

【作者】 卡丽娜

【导师】 李熙宗;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 词汇学作为一门关于语言词汇的学科,研究语言的词汇及其基本单位——词。就语言的科学、技术以及实用功能分析而言,词汇学是一个完整的体系,懂得这一点特别重要。语言对比研究是现代语言学最有趣的领域之一。这是对各种语言世界图景的认识,而语言世界图景是人们对反映各民族特色的不可重复的语言文化的感知。“每一种语言都是一个教堂,其中珍藏着讲该种语言者的灵魂”(霍尔姆斯)。语言的这个本质,使得语言学特别是对比语言学吸引着许多学科专家的注意。对比语言学的科学基础源于18世纪末19世纪初,当时发现了历史比较法,语言学也作为独立学科形成。历史比较语言学形成的同时,也打下了共时对比语言学研究的基础。根据具体研究对象,现代对比语言学开始分成若干部分,在可预见的将来它们应该会有长足的发展。除了在其他领域占有主要地位的对比语法学,前景看好的还有对比词汇学、对比音位学、对比语义学和对比成语学。现代语言学里有一个被称作“对比语言学”的独立领域,其中包括本文研究的对比词汇学。本文将有助于乌克兰和中国语言学者,也有助于将汉语或乌克兰语作为外语学习的大学生。对比词汇学首先能丰富词汇学和语义学本身,因为以其他语言作为镜子分析词的语义结构,有助于更深刻地理解支配词汇语义的一般规律,确切地感受词的语义结构中每个义素乃至整个词汇系统的意义。对比研究方法不仅对提高教学(此处指各种语言的词汇教学)效率有明显的实际意义,而且也有益于完善词典学基础知识,进而有益于双语(多语)词典学知识教学。对语言进行的任何对比最终都会确定三个特性,即普遍的、相似的和特有的。本文首次尝试对乌克兰语和汉语词汇进行对比分析。目前该两种语言中每一种都有和其他语言(英、法、俄语等)词汇的对比研究,但是还没有乌克兰语和汉语的词汇对比研究,因此可以说,本文的大多数问题第一次被研究。本论文从对比方面来研究以下基本问题:词汇对比学的形成与发展,词汇对比对象,词汇对比,词汇对比与翻译等。为了更深入地了解两种语言的词汇历史,除了对乌、汉语言作以简介,还探讨了语义和语音差异,构词,外来词,新词的相同与差异。语言的对比研究拓宽了语言学狭窄的学术兴趣范围,将其带出了几乎在整个20世纪阻挡语言学的自我中心框框,打开了研究语言和文化、语言和民族意识的相互关系这类人文问题的天地。本文首要任务之一是成为解决语言学问题的一个独特指引,同时有助于提高将汉语或乌克兰语作为外语学习者的文化能力。理论观点附有实际例子。希望本文不仅有助于语言学者,还有助于其他领域涉及语言对比研究问题的专家。

【Abstract】 Lexicology studies relate their subject mainly to the lexicon of language and to the word as its basic constituent. Understanding of lexicology as a complete system is essential to scientific, as well as to practical analysis of the functioning of a language.Comparative study of languages is one of the most attractive spheres of contemporary linguistics. It gives us (knowledge about) different language pictures of the surrounding world, unique language cultures, and national peculiarities related to perceiving of our living environment. As Oliver Wendell Holmes points out,《Every language is a temple in which the soul of those who speak it is enshrined》.Due to this essential function of the language, linguistic studies, and comparative linguistics in particular, attract the attention of a number of scientists working in different spheres. Formation of the scientific basis of comparative linguistics is referred to the end of the XVIII - beg. XIX cc, when linguistic studies evolved into a separate science due to the discovery of the comparative historical method. Together with the formation of the comparative historical linguistics, basis was created for the development of comparative analysis of languages. Contemporary comparative linguistic studies diverged into different disciplines according to their subjects of study, and today all of them are on their way to substantial progress and development. Apart from contrastive grammar, which occupies a leading place among the rest of the disciplines, contrastive lexicology, phonology, semasiology and phraseology as well are facing broad perspectives.Contemporary linguistic studies have their own sphere of research which is known under the name of contrastive (or comparative) linguistics. Part of this sphere is comparative (or contrastive) lexicology, which comes as the main subject of this thesis.Comparative lexicology contributes in the first place to the studies of lexicology themselves, as well as to those of semasiology, as the analysis of the way words and their semantic structure are reflected in other languages helps us to understand better the common laws which rule lexical semantics, and to feel the full importance of every component of the semantic structure of a word, and of the lexical system as a whole. The practical importance of contrastive language analysis for increasing of the effectiveness in teaching of foreign language lexis is also more then obvious.Any language analysis has as a result the determining of three basic groups of characteristics: common, similar, and different. This thesis is the first attempt for carrying out a comparative analysis of the lexis of Ukraine and Chinese languages. As, up to the present moment, there have only been made comparative analyses of these two languages with third languages (English, French, Russian, etc.), we can say that this thesis refers to a lot of questions for a first time.This work analyses in terms of comparison a series of basic topics, such as history of development and formation of comparative lexicology, the subject of comparative lexicology, the relations between comparative lexicology and translatology.In order to illustrate the process of formation of the lexis of the two languages, there are also included brief characteristics of their history, as well as information on some semantic phonetic differences, similarities and dissimilarities in word formation, borrowed lexis, neologisms, and some other lexicological aspects.One of the major tasks of this work is to become a guide to solving of certain linguistic problems, while at the same time increasing the level of competence of those who study Chinese, or Ukrainian as a foreign language. The theoretical explanations are supported by practical examples.Comparative study of languages is the sphere of linguistics which oversteps the merely scientific interests of linguistic studies, brings them across the borders of the existence《within itself and for itself》which have been constraining linguistics during almost the whole XX century, and opens broader horizons for research on a range of important problems: relations between language and culture, between language and national identity.I would like to hope, that this work will be useful not only for the linguists, but as well as for the experts in other fields, who are coming cross with the problems of comparable learning of languages in different aspects.

【关键词】 词汇对比语言学外来词新词乌克兰语
【Key words】 lexicologyvocabularycomparative studylanguage
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】H03
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】579

