国城市发展的最主要手段之一,一般来说,包括拆除旧屋和安置居民两个部分。快速推进的城市更新在促进城市面貌改变的同时,也产生了诸多的问题,对旧住区的弱势群体带来巨大的影响。这是本研究的缘起。本研究利用目前社会政策学科中新兴的社会排斥理论对当代中国城市更新实践与政策进行了细致地分析和梳理,其成果不仅对指导城市更新具有重要的实践意义,也能丰富社会排斥理论和相关的政策理论。本研究的研究问题是:城市更新政策对弱势群体造成了哪些影响?这些影响的微观和宏观表现是什么?在这些影响产生的过程中,政府、市场、个人等多元主体的运作机制是什么?如何从政策范式演变的角度看待城市更新与社会排斥?本研究的主要内容和发现如下:(1)梳理了上海城市更新的历史演变。将上海的城市更新分为三个阶段进行了总结,分别是解放前、解放后至改革开放前、改革开放之后,不同阶段的城市更新有不同的特征,这取决于当时的社会经济发展状况和具体制度。(2)分析了现行的拆迁补偿政策。发现:对公益拆迁和商业拆迁没有明确的界定;缺乏制度化的公众参与机制;补偿标准提升,安置逐渐以异地安置为主;强制拆迁制度存在不合理之处;救济制度缺乏。(3)以JQ新城安置基地为例,微观地分析了城市更新给旧住区居民带来的影响。研究发现:迁居群体以中老年人为主,下岗失业人员数量众多,是典型的弱势群体:新居住地劳动力市场无法大容量接纳动迁居民,形成了事实上的就业排斥;新居住地基本服务匮乏,无法满足居民的需求;动迁居民的机动性受到排斥;居民的社会资本减少。(4)从宏观角度分析了城市更新对城市整体的影响。通过引入社会空间概念,发现在城市更新有导致社会空间极化的危险,可能会形成集中的城市贫困带,进而导致弱势群体空间失配,整体性地遭受社会排斥,无法公平地享用城市资源。(5)探究了城市更新政策过程中的多元主体运作机制。对城市政府、地方政府、市场力量和弱势群体自身等多个主体进行了剖析,研究了他们的运作机制,掌握了弱势群体遭受社会排斥的具体原因。笔者认为,社会排斥作为一个具有动态性、多维度性等多种特征的分析工具,对于理解城市更新这一复杂的政策实践,有着较好的适用性,能够厘清其中的具体机制。通过社会排斥视角的解读,可以发现,城市更新作为中国城市实现后发式、跨越式发展的重要手段,虽然具有“发展”意义上的合法性和合理性,但对其中可能会产生的问题,尤其是对中低收入阶层的巨大负面影响,需要引起高度的重视。政府应该寻求更加注重公平的发展政策,以住房转换为契机,提升弱势群体的能力和福利,从而构建更加和谐的社会。

【Abstract】 Urban renewal, which can be divided into two parts: dismantling old houses and resettling residents, is one of the most principal development means in modern Chinese urban regions. But it also results in many problems, which bring tremendous influence to vulnerable groups, while changing landscapes of the cities. This is the origin of this study. This study conducts a detailed analysis on the practice of urban renewal in China, using the theory of social exclusion, which is popular in the field of social policy. The results of this research are useful for both urban renewal and the theory of social exclusion and policy study.The research questions of this study include: what are the influence to the vulnerable groups caused by the urban renewal? what are the micro and macro performances of these influence? what are the mechanisms of the behaviors of multi actors involving in the process, such as government, market and vulnerable groups themselves? How to evaluate the relationship between urban renewal and social exclusion from the eyes of policy science? The main content and results of this study are as follows:(1) Shanghai’s urban renewal can be divided into three stages respectively: stage before the liberation, stage between 1950 and 1978, and stage after 1978. The different stages of urban renewal have different characteristics, depending on the prevailing institutions and socio-economic development.(2) This study analyzes the existing compensation policy and finds that there are five flaws in this policy. The first one is that public and commercial demolitions have been not clearly defined. The second one is the lack of institutionalized mechanism for public participation. The third one is the way of resettlement. The fourth one is unreasonable policy of mandatory demolition. And the last one is the lack of remedy policy.(3) This study takes JQ resettlement as an example, and finds that residents there are mainly elderly and much of them are laid-off workers. It also shows that they confront multi-dimensional social exclusion, such as labor market exclusion, lack of basic public services and mobility exclusion, and exclusion of social capital.(4)This study also focuses on the influence of urban renewal on the whole city. It concludes that there will be the danger of social spatial polarization by introducing the concept of social space. The poor are going to be resettled in a concentrated region, and then result in spatial mismatch.(5) This study explores the operating mechanism of multiple actors such as the urbangovernment, the local government, market forces and vulnerable groups themselves.It gets the specific reasons why vulnerable groups suffer social exclusionThe theory of social exclusion now is become the mainstream analysis paradigm inthe discipline of social policy because of its multi-dimensional, dynamic analysisadvantages. It’s very useful to understand the complicated processes and then dig upthe mechanism of urban renewal.Using the perspective of social exclusion, we find that as a very important means offast development for Chinese urban regions, urban renewal has its own legitimacy andrationality, but it also results in some serious problems, especial for vulnerablegroups .The government should pay more attention to more equitable developmentpolicies, and try to enhance the capacity of disadvantaged groups and welfare, takinghousing conversion as an opportunity, and thus build a more harmonious society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

