

【作者】 蔡建群

【导师】 苏勇;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 东方管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 通过对国内外已有心理契约研究成果较为深入地分析可以发现,绝大部分学者都在探讨组织与员工(包括组织与管理者)之间的心理契约,但很少有学者去研究管理者与员工之间存在心理契约的可能性及其对员工行为的影响机制。事实上,在中国文化背景下,即使在一些建立了现代企业制度的国有企业,在组织及其制度之外,管理者的个人影响力仍然对员工行为产生着非常重要的影响。本研究采用截面调查方法研究国有企业管理者与员工之间心理契约及其对员工缄默/呼吁行为的影响。主要目的是加深对以下几个问题的理解:管理者与员工之间是否存在心理契约?如果存在,管理者——员工心理契约的结构怎样?管理者与员工之间心理契约的类型对员工的缄默/呼吁行为有何影响?其作用机理如何?是否以领导——成员交换关系(LMX)为中介变量?是否受到员工内在动机和情绪控制力的影响?根据上述研究重点,本研究按照规范的实证研究程序,对研究过程进行了设计。本研究共分为六个部分。第一章是导论部分。主要介绍本研究的背景、意义、研究问题和思路,同时,本研究还对关键术语进行了必要的定义。第二章是研究综述部分。主要对心理契约、员工行为、领导——成员交换关系以及员工内在动机、员工情绪控制力等相关领域的现有研究成果进行了概括性介绍和评述,并对当前研究存在的不足进行了分析。第三章是基本理论与研究假说部分。在进行理论分析的基础上,提出了本研究的9个大假说和42个小假说。第四章是研究方法与过程部分。在进行较为规范的研究设计基础上,本研究分四次进行了预测试,先后共获得511名国有企业员工的有效数据资料。在正式测试中,获得了422名国有企业员工的有效数据资料。研究过程中控制了性别、年龄、教育程度、职位类型、工作变动次数等人口学统计变量。主要选用SPSS13.0统计软件进行统计分析,采用了因素分析、相关分析、方差分析等相结合的统计方法,对翻译与本土化的量表进行了检验。第五章是正式测试结果部分。主要选用SPSS13.0和LISREL8.7统计软件进行统计分析,并以Excd2007为辅助工具,采用了因素分析、相关分析、方差分析、层次回归分析、结构方程模型等相结合的统计方法,根据假说对调查数据进行了假说检验和分析。研究结果显示,管理者与员工之间存在交易型心理契约、关系型心理契约和伦理型心理契约。研究发现,管理者与员工之间的心理契约类型对员工缄默/呼吁行为有显著影响,即交易型心理契约(TPC)与员工顺从型缄默/呼吁行为、防御型缄默/呼吁行为显著正向相关,关系型心理契约(RPC)与员工亲社会型缄默/呼吁行为显著正向相关,伦理型心理契约(EPC)与员工顺从型缄默/呼吁行为、防御型缄默/呼吁行为显著负向相关,与员工亲社会型缄默/呼吁行为显著正向相关。同时,研究还证实了LMX对心理契约类型与员工缄默/呼吁行为之间关系的中介作用。此外,研究还发现,员工的内在动机和情绪控制力对心理契约类型与员工缄默/呼吁行为之间的关系具有调节作用。第六章是讨论部分。主要对研究结果及发现进行了分析、讨论与总结,并就研究结果在提升国有企业管理者领导力、员工职业发展能力以及人力资源管理水平等方面的应用进行了分析与介绍。在介绍创新点之后,本研究重点剖析了存在的局限性,并对未来的研究提出了建议。

【Abstract】 According to the deep analysis of the psychological contract already had in and abroad, itcan be found that most of the scholars are focusing on the psychological contract betweenorganization and employee(manager involved).However there has been seldom scholardoing research on the possibility and influence mechanism of manager-employeepsychological contract(MEPC). In fact, under the Chinese culture, the long tradition of"ruled by human" has been influencing the society so deep which leads to the greatinfluence of MEPC in the state-owned enterprises (SOE).This paper outlines the MEPC and its influence on Silence &Voice in SOE in purpose ofenhancing the understanding of these topics: is there psychological contract betweenmanager and employee? If there is, what is the structure of the MEPC? What is theinfluence mechanism of MEPC? Is the LMX being chosen as the variables? Is the MEPCwill be adjusted by the internal motivation (IM) and the regulation of emotion (ROE)?Here is the research paper in the empirical study procedure with six parts:The first part introduces the background, meaning, topics, way of thinking and thenecessary definition.The second part summaries the research achievements already had in the field ofpsychological contract, employee behavior, LMX, IM and ROE, and also points out theweakness of these achievements.The third part discusses the basic theory and the hypothesis which includes nine mainhypotheses and 42 sub-main hypotheses.The fourth part is talking about the methods and the producers. Four pre-test has beendone on the basis of theoretical analysis that provides efficient data from 511 employeesof SOE. In the formal test later, 422 data obtained. In the research process, some of theanthropological statistics variables such as sex, age, education background, position, andjob change have been controlled. SPSS13.0 statistics software is used to do the analysiswhile the factor analysis, relative analysis, variance analysis also been used to justify thetranslation and the localize scale.The fifth part is the result of the formal test. The tool have been used are Statisticssoftware SPSS13.0 LISREL8.7 and EXCEL2007 while the main methods are factoranalysis, relative analysis, variance analysis, level-regression analysis, structural equationmodeling, doing the investigation test and analysis under the hypothesis. The result shows that there is indeed transactional psychological contract, relational psychological contract and ethical psychological contract between manager and employee. The research finding shows that the type of the MEPC really affects the employee Silence &Voice and LMX is the intermediate factor between the psychological contract type and the employee Silence &Voice. The finding also finds that the IM and ROE could moderate the relationship between the psychological contract type and the employee Silence &Voice.The sixth part is the discussion part, including the analysis, discussion, and summary of the finding result and an introduction to the finding application. After introducing the innovation of the research, we further discuss the limitation of the research and also the suggestion for the research later on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】3685

