

【作者】 徐晓冬

【导师】 黄颂杰;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 宗教学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 以希伯莱圣经为文本的宗教学说中,伦理神学必然占有一个重要的地位。这里伦理神学中所说的神学是从词源的角度进行定义的神学,而非基督宗教意义上的神学。神学一词theology,正是由theos和logos合成的,意即“关于神的道理、学说”。斐洛的伦理神学是斐洛全部思想的落脚点,它从对犹太教神的信仰和人类理性的角度出发,去研究人达成信仰时所遵循的一些原则。这些原则在斐洛那里是从神获得确信与合法地位的,顺承了自犹太教发轫的自然律传统,但到了斐洛的时代,受到希腊化的影响,只有对其重新加以阐释才能满足希腊化犹太人的宗教诉求。顺应这个要求,斐洛以犹太一神教为宗教思想基础,以希腊哲学的理性概念的思辨作为形而上学基础,以寓意阐释法作为方法论基础,在论述中始终强调道德诫律重要性,由此重新建构了伦理神学。自然律乃是斐洛整个思想体系中的核心观念。通过对希腊哲学中斯多亚学派和柏拉图主义理论的辩证吸收,斐洛将世界的创造者和立法者的超越的神的理念加以转化,完成了为自然律理论寻找超越背景的任务。通过把自己对犹太教传统意义上对神的理解变得更为抽象和思辨,将神的存在本身与神的创造分开,从而造成一个存在意义上的神与功能化的神即逻各斯,将自然律理论定义为神创造宇宙时先于宇宙的逻各斯在自然秩序范围内的体现,使得自然律概念与希伯莱《圣经》中神圣创世和神的诫命以及对逻各斯的信仰协调起来。这个步骤的完成只是奠定了斐洛伦理神学中最重要的理论根基问题。无论是基于犹太教的传统,还是斐洛理论的落脚点,最终都要落实到伦理实践中,运用到在现实生活中对犹太教伦理本质的保护和传承中去。犹太教中对神本质持有这样一种观念:认识神和获得拯救就是在生活中按照神的命令行事,认识神和获得拯救不再是追求某种超验的东西和知识,而是现世的伦理行为。通过德性的生活,每个信仰者都可以塑造自身的宗教存在。每个个体都具有了自由渴求神、爱神的权利。在先知的话语中,认识神与行公义就成为同一种东西,神所言即诫律。在此基础上建立起来的宗教与伦理生活相结合的方式使得犹太人用现实性的方式解决了朝向上帝的超现实的问题,确定了人在万能上帝面前的尊严,建立了在人人平等基础上的对人性的尊重,建构了自己的宗教生命和生活的意义。斐洛的伦理神学涉及很多问题,主要有这么几个:斐洛伦理神学中包含的希腊伦理内容、神权与人类自由、神秘主义方法的产生、伦理神学目标的实现依靠的一种神秘主义体验、肉体与灵魂的关系、律法以及斐洛理想伦理典范摩西。经过斐洛的论证,自然律理论带上了希腊和希伯莱的双重色彩,具备了联结超越与内在,神与人,宗教与生活的中介性质。将对神的追求与按照自然律的要求生活的合一,使得对超越的追求有了现实的着手点。斐洛的理论落脚于伦理,最终完成了从希腊式的论证向希伯莱宗教本位的回归,凸现了斐洛作为一个犹太人的精神实质。

【Abstract】 The ethical theology occupies an important situation in the religious theory that based on the Hebrew Bible. The "ethical theology" that we talk about is defined according to the origin of the word, while not the definition of the word in Christianity. "Theology" is composed of "theos" and "logos" which means the theory or the principles of the gods. Philo’s ethical theology is the basement of his whole theory, and it starts off the faith of the God of the Judaism and the human reason in order to find the principles of how to practice the faith. These principles attain the assurance and the legitimacy from the God that follows the traditions of the natural law in the Judaism. At the time of Philo, because of the strong influence of Greek culture, the Hebrew Bible must be explained under the new historical background or it couldn’t be understood for the Jew of Alexandria.In order to finish the historical task, Philo constructed his own ethical theology that based on the Judaism, the Greek philosophy, allegorical method and his scriptural presuppositions. In his whole ethical theology Philo insisted the Hebraic moral commandments.The natural law is the core of Philo’s theory. By studying the theory of Stoic and Platonism, he assimilated the concepts of Creator and transcend legislator into his own theory, and found the transcend background of the natural law. He changed the traditional understanding of the concept of God much abstract and logical, and he separated the existing of God and the function of God. Then he defined the natural law as the appearance of logos that exists before the creation of the world, which harmonized the natural law, the faith of logos and the commandments in the Hebrew Bible.This step is only the basement of Philo’s ethical theology. He has to carry out his theory to the ethical practice, and he must use his theory to protect the essence of Judaism.The Jew believes that: the redemption doesn’t mean the chasing of the knowledge of God, but means the practice of the God’s commandments in everyday life. Through his moral life, every believer can create his own existing in the religion. Each one has the right to love God. In the prophetic words, the knowing and the behavior became one thing. What the God said is commandment. The way of thinking combined the religion and life together. The Jew uses a practical way to resolve the transcend problem, and assure the dignity on the face of the omnipotent God.Philo’s ethical is concerned of a lot of questions, and here we only talk about several much important. For example, the Greek context contained in Philo’s ethical theology, the divine rights and the human responsibility, the method of mysticism, the experience of mysticism, the relationship of the body and the mind.Through the argument of Philo, the theory of natural law got the color of Hellenism and Judaism. The works of Philo of Alexandria constitute the earliest extensive body of writings in which appears a conscious effort to harmonize and to merge the traditions of Greek philosophy and of Biblical religion.

【关键词】 伦理神学自然律逻格斯
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 07期
  • 【分类号】B978
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】271

