

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 王水照;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 中国古代文学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为历史上罕见的高产诗人,陆游(1125-1210)在其身后不仅留下了近万首诗作,也留给我们八百余年绵延悠久的接受史。他的作品受到宋元以来历代读者的喜爱,对《剑南诗稿》全集的整理、选集的编辑、作品的批评、创作的模仿……构成了一系列丰富多彩的陆诗接受史画卷。对陆游作品的编选、流传、阅读、评价史进行研究,将有助于探索不同时代读者的审美活动和审美经验,揭示陆游诗作在不同时代读者中产生的影响,反思今天我们对于陆游的想象和关于陆诗的常识,从而更深入地探索和揭示陆诗的艺术价值所在。本文深受接受美学思想的启发,立足于审视、梳理曾经与社会史、政治话语、意识形态、庸俗社会学观点深深纠缠的近百年的陆游研究以及八百年来的陆诗阅读活动:通过中世纪诗歌选本的产生、复制、流传、消亡和选目的增减、聚散考察中世纪陆诗传播的深度、广度和特点;通过明清“绅士”读者的阅读活动揭示陆诗对于中世纪读者的价值所在,对近代以前的陆游隐士、“清客”形象作出解释;通过近代、民国社会思潮、伟人巨匠的影响揭示近代以来陆游志士、战士形象的确立过程及其动因;通过追溯“文学史”对陆游其人其诗的陈述话语的形成过程,反思近代社会环境下确立起来关于陆游、陆诗的常识;通过民国间出版的各种诗话中的陆诗评价观察激变的社会环境下具有传统修养和阅读习惯的读者对于陆游、陆诗的新旧错杂的观点和态度。

【Abstract】 Crowned as a prolific poet rarely incomparable in history,Luyou(1125-1210) left to us not only an immense legacy of nearly ten thousand poems,but also an 800-year-long history of acceptance.His works were favored by readers traced back to as far as the Song and Yuan Dynasties.Their arrangement of the whole collection of Jian’nan Poem Manuscript,compilation of the selected works,criticism of the works and imitation of composition,formed a series of diverse and magnificent scene of acceptance history of Luyou’s poems.A research on the history of selecting,editing, circulating,reading and evaluating Luyou’s works,will contribute to exploring aesthetic activities and experiences of readers at different times,revealing the influence of Luyou’s poems upon readers at different times,and reflecting on our imagination about Luyou and on common sense about Luyou’s poems,so as to further reach out and make clear the artistic value of Luyou’s poems.Deeply inspired by aesthetic ideas,this dissertation sets its foot on reviewing and combing nearly 100-year-old studies on Luyou and over 800-year-long reading activities on Luyou’s poems,which were ever deeply tangled with the views of social history,political terminology,ideology and vulgar sociology:to concentrate on investigation of spread width,depth and features of Luyou’s poems in the Middle Ages from the perspectives of production,duplication,circulation and extinction of poem collections,and addition and deletion,merge and separation of selected works in the Middle Ages;to reveal the value of Luyou’s poems for readers in the Middle Ages through the reading activities of "noble scholar" readers,and account for the images of recluses and hermits in the Luyou’s style emerging prior to the premodern period;to explore the establishment process and its motivation of the images of warriors and patriots following the example of Luyou from the influences of social ideology and great people in the premodern and the Republic of China(1912-1949) times;to reflect on the common sense about Luyou and his poems established in the social environment of premodern times by dating the "literary history" back to the formation process of comments made about Luyou and his poems;to observe the opinions and attitudes towards Luyou and his poems mingling the old with the new ones taken by readers with traditional behaviors and reading habits under the radical social circumstances,by utilizing the evaluations on Luyou’s poems in various poetry talks published during the Republic of China times.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】953

