

A Tentative Study on Humanistic Development and General Education

【作者】 赵立波

【导师】 肖巍;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 教育关乎人的发展,教育的问题实际上就是人的发展问题。正因为人是“未完成的人”、“现实的人”、“文化的人”,所以,离开了教育,人就不成其为“人”。教育使人成为“人”,实际上就是,捍卫和解放人的主体性,促进入的全面发展,使人成为“受过教育的人”。然而,由于“重知识、轻文化”思想的存在,现代教育世界是一种“知识教育”、“技术教育”的世界,一定程度上忽视了人的主体世界、情意世界和精神世界,因此难以培养出具有完整性、主体性和独立个性的人,也就难以培养出有思想、有理想、有智慧、有德性、有文化的人,更有违于人的全面发展。通过对通识教育一般问题的分析,本文得出的初步结论是:通识教育以“人”为逻辑起点,是一种培养人、塑造人、转化人、发展人、完善人的教育理念和实践,体现着强烈的人文精神,具有广泛而深厚的人文关怀内涵。开展通识教育的一个重要目的就在于,拓展人文视野,增进入文关怀,促进学生的人文发展。通识教育人文关怀的主要内容包括突出人文意识、提炼精神品味、增强主体人格、焕发德性情感、确立终极关怀等五个方面。通识教育作为一种教育理念、教育模式,不仅有其特定的时代和社会背景,而且有其深刻的思想理论基础。通识教育的全面实施,有赖于诸多资源和条件,然而教育思想观念的变革和创新,则是先导因素和根本条件。本文从马克思主义关于人的全面发展思想、前现代的西方教育思想、现代西方教育思想以及从孔孟到蔡元培的中国教育思想等四个方面,分析和考察了古今中外经典教育思想对通识教育的借鉴意义,目的在于为通识教育提供坚实的理论支撑。如何在大学教育中履践通识教育理念为本文之要。为避免过于抽象的思辨,本文以复旦大学的尝试为例,从一个侧面反映大学开展通识教育所要面对的诸多问题。复旦大学倡导通识教育理念,突出强调知识经济的兴起和全球化的时代背景,旨在扭转大学教育过度功利的倾向、培养创新型人才、提高学生人文素养,具有极其重要的意义。复旦大学结合本校实际,在通识课程设计、教学与管理模式等方面进行了大胆创新,既取得了实质性成效,也凸显了困难和矛盾。无论如何,作为国内通识教育的改革先驱,复旦大学的尝试为我们讨论中国大学通识教育问题提供了诸多有益启示和进一步思考的契机。

【Abstract】 Education involves human development and education itself is in fact a matter of human development. It is preciously because human are "incomplete", "realistic" and "cultural", that human can never be themselves without education. The fact that education forges human indicates that education protect and liberate human subjectivity, promote an all-round development and make human "educated". However, the tendency of emphasizing knowledge and downplaying culture makes modern education a world of "merely knowledge and technology education", which to some extent neglect human’s world of subjectivity, emotion and spirit. In this regard, modern education cannot cultivate human with completeness, subjectivity and independent characteristics, nor can it cultivate human with lofty ideas, wisdom, moral integrity and culture, since it runs against the overall development of human.The preliminary conclusion of the thesis, as a result of the analysis of the general problems concerning general education, is as follows: making the idea of "human" as its logic beginning, general education represents an educational idea and practice which attach its importance to the cultivation, forging, transformation, development and perfection of human. General education reflects strong humanistic spirit and contains rich humanistic care. One of the most important goals for the implementation of general education is to widen humanistic vision, increase humanistic care and promote humanistic development of students. Humanistic care of general education includes the following five aspects: emphasizing on humanistic consciousness, promoting spiritual taste, awakening subjectivity personality, triggering moral emotion and constructing ultimate concern.As an educational idea and pattern, general education is developed against a specific time and social background and with profound theoretical basis. Although the overall implementation of general education depends on lots of resources and conditions, the reform and innovation of educational concepts are a forerunning factor and determining precondition. In this light, the reference meaning of classical educational ideas for general education in the history is reviewed and analyzed from the following four aspects: Marx’s ideas of human overall development, pre-modern time educational ideas in the Western world, modern Western educational ideas and the traditional Chinese educational ideas. The study aims at providing a solid theoretical support for general education. The essence of the thesis is how to implement the ideas of general education in college. To avoid being too abstract, the experiments carried out by Fudan University is used as an example to deal with the problems facing the colleges and universities when they develop general education against the background of educational popularization. Fudan University advocates the concepts of general education, and emphasizes the rise of knowledge economy and the background of globalization. The effort is of great significance in that it tries to turn back the utilitarian tendency in college education, cultivate innovative talents and increase humanistic accomplishments. In light of the practical conditions, Fudan University performed courageous innovations in general courses design, teaching and management patterns and so on. They have made substantial achievements, and have been faced with difficulties and conflicts as well. On every account, as the forerunner of general education in the country, the experiments of Fudan University provide lots of useful enlightenment and chance of further reflection for us to discuss the problem of general education in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】3043

