

Research on Singapore Chinese Words and Expressions

【作者】 陈琪

【导师】 戴耀晶;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对新加坡华语词语的研究立足于新加坡华语词语与中国普通话词语的对比研究,从总体上分为:背景分析、核心研究和应用研究三大部分。本论文共10章,约17万字。第一章,绪论。主要论述研究的缘起和意义、新加坡华语的定义和定位、研究的范围、研究的方法和语料来源等。新加坡华语是指以中国普通话为核心标准的新加坡华族的共同语,它与中国普通话一脉相承,具有与中国普通话一样的主体地位。本论文以最新新加坡华语和中国普通话语料为研究依据,对新加坡华语词语进行全面、细致、系统地整合和研究,以期既系统完整又贴近当前新加坡语言生活现实地展示新加坡华语词语和中国普通话词语的差异和形成差异的原因,并依此深入研究新加坡华语词语规范和协调的意义和原则、步骤和方法,以及探讨新加坡华文教学中的词语教学存在的问题和改革的路向。第二章,综述。首先综合整理了以往有关新加坡华语词语研究的成果,主要包括新加坡华语特征的研究、新加坡华语特有词语的研究、新加坡华语词语与中国普通话词语对比的研究、新加坡华语词语规范的研究四个方面。综合梳理以往的研究成果,我们发现在以往的研究中,从研究系统上看,新加坡华语词语与中国普通话词语比较系统尚不够健全,其中的概念也不够清晰;就个别词语研究而言,对新加坡华语词语的发展变化缺乏跟进性研究;同时,有关新加坡华语词语的协调和规范以及新加坡华文教学中有关词语教学等应用领域都欠缺细致而全面的研究。第三章和第四章是本论文的背景分析。第三章,新加坡社会与语言研究。主要研究与新加坡华语词语发展变化相关的新加坡社会与语言。100多年来,新加坡是一个以华族人口占大多数的多元种族多元文化多种语言的国家。自1965年独立建国以来,在英语、华语、马来语、淡米尔语作为四种官方语言未曾改变的前提下,各种族的共同用语在七十年代初很快从马来语发展为英语,并成为岛国的行政用语;在语言教育方面,经历了从英语、华语、马来语、淡米尔语四种源流的模式发展成英语单一源流的模式,英语作为教学媒介语和第一语文,各民族的母语作为必修的第二语文;与此同时新加坡政府高度重视华文教学,90年代至今的10多年间就进行了三次重大的华文教学改革。为了帮助新加坡学子更好地学好华文,使华语成为新加坡华族社群的共同语、增强新加坡华人的凝聚力,新加坡政府自1979年起通过一年一度的“推广华语运动”在十年间使华族社群的家庭用语由方言占绝对地位,转换为华语是新加坡大多数家庭的家庭用语;但由于英语作为国际强势语言和新加坡行政语言,以英语为家庭用语的家庭比例呈上升趋势,使华语作为华族社群的共同语和家庭用语的地位受到了严峻的挑战。另外,在大众传媒语言方面,英文报章和华语电视在新加坡各具霸主地位,华语电台比英语电台略胜一筹,但电影的英语大片则傲视群雄。第四章,新加坡中小学华文课本词语与《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》词语对比研究。本章从教学词语系统对比两者的总体差异,我们发现新加坡中小学词语中仅有53%的词语与HSK词语属于共有词语,HSK词语中仅有56%的词语与中小词语属于共有词语,为此我们从新加坡中小学与HSK共有词语、HSK独有词语、新加坡中小学独有词语三个部分来分析研究,以期为新加坡华文教学中的词语教学研究提供研究资料和依据,并通过在词语系统中逐条对新中词语的分析,为接下来章节中有关新中词语对比研究提供较全面的研究资料和依据。第五、六、七章是本论文的核心研究部分。第五章,新加坡华语特有词语研究。我们首先探讨了有关“特有词语”和“新加坡特有词语”的定义及构成。我们认为“新加坡华语特有词语”仅指反映和表达新加坡社会特有事物或概念的、大多只在新加坡范围内使用的词语。它由以下两部分词语构成:(1)反映新加坡特有事物或概念的一般词语;(2)反映新加坡具有代表性名称的、高频的专有词语。而在新加坡华语词语与中国普通话词语对比研究中,在我们所定义的“新加坡特有词语”之外的与中国普通话存在词义词形差异的新加坡华语词语可归类为两大类,即“新中同形异义词语”和“新中异形同义词语”。由此我们建立了新中词语对比研究的三大主干系统:新加坡特有词语、新中同形异义词语、新中异形同义词语。在这一章中我们对迄今最全面地反映新加坡华语词语特色的词典——汪惠迪于1999年编著的《时代新加坡特有词语词典》进行了分析研究,我们研究发现该词典中17%的词语在新加坡《联合早报网》(2006年1月1日至2007年12月31日“早报新闻全搜索”)上已经无法搜索到;10%的词语已经进入到《现代汉语词典》(第5版)中,融于中国普通话之中。我们对该词典中我们所定义的“新加坡特有词语”,以及在此基础上我们所新补的“新加坡特有词语”进行研究,归纳出新加坡特有词语所呈现的“绝大多数为多音节的名词、并源于英语直接意译、随着新加坡社会发展变化而不断更新变化”的特点,并且这一特点在今后相当长一段时间将会一直存在下去。第六章,新加坡华语与中国普通话同形异义词语研究。我们在对以往文献中所研究的新中同形异义词语以新中最新语料进行再考察,并结合我们新补的新中同形异义词语进行全面整合和研究。我们将这些新中同形异义词语分为以下三大类并以词典的方式进行比较研究:(1)同形完全异义词语;(2)同形部分异义词语;(3)同形异色词语。然后我们再将这些词语做数量和比例上的统计与分析,以研究新中同形异义词语的差异程度和产生的原因。我们认为新中同形异义词语的形成,主要由于词语构词语素的影响、方言借词的影响、英语迁移和翻译选词的影响、新中语言接触间断的影响、词语全面学习不足的影响、缺乏华语口语基础影响以及语言规范机制缺乏的影响所致。第七章,新加坡华语与中国普通话异形同义词语的研究。我们选取了对新中异形同义词语进行广泛和系统研究的文献,以新中最新语料对专家学者所研究的新中异形同义词语进行再考察并结合我们所新补的新中异形同义词语,按照以下三种情况进行整合及研究:(1)新中构词语素完全不同的异形同义词语研究;(2)新中构词语素部分相同的异形同义词语研究:(3)中国普通话中没有词语对应的词语研究。我们在这三类词语之下又细分成名词、动词、形容词及固定短语进行研究。研究表明在我们所研究的新中异形同义词语中名词所占比例最大,其次依次为动词、形容词和固定短语。在新中异形同义词语的影响因素中,所占影响因素比例最大的是方言,其次依次为造词、英语、旧词、马来语等因素的影响。随着新中两国日益频繁的往来,我们认为新中异形同义词语中趋同多于趋异,而在今后影响新中异形同义词语形成因素将主要是英语和造词因素。第八、九章是本论文的应用研究部分。第八章,新加坡华语词语规范与协调研究。所谓规范是指对一种语言在一个国家或地区范围内的使用所进行的归纳整理和制定规则;协调是指通过一定的方式增进同一种语言系统在不同区域之间的沟通和理解。我们认为规范和协调是互相影响的,规范是协调的基础,而协调作为规范的参照和坐标,协调过程促进规范的不断完善。新加坡华语与中国普通话虽是平等的主体,但新加坡华语与中国普通话所采取的协调方式不同,新加坡华语的规范过程也是协调过程。为了确立新加坡华语的定位和词汇系统、增进新加坡华语和中国普通话的沟通和理解、有助于新加坡学子更好地学好华语,新加坡华语词语亟待进行规范和协调。为此,我们所主张的原则是:1、求同存异,异中求达;2、平等共处,互惠双赢;3、确定主体,体现多样;4、约定俗成,循序渐进;5、规则从严,态度从宽:6、与时俱进,稳中有动。在这样的原则指导下,我们认为对新加坡华语词语的规范和协调可从设立专业的新加坡华语规范研究机构、建立新加坡华语动态语料库、研究新加坡华语与中国普通话词语差异与协调、编撰《新加坡华语词典》、媒体率先重视词语的规范、华文教育界以新加坡华语规范词语教学、积极广泛地推广中国汉语水平考试等七个主要方面进行思考和探讨。第九章,新加坡华文教学中词语教学研究。我们首先通过对新加坡华文教学目标、家庭用语、新加坡华族学生及家长对学习华文的态度确定华语是新加坡华族学生的母语,而且是大多数新加坡华族学生的第一语言。但是由于新加坡华语在语言地位规划和学校教学地位中属于第二语文,所以我们认为新加坡华文教学的性质应当是:华语作为母语,并且作为多数新加坡华族学生第一语言的第二语文教学。通过对新加坡中学生报考HSK的成绩以及新加坡中小学华文课本字词与HSK字词表进行的研究,我们认为以语素为华文教学基本单位是对目前新加坡华文教学以字为教学基本单位的完善。我们从“教什么”、“什么时候教”“怎样教”的三个角度研究新加坡华文教学中词语教学存在的问题,包括(1)教学词语与生活用词严重脱节,影响了学生的学以致用和学习兴趣;(2)词语教学安排上缺乏对学生学习认知能力和字词常用性的考量(3)词语教学法单调和呆板。为此我们建议新加坡华文教学中的词语教学改革路向包括(1)建立动态的新加坡华语语料库,以此为基础编制教学词表和字表,依据字词表编写教材和编纂《新加坡华语教学词典》;(2)研究词表和字表中字词的频率和覆盖率以及新加坡中小学生学习掌握华文字词的认知能力和使用能力,以确定字词教学的等级;(3)在重视语素教学法的同时,将资讯科技应用于词语教学法中,并与媒体合作开辟华文教学中词语教学的第二课堂,从而使华文教学中词语教学法更丰富、生动及卓有成效。第十章,结语。总结论文主要内容和今后将继续研究的相关课题。

