

【作者】 陈洪波

【导师】 陈淳;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文首先回顾了1928年之前中国考古学的发展状况,探讨了以史语所考古为代表的中国科学考古学诞生之前的时代背景和学术背景,进而分析了史语所科学考古思想宗旨的起源和具体内容。说明史语所学术的指导思想在于在中国推行新学术,这是西方汉学和中国近代学术潮流相结合的结果,考古学是傅斯年新史学实践的工具,故而史语所考古学的特点也就是新史学的特点。傅斯年在中国科学考古学肇始期具有巨大事功,南京国民政府为代表的国家力量在推进考古事业中发挥了巨大作用。对于史语所大陆时期20年的考古活动,本文分为4个阶段加以叙说和分析。分别是:1、探索期(1928—29),即小屯的前三次发掘,或者说殷墟发掘的第一阶段;2、发展期(1930—34),从城子崖到殷墟第九次发掘;3、鼎盛期(1934—37),即安阳第十—十五次发掘;4、延续期(1937—49),即抗日战争和国内战争时期。这四个时期体现了史语所科学考古学由草创到发展到成熟的一个渐进过程,这个过程受到了国家政治局势的密切影响,但指导思想始终未变。经由20年的努力,中国史前考古和殷商考古取得了巨大成就,而在此过程中,中国考古学的一些基本方法和种种学术传统也逐渐形成。在回顾其形成发展的过程之后,本文全面总结和深入分析了这一学术流派的特征、影响与局限性。中国科学考古学给中国人的历史观和世界观带来了巨大变化,在学术研究上引起了革命性变革。其主要特征包括组织管理上的现代性、民族主义的价值取向、科学主义的学术定位和自由主义的政治立场,阐述了诸特征得以形成的内在原因。以上这些特质构成了一个世纪以来中国考古学传统的主要内容。同时史语所考古的“史料学派”和唯科学主义的思想方法,本身存在一定弊端。具体说来就是重发现,轻研究,资料积累有余,而综合研究不足,在理论方法上十分薄弱,这种风气是由傅斯年、李济的指导思想所决定,对学术发展产生了一定消极作用。

【Abstract】 Having reviewed the development of Chinese archaeology before 1928 and revealed the historical and academic background triggering Chinese scientific archaeology of the Institute of History and Philology of Academia Sinica (the IHP), the dissertation discusses the origin of scientific thought of archaeology and points out that academic orientation adopted by the IHP was trying to develop a new scholarship in China in combination with western sinology. Archaeology was regarded by Mr. Fu Ssu-nien as a tool searching for new textual evidence and creating New History in China. Therefore, archaeological practice conducted by the IHP highlighted Chinese New History. Mr. Fu Ssu-nien made great contributions to Chinese archaeology. Meanwhile, the government of Kuomintang played a significant role. The archaeological activities of the IHP from 1928-1949 could be divided into four phases. 1. The exploring phase (1928-29) includes three pioneering excavations at Xiaotun. This was the first period of excavations at Yinxu. 2. The developing phase (1930-34) is from the excavation at Chengziya to the 9th excavation at Yinxu. 3. The flourishing phase (1935-37) is from the 10th to 15th excavations at Yinxu. 4. The persisting phase (1937-49) is from the anti-Japanese War to the Civil War. Four phases indicated a continuous development of scientific archaeology of the IHP. Although the process had been seriously influenced by social events at that time, the guideline of the IHP had never changed. After twenty years’ practice, both prehistoric and historic archaeology in China had made great achievements and some basic methods and academic traditions had taken shape. Finally, the dissertation summarizes the characteristics, influences and limitations of scientific archaeology during this period. Chinese scientific archaeology had changed historical perspective and worldview of the nation and brought about academic revolution. These main characteristics could be defined in terms of modern organization and management, nationalistic value, scientism and political liberty which became the foundation of archaeological tradition in China. Under the leadership of Mr. Fu Ssu-nien and Dr. Li Chi, Chinese archaeology paid more attention to discovery rather than research, collecting data but lacking integration and explanation. This gave some negative impact on the professional research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】K87
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1559

