

【作者】 韩万圣

【导师】 石源华;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 冷战后,中国的国际制度战略从战略特性上来划分,可分为体系结构性战略和体系进程性战略。这种划分的基础性前提是国际关系理论中国际制度的作用可划分为结构性作用和进程性作用。结构现实主义认为,国际制度是霸权体系的一部分,是霸权体系维持和扩张的工具,是为霸权国家利益服务的。本文将国际制度的这种作用定义为结构性作用。新自由制度主义及建构主义认为,国际制度是用来保护国家间合作的,是为实现共同利益服务的。本文将国际制度的这种作用定义为进程性作用。国际制度战略就是依据如何认同国际制度的这两种作用来进行特性划分的。如果强调对结构性作用的逆向认同,就会选择挑战或改造现行国际制度的战略,表现出体系结构性战略特征:如果强调对进程性作用的正向认同,就会选择维持和维护现行国际制度的战略,表现出体系进程性战略特征。新中国成立后,毛泽东时期中国始终逆向认同国际制度的结构性作用,结果导致其选择对当时以资本主义国家为中心的国际秩序及国际制度发动革命或发起挑战的战略。其后,邓小平时期中国出于改革开放政策和经济发展的必要性考虑,第一次开始正向认同国际制度的进程性作用,结果导致其选择参与国际制度的战略。这种国际制度战略的历史变迁对冷战后的中国依然产生着影响。换言之,就是逆向认同结构性作用的体系结构性战略与正向认同进程性作用的体系进程性战略同时存在于江泽民时期及胡锦涛时期。首先,本文分析了冷战后中国对于全球的国际制度战略。江泽民时期大力推进多极化及建立国际新秩序的体系结构性战略。在前苏联解体导致国际体系发生变革的过程中,美国单一霸权制度开始形成,因此应对霸权政治和强权政治的战略越发重要。在结构性作用的逆向认同下改善现行国际秩序及国际制度不公正、不合理、不公平的民主赤字现状成为中国国际制度战略的核心。胡锦涛时期重点推进建设和谐世界和国际关系民主化的体系进程性战略。进入21世纪后,随着中国逐步实现大国化,国际社会强烈要求中国在国际事务中承担相应责任和义务。此外,在上世纪90年代后始现于国际社会的中国威胁论仍未消失的情况下,中国必须进一步树立其更为和平的国际形象。因此,强调进程性作用的体系进程性战略成为中国国际制度战略的核心。其次,本文分析了冷战后中国对于东亚地区的国际制度战略,包括推动安全领域地区合作的体系结构性战略与推动经贸领域地区合作的体系进程性战略。地区安全合作的目的在于补充和牵制掌握地区内安全秩序主导权的美国及其同盟体系,表现出对国际制度的结构性作用起到牵制作用的体系结构性特征。地区经济合作的目的在于建立地区内市场单一化的自由贸易区,并最终实现地区经济一体化,表现出强调国际制度的进程性作用的典型的体系进程性特征。本文的结论是:冷战后,中国的国际制度战略特征是体系进程性战略与体系结构性战略并存,在今后实现和平发展道路的过程中两者并存必将归于体系进程性战略。

【Abstract】 In the post cold war era, China’s International Institution Strategy has two dimensions. One is a System Structural Strategy and the other is System Process Strategy . These strategies based on the theory that the role of the international institution can be divided into structural role and progressive role.The neo-realists believe the international institution is a part of hegemonic power, is an instrument to maintain or expand hegemonic power and only serves for the benefit of hegemonic state. This paper will define it as "a structural role". However, the neo-liberalists and constructivists insist the international institution should maintain cooperation among the nations and serves for common benefits of whole states. This paper will define it as "a process role".The ways of recognizing these two roles of the international institution make different International Institution Strategy. If a state recognizes negative identity about a structural role, then it will try to challenge or change current international institution and take System Structural Strategy. If a state recognizes positive identity about a process role, then it will try to maintain and preserve current international institution and take System Process Strategy.Since the foundation of New China, because Mao’s time recognized negative identity about a structural role of the international institution, China took System Structural Strategy and had been tried to challenge or revolt the international institution which is builded and ruled by capitalism states. After Mao, because Deng’s time started to take the reform and open policy and pursue economic development, China in this era first recognized positive identity about process role of the international institution and tried to participate in and make use of it.These historical changes of China’s International Institution Strategy still affected China in the post cold war. In other words, the features of System Structural Strategy and System Process Strategy coexist in the Jiang’s time and Hu’s time.First, the summary of International Institution Strategy in the whole world as follows; In Jiang’s time, China’s International Institution Strategy was based on the System Structural Strategy. China tried to introduce new world order and multipolarize the world. The collapse of Soviet Union gave huge changes in the international system. US became a super power and the shape of world order was quickly moved into unipolar system. Thus, it became extremely important to find a countermeasure for upcoming super power. China recognized negative identity about structural role of the international institution. Therefore, it became China’s main strategy to reform existing unfair, unequal and irrational world order and international institution.In Hu’s time, China’s International Institution Strategy was based on the System Process Strategy. China takes the strategies to erect harmony world and democratize international relation. In the 21st century, as China gradually forms a grate state, there is a huge demand that China should take the duty and the responsibility in the international community. Moreover, China has to build peaceful state image because there has been lasting ’China threat theory’ in the international community since 90s. As a result, the System Process Strategy became China’s main International Institution Strategy.Second, there are two different International Institution Strategies in the East Asia; the System Structural Strategy for cooperation of national security and the System Process Strategy for international economic cooperation. The regional cooperation for national security aims to check and balance the US and its ally’s dominant security system in this area. It shows features of system structural strategy that has a restraining influence on hegemonic state. The regional economic cooperation is to form a single huge free trade market in the region, at last realize regional economic integration. It is typical features of system process strategy that emphasize process role in the international institution.In conclusion, in the post cold war era, China’s International Institution Strategy has both System Structural Strategy and System Process Strategy. However, these two strategies may be resulted in System Process Strategy afterward because China has to go under the progress of peaceful development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】D829
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】764