【Abstract】 This thesis researched on the Singapore Chinese words and expressions based on the comparisons between Singapore Chinese words and expressions and China standard spoken Chinese words and expressions. It is divided into three major parts: Background Information and Research, Core Research and Applied Research.The thesis comprises 10 Chapters and approximately 170,000 wordsChapter 1: INTRODUCTION. Mainly elaborated on the origin and significance of this research; definition and positioning of the Singapore Chinese language; research scope; research methodology and sources of language materials; etc.We believed that the ethnic Chinese in Singapore relied on China Chinese standard spoken Chinese as the core standard for its language. It inherited the China standard spoken Chinese and possessed the same prominent language status. This thesis took the most recent of the Singapore’s Chinese language and the China’s Chinese standard spoken Chinese language materials as the research basis to carry out a comprehensive and systematically research on the Singapore Chinese words and expressions. Using the practical language we can demonstrate the differences, research into the words structure, principles and meaning to look into possible new approaches to teach the Chinese language.Chapter 2: SUMMARY. Reorganized former researches on Singapore Chinese words which included mainly four aspects: its characteristics, the unique words, comparisons with the China Chinese standard spoken Chinese words and the expressions standard research.Looking at the past research systems, the comparisons were incomplete and the concepts were unclear. For the research on individual words and expressions, it did not follow up with changes in the words and expressions development. At the same time, it lacked the comprehensive research into the standards and coordination and related words and expressions for use in teaching.Chapters 3 & 4: Background information and material researchChapter 3: RESEARCH ON SINGAPORE’S SOCIETY AND LANGUAGE. Main focused is on the research for changes and development in Singapore Chinese words and expressions that relates to Singapore society and language. For more than 100 years, Singapore has been a multi-racial society with Chinese being the major ethnic group. After independence in 1965, the English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil languages became the four official languages. In the 70’s, English language overtook the Malay language to become the country’s administrative language. Similarly in the education scene, the 4-language model: Chinese, English, Chinese, Malay, has ended up using English as the main teaching medium language and first language and the other languages than became the mother tongues and compulsory second languages for the respective ethnic groups. The Singapore Government has placed much importance in the Chinese teaching. Since the 90’s there were 3 significant revamps in the Chinese education programme. In order to help students to learn better Chinese, to make Chinese language become the common language amongst the Chinese social group and to strengthen the Singapore Chinese cohesiveness, the Singapore Government started the "Speak Mandarin Campaign" from 1979 which 10 years to encourage the usage of Mandarin at home instead of dialects. However the English language - being the administration language and high international acceptance - took a rapid growth as a home-speaking language. Over at the mass media, English newspapers and Chinese television