

【作者】 马汇莹

【导师】 童兵;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 1997年香港回归以来,在一国两制的政治框架下,香港与内地的交往越来越密切。两地社会制度不同,大众传媒的性质、角色和功能也不尽相同,都存在着如何应对对方冲击的问题。这种交流和互动独具特色,是跨境传播研究的一个新领域,有助于理解不同社会如何应对外来文化的冲击。本文主要讨论的是内地大众传媒系统如何应对香港因素的冲击。十年来,这种冲击已经变得更为频繁、直接、有力。研究发现,中央政府改变了部分新闻传播政策,香港因素是促使这些变化发生的重要压力来源之一。这些变化意味着传媒开放的边界不断被推进。但香港方面较为主动,中央政府较为被动。这些政策有时缺乏稳定,显示出政府对新闻开放欲进又退的矛盾心态。地方政府的应对策略具有不均衡的特点,因时、因地、因人而异。并不是经济越发达,就必然会越开放。这取决于当地领导人的思想,也取决于中央政府是否介入以及介入的程度。内地传媒组织与香港传媒的正式合作刚刚起步。但在新闻观念、管理规则、实践业务方面均明显受到香港传媒的影响,广东电视是最明显的例子。风凰卫视是一国两制制度最明显的受益者,它给内地传媒带来竞争压力同时也推动新闻改革。由于政策保护,两地传媒真正的竞争还远未开始。

【Abstract】 Interactions between Hong Kong and China’s mainland have been intensifying since they were reunited under the scheme of "one country, two systems" in 1997. As the roles performed by the mass media in capitalist Hong Kong and socialist China’s mainland are so different that they sometimes clash with one another, making it necessary for them to make mutual adjustments. This unprecedented situation has opened up a new form of transborder communication for research which serves to add to our understanding of how cultures influence one another. This dissertation studies how the mass media system in China’s mainland responds to the Hong Kong media, whose impact has been increasing over the last ten years.Through interviews with journalists and documentation analysis, I have arrived at the following conclusions: Firstly, the Chinese central government has changed some policies to accommodate the pressures from within and without, an important source of which is Hong Kong. The policies are unstable though, reflecting the government’s inconsistence. During the course of Sino-Hong Kong exchanges, China’s mainland is passive while Hong Kong is active. Overall, the interactions between these two regions have given impetus to the opening up of the Chinese media system. Secondly, the responses of the local government of China vary with the situations and are not balanced. It is not necessarily true that the economically prosperous regions will embrace Hong Kong’s influence with open arms. Their responses are determined largely by the mindsets of the local leaders and whether the central government is intervening. Thirdly, the media groups in China’s mainland and in Hong Kong co-operate occasionally in the last decade. Hong Kong media have their impacts felt in China’s mainland in various areas, notably in the form of media professionalism, administrative rules and journalistic practices, as exemplified by the reforms made at Guangdong TV. Although it is far from reality that media from Hong Kong and China’s mainland are having direct competition, Phoenix TV, a Hong Kong-based station exploiting the scheme of "one country, two systems," is a positive force for television reforms in China’s mainland.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G206.3
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2348

