

【作者】 王彦智

【导师】 胡令远;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 与全世界都在思考“中国问题”同步,作为一个有着几千年从未中断过的文明发展史的国家、一个已经深深地融入国际社会之中且迅速崛起的大国,中国也必须思考整个“世界问题”。新世纪之初,中国在对本国传统文化之精髓——和谐理念及其历史实践,特别是新中国成立以来所提出的各项外交新主张进行了总结,同时也借鉴包括西方自由民主理念在内的所有人类文明成果,以及对当代中国及国际社会存在的问题与未来发展等进行缜密思考的基础上,提出了和谐世界的外交理念。这反映了面对新的世界形势和国际格局,一个有着深厚文化底蕴、迅速发展且有着宏伟抱负的大国,开始有意识地建构与展示自己对“世界问题”的根本理念、做负责任大国的形象;反映了中国对建立在和平与安全、发展与进步、公平与正义、人与自然的和谐等价值基础上的国际政治经济秩序的不懈追求。质言之,它集中反映了中国对实现人类持久和平与共同繁荣的良好愿景及自身地位与使命的自觉。我国在宣示与实践和谐世界理念的过程中,必然要面对以下两个问题。首先是如何看待和谐世界理念与西方自由民主理念之间的关系,以及怎样使西方国家逐渐理解、信服和认同和谐世界理念的问题。对此,本论文通过对以上两个分属东西方文明的理念之思想渊源进行了系统的梳理后认为,和谐世界理念与自由民主理念都是人类这一“天生的政治动物”对“善”的共同体生活的理解和不懈追求之反映。和谐世界理念为人类最终实现持久和平与共同繁荣的崇高理想提供了难得的世界观与方法论,而自由民主理念则被历史的实践证明是迄今为止成功地实现了国内治理的价值原则,它们只是不同文化背景下的国家对实现人类理想的制度设计——事实上世界上不存在也不可能存在完全相同的制度设计——有不同的理解而已。两种理念的相通及各自的优劣之处,决定了相互间进行交流与借鉴的必要性,并为此而奠定了基础。其次是和谐世界理念实现的机制问题。本论文主要通过对上海合作组织的考察,此进行了例证。上海合作组织建立与发展的历程清楚地显示,其源于地缘政治但又远远超越了地缘政治。而“互信、互利、平等、协作”作为促进上海合作组织成员国之间关系的指导思想,经过内化成为彼此间在各领域合作的指导原则,并最终升华为“上海精神”——体现了和谐世界理念的核心内涵——的逻辑结果。上海合作组织的建立与发展向我们昭示,在一个多样化的地区及世界,不论是发展正常的国家间关系,还是加强各国间在各领域的互利合作,只有奉行和谐理念,才能同时满足多样化的现实与人类发展进步的动力之双重要求。通过以上论证,不仅为我国在新世纪如何与众多周边邻国构建新的睦邻友好关系提供了思考空间,同时也为在世界范围内宣示与实践和谐世界理念提供了有价值的思路。

【Abstract】 While the world is considering "the China Issue", China, as a nation boasting a history of civilization of several thousand years and as a big flourishing country fully integrated into the international community, must also take into consideration "the World Issue". At the beginning of the new century, China is summarizing and subletting the essence of its traditional culture—harmony, its historical experience and the new diplomatic claims advanced since the founding of New China; China is learning from the essence of all human civilizations, including the concept of freedom and democracy; the concept of harmonious world, based on the careful thinking over the issues of China and the world and the future development of China and the international community, shows China, a country with a long history and fast economic development and magnificent aspirations and ideals, consciously begins to establish and show its image as a peace-loving, developing, progressive and responsible big country. This shows China’s pursuit of the international political and economic order on the basis of the values of peace and security, development and progress, fairness and justice, and the harmony between nature and human beings. In short, it reflects China’s good wishes to realize lasting peace and mutual-prosperity of human beings and China’s consciousness of its duty to carry out such missions.In the process of promoting and practicing the concept of harmonious world, China must face two problems.The first one is how to build up the reasonable connection between the concept of harmonious world and that of freedom and democracy in a convincing manner that the western world may come to understand and accept such a concept. After a careful investigation into the origins of both essential concepts belonging respectively to Chinese and western civilizations, this dissertation holds that both the concept of harmonious world and that of freedom and democracy are reflections of the understanding of peaceful coexistence and the persistent pursuit of it by human beings, "the natural political animals". The concept of harmonious world provides excellent world view and methodology for human beings to realize ultimately the magnificent ideal of everlasting peace and mutual prosperity, and the concept of freedom and democracy is proved by history to be the most successful value of domestic management up to now. The only difference lies in the different understanding of the way to design a system that helps to make into reality the concept of freedom and democracy in different cultural backgrounds. In fact, it is impossible that an identical design system may exist in this world. The advantages and disadvantages of and similarities between the two concepts make it necessary and possible to communicate between and learn from each other.The second problem is the establishment of reliable organization platform. The establishment and development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization clearly shows that its establishment and development originates from geopolitics but there is something far more than that. It is the natural result of rational consideration of "mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation", which developed into the guiding principles for state-to-state relationships and cooperation in various fields, and which finally came out as the "Shanghai Spirit" embedding the essence of the concept of harmonious world. The establishment and development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization shows that in a diversified region and even the whole world, no matter it is the development of normal state-to-state relationships, or the strengthening of the win-win cooperation among countries in various fields, or even the establishment of regional cooperation organization, only by carrying out the concept of harmony can we meet the dual requirements, namely, the diversified reality and the impetus for the development of human beings. This provides many valuable thoughts for China to develop friendly cooperation relationships with other countries, especially in terms of building up a new neighborhood relationship schema with a multitude of neighboring countries and promoting and practicing the concept of harmonious world on a wider scope in the new century.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】D820
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1512