programmes were both just as popular. The Chinese broadcasting station is slightly more popular than the English stations, but the English movies are still much preferred.Chapter 4: RESEARCH ON COMPARISON OF VOCABULARY IN SINGAPORE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS TEXTBOOKS WITH HSK VOCABULARY LIST. When comparing the difference, we discovered there were 53.43% vocabularies in the Singapore Secondary and Primary Schools textbooks that were found in the HSK Vocabulary List, and 53.43% vocabularies in the HSK Vocabulary List found in the Singapore Secondary and Primary Schools textbook. Therefore we analyzed the vocabularies that are common and unique to HSK and the textbooks to provide research materials for teaching purposes. Also through a system of comparison and analysis with the new Chinese vocabularies we were able to give a more complete research materials and basis in the following chapters.Chapters 5 & 6 are the core of this thesis’s research.Chapter 5: RESEARCH INTO SINGAPORE UNIQUE VOCABULARIES. The formation and definition of "unique words" and "Singapore unique words". "Singapore unique words and expressions" reflect and express objects and concepts in Singapore’s society, largely within the country’s usage. It is made up of 2 parts: (1) words and expressions that reflect unique objects or concept in Singapore; (2) words and expressions that are representative or frequently used. Comparing these words with China standard words, the differences can be classified as "Singapore-China antonym language of the same form" and "Singapore-China synonymy word of different form". Hence the buildup of 3 main words comparison systems: Unique words in Singapore, "Singapore-China antonym language of the same form" and "Singapore-China synonymy word of different form".In this chapter we analyzed the <Singapore Modern Unique Words Dictionary> written by Wang Huidi in 1999. We discovered that 17% of the words in this dictionary were already not in used in LianHe Zaobao from 1/1/2006 to 31/12/2007. 10% of the words have be included in the 5th edition of the <Modern Chinese Dictionary> and blended into China standard words. Using Wang Huidi’s dictionary, we further researched the "Singapore-China antonym language of the same form" and "Singapore-China synonymy word of different form" to confirm the Singapore unique words were transformed from English words and that this trend will certainly continue.Chapter 6: RESEARCH ON SINGAPORE-CHINA ANTONYM LANGUAGE OF THE SAME FORM. To research into 3 main areas: (1) words of the same form with complete antonym (2) words of the same form with partial antonym (3) words of the same form with different tone. We further quantified and analyzed the ratio to find out the reasons and sources of influence: English translation, dialect, incomplete learning process. We believed the formation of SINGAPORE-CHINA ANTONYM LANGUAGE OF THE SAME FORM is due to the influences from: word structure and word quality, infusing dialects into Chinese language, shifting words and translation from English language, temporal break in communication between Singapore and China, insufficient words and expression and learning opportunities, lack of standard oral Chinese, and lack of standards and systems in Chinese language.Chapter 7: RESEARCH ON SINGAPORE-CHINA SYNONYMY WORD OF DIFFERENT FORM. To research into 3 main areas: (1) words of complete synonymy in words quality (2) words of partial synonymy in words quality (3) unmatched china words. Also we classified the words into nouns, verbs, adjectives and fixed short phrases to confirm which of these categories has the biggest proportions and the sources of influence. With increased correspondences between Singapore and china, we felt the "Singapore-China