

Philosophical Diagnoses and Care for the Present

【作者】 储诚喜

【导师】 莫伟民;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 外国哲学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 福柯确信政治与哲学的关系乃永恒而根本的关系。一旦人们置身于古希腊哲学的自身关切史,哲学与政治的这种关系即变得显而易见。“权力”,据此乃福柯重点拷问对象,但并非其根本关切;“权力分析”,乃福柯政治哲学重要组成部分及拷问路径,但并非其终极归宿。福柯的政治哲学乃“特别想拷问政治”的哲学。福柯这种对政治的拷问,一如历史和政治领域的质询一样,旨在使先前诸多未曾意识到的问题,得以袒露出来。福柯认为他所努力拷问的这些问题并非由某一预设性的政治景观所决定,而且并非趋向于实现某一明确的政治方案。换言之,福柯政治哲学所关切的,是且始终是“当下”,是“生活”,是我们自身的当下历史生活。对福柯而言,真正重要的政治哲学问题,是且始终是:人们能否逾越权力关系,能否在权力关系之外生活?福柯据此而由人文思入社会,由“他者”思入“自身”,由政治思入伦理。福柯“特别想拷问政治”的政治哲学思想归宿,据此由“在世之在”的“权力关系”此一无名“他者”和异己存在,通向“关切自身”的“自身本体论”及“生存的美学”;由“我们自身的当下历史存在论”通向“作为生活方式的友爱”的“友爱政治学”及“友爱共同体”。由此,福柯政治哲学拷问最终呈现出一种“伦理学的姿态”;福柯政治哲学思想形态最终演进为一种“作为伦理学的政治学”。最终更令福柯感兴趣的,乃是我们自身的当下生存或曰道德伦理,而非提出一套总体性宏大政治方案。与提出一套总体化宏大政治方案相比,福柯更乐于尽可能地敞开从后面通抵政治学并切入社会的具体而普遍的问题。对福柯而言,关涉我们当下生存的当务之急的问题,并非某一纯粹政治学问题,而是如何将伦理学—认识论与政治学通贯一体,从而帮助人们在各自领域为争取合法权益而从事积极抗争。因而,福柯政治哲学所注重的,乃是如何将理论与实践、思想和行为在某一伦理学意义上链接起来,这种伦理学,就其实际效果而言却又是政治性的。此即福柯“作为伦理学的政治学”之政治哲学根本思想意旨。“博学”的福柯,因此深谙“扬弃”之道;扬弃性,乃福柯政治哲学思想一大特性。福柯政治哲学思想拷问,其或隐或显的“对话人”,极为繁多;很难说哪种既往政治思想乃福柯“宗师”。但某些既往思想家与福柯理论渊源颇深,对其产生巨大影响;特别是尼采、马克思以及诸多古希腊思想家。福柯,并非一味反传统的虚无主义者,亦非乌托邦主义者,更非“无政府主义者”。倡导“作为生活方式的友爱”及“友爱共同体”的福柯,从来不认为人们能在权力关系及政治共同体之外生活。氤氲于福柯心怀的问题是:在一个无神且无人的空旷之地,何以安身,何以立命?尽管福柯早早撒手尘寰从而留下诸多未竟之思,但福柯依然隐隐给我们指明远方一片精神沃土,亦即借由人人通过自身关切自身,由此而建构出某一“作为生活方式”的“友爱共同体”;而这一“友爱共同体”之构想,决非“小国寡民,鸡犬相闻,民至老死不相往来”的无政府主义乌托邦。换言之,福柯政治哲学思想,“有破有立”。对福柯而言,“破”是手段,“立”是目的;“破”是“立”的前提。对福柯而言,哲学与生活,密不可分;哲学,特别是政治哲学,理应是“作为生活的哲学”和“哲学生活”,是积极介入当下生存的切身行为,而非“闭门造车”的学院事务与沉思生活。总之,福柯最终逾越无名的力量关系与微观的权力分析,致使力量关系不再仅仅是力量与力量之间的匿名性关系,而是力量与自身之间的张力性关系。因此,福柯政治哲学,就其哲学诊断与当下关切而言,乃作为医学的哲学,或曰,作为哲学的医学。最后,通过对福柯政治哲学思想所做研究,我们得出一个基本结论:福柯政治哲学,不仅是“反抗的政治学”,而且是“和解的政治学”;不仅是“冲突的政治学”,而且是“友爱的政治学”;不仅是“解构的政治学”,而且是“重构的政治学”。

【Abstract】 Foucault believes that the the relationship between philosophy and politics is permanent and fundamental.If one takes the history of the care of the self in Greek philosophy,the relationship with politics is obvious.So,’power’/’pouvoir’,is that Foucault wants to question,but not the fundamental care of Foucault’ thoughts.The analysis of power is the the way of Foucault’ questioning,but not the end of Foucault’ political thoughts.Foucault’ political philosophy is the type of philosophy that Foucault claims that he has especially wanted to question politics,and to bring to light in the political field,as in the field of historical and philosophical interrogation. some problems that had not been recognized there before.He means that the questions he has been to ask are not determined by a preestablished outlook and do not tend the realization of some definite political project.In other words,the care of Foucault’ political interrogation is always ’the present’,’the life’,and the life of the present,and the life of ourselves of the history of the prsent.So,for Foucault,the really important question is always whether one could go beyond the relations of power and live in the outside of them.Therefore,the way of political thoughts of Foucault has been changed from’humanism’to’post- humanism’,from’autre/others’to’soi / the self’,from’politics’to’ethics’.The end of political philosophy of Foucault has been turned, from power relations that are always the others of the life of ourselves and opposite to our life, to the ontology of ourselves of the history of the present,to ’arts of life’(’les arts de l’existence’),’the aesthetics of existence’(l’esthetique de l’ existence).In other words,the final political philosophy of Foucault has been turned into politics of friendship(politiques de l’amitie)and the community of friendship as a way of life.Thereby,Foucault’political attitude is ethical and Foucault’ political philosophy is,in any case,politics as an ethics.Foucault would more or less agree with the idea that in fact what interests him is much more morals than politics,more the care of the self of ourselves than presenting an overall political theory.In fact,Foucault believes precisely that the forms of totalization offered by politics are always very limited.Thereby,Foucault has been attemping,to the contrary,apart from any totalization-which would be at once abstract and limiting-to open up problems that are as concrete and general as possible,problems that approach politics from behind and cut across soceities on the diagonal,problems that at once constituents of our history of the present.In other words,the way of Foucault’ questioning politics has been necessary to try to raise these problems both as present questions and as historical ones,as moral,epistemological,and political problems.Foucault believes that by asking this sort of ethico-epistemologico-political question,the interaction between theory and practice and the linking between thinking and acting,are connected in an ethical sense,but the result has to be called political.This is the aim of Foucault’s thoughts of his political philosophy.As is known to all,Foucault is learned and versatile.He has had extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.At the same time,Foucault is proficient in "Aufheben’.For Foucault,his ’interlocutors’ are various and diverse,so,we can not say one of thinkers in ancient or modern times is his model or ancestor.At the same time,many earlier thinkers and elder philosophers have important and permenent effect on him,especially Nietzsche,Marx,and ancitent Greek philosophers,etc.We cannot say that Foucault is a nihilist that merely clings obstinately to his course of anti-traditionalism.At the same time,we cannot say Foucault is a utopian,and finally,we cannot say Foucault is an anarchist.Foucault advocates friendship as a way of life and the community of friendship,and it proves that Foucault does not believes one can live in the outside of political community.Simutaneously,the problem that shows clearly in his words or manner and hovers in his mind is that we can live in the world that ’God’ and ’Man’ have been dead and disapeared by ’le souci de soi’(’the care of the self’).In other words,Foucault’s political philosophy not only trys to destory the old,but also to establish the new.For Foucault’ philosophical thoughts,philosophy and life are inseparable and firmly connected,especially his political philosophical thoughts.For Foucault,philosophy is a ’philosophy-as-life’,and life is a tpye of ’philosophical life’,especially his political philosophy and his action to question politics.Ultimately,Foucault surpasses pure relationship of power and turns anonymous relationship between power and power into tensional relationship between power and the self.For Foucault’s philosophical diagnoses of the times and his care for the present,Foucault’s political philosophy is a type of ’medical’ philosophy.In conclusions,Foucault’s political philosophy is not only a type of politics that aims to revolt,but also a type of politics that aims to become reconciled with the self and the community.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】D09-02
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】841