synonymy word of different form" will increased mainly due to influence from English and words formation.Chapters 8 & 9 are the applications of this research thesis.Chapter 8: RESEARCH ON STANDARDS AND COORDINATION ON SINGAPORE CHINESE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS. Language Standards refer to its organsation and set rules usage in a country/area. Language coordination refer to the mutual understandings and communications amongst different geographical areas. We felt that language standards and coordination are closely related as the standards formed the basis of coordination and coordination sets the continuous changes in standards. Singapore Chinese and China Chinese have different coordination methods and their standardization process is also their coordination process.To confirm Singapore Chinese language positioning, its language system, to improve coordination with China standards and ensure effective learning, there is more to be done in the standardization and coordination process. The principles should be: (1) seeks common ground while maintaining difference; (2) ensure equal and win-win status; (3) confirm principle yet allow diversification; (4) consensus and progress; (5) firm rules yet flexible: (6)keeping pace with changes. These principles on standards and coordination of the Chinese language can be used to explore the following 7 areas: set up a professional Chinese language standards and systems research organization; set up a data bank to track changes in Chinese language; research the differences between Singapore and China Chinese language; compile <Singapore Chinese Language Words and Expression Dictionary>; mass media to place importance in standardization of words and expressions; use of standardized Chinese words and expressions in school’s education; promote Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK).Chapter 9: RESEARCH ON TEACHING OF CHINESE WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS IN SINGAPORE. Through educational targets in Chinese language teaching and Chinese language being a home-used language, the students and parents have accepted the Chinese language as the mother tongue for Chinese ethnic’s students and their 1st language. But in the positioning of Chinese language in teaching it is considered 2nd language, hence we felt that the Chinese language should be positioned as a mother tongue and as a 1st language in 2nd language teaching.Through the result of Singapore secondary school students’ enrolment in HSK exam and from the analysis of HSK vocabularies, the teaching of word quality as the basis of Chinese language teaching is more complete than the present single word teaching method.We use "what to teach", "when to teach", "how to teach" to research into the existing problems of Singapore Chinese language teaching which includes: (1)Reaching of unrelated words in social life; (2) teaching of words that are too difficult and low in use frequency; (3)uninteresting teaching methods. Our recommended revamp in teaching the Chinese words and expressions will include: (1)formation of "live" word bank use for teaching, curriculum writing and for compiling a <Singapore Chinese Language Teaching Dictionary>; (2) research and categorize on words usage frequency and coverage and students’ ability to learn and use of words; (3) emphasis on word quality and use of technology in teaching to make teaching interesting, collaborate with the mass media to conduct classes on Chinese words and expressions to make learning more interesting and effective.Chapter 10: CONCLUSION. Conclude the entire thesis and confirm future research topics and directions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】H136
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】2049

