

【作者】 刘少华

【导师】 吴心伯;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 冷战结束后,亚太区域合作实践表明,亚太地区形成了与世界其它地区不同的独具特色的区域合作特征,其重要表现就是由中小国家组成的东盟在亚太区域合作中占有特别重要的地位,发挥了特别重要的作用。本文以案例剖析为基础,研究东盟在后冷战时期亚太区域政治、经济、安全合作中的地位与作用。本文通过分析东盟在东亚峰会合作机制中的地位与作用,认为东盟在亚太区域政治合作中占有主导地位,发挥主导作用;通过剖析东盟在APEC合作机制中的地位与作用,认为东盟在亚太区域经济合作中占有独特地位,发挥独特作用;通过探讨东盟在东盟地区论坛合作机制中的地位与作用,认为东盟在亚太区域安全合作中掌握主导权,占有主导地位,发挥主导作用。本文主要从亚太区域政治、经济、安全合作机制的建立、合作机制性质的定位以及合作内容、合作进程、合作方式、合作目标的选择与确定等方面研究东盟在亚太政治、经济、安全合作中占有主导地位或独特地位,发挥主导作用或独特作用的表现。本文认为,冷战结束后,东盟在亚太区域合作中能够拥有主导地位或独特地位,发挥主导作用或独特作用,其原因主要有两个方面;客观方面,冷战结束后,亚太国际政治、经济、安全形势的变化、国际格局的转型与地区国际秩序的重构;亚太主要国家亚太区域合作政策的变化;大国之间的矛盾与分歧等,这些因素为东盟能够在亚太区域合作过程中占有重要地位,发挥重要作用提供了条件和机会。主观方面,东盟的自身追求;推行大国平衡战略,与亚太大国保持良好的关系:东盟在地区合作中积累了一定的经验,是亚太地区次区域合作中合作成功的典范。这些为东盟在亚太区域合作中拥有重要地位与作用创造了主观条件。在具体研究过程中,本文总结和提炼了现实主义、新现实主义、新自由主义和建构主义、博弈理论等主流国际政治理论中的有关地区合作理论与观点,并利用这些理论与观点对东盟在亚太区域合作中的地位与作用进行理论分析。同时,在理论分析过程中,作者建构了新的理论分析模式,这种模式的核心是区域合作与博弈策略—主导作用与行为能力—规范规则与行为手段。本文认为,东盟在亚太区域合作中也面临严重困境,虽然东盟正在采取措施,提高东盟在区域合作中的行为能力与行为手段,以保持东盟在亚太区域合作中已经取得的地位与作用;但文章认为,如果东盟国家不能正确认识和妥善处理区域合作与主权让渡的关系,加强东盟权威,提高东盟的国际行为能力和行为手段,那么东盟要想继续保持其在亚太区域合作中已经取得的地位与作用是困难的。

【Abstract】 After the Cold War,the Asia-Pacific regional cooperation shows the unique characteristics different from those of other regions in the world.Among them is the most important one that ASEAN made up of small and medium-sized countries enjoys an especially important status and plays a particularly important role in Asia-pacific regional cooperation.Based on cases analyses,the dissertation mainly studies ASEAN’s status and role in political,economic and security cooperation in Asia-Pacific region.By analyzing ASEAN’s status and role in East Asia Summit cooperation mechanism,the dissertation puts out that ASEAN has a dominant position and plays a leading role in political cooperation in Asia-Pacific region.By analyzing ASEAN’s status and role in the APEC cooperation mechanism,the dissertation proposes that ASEAN has a unique position and plays a unique role in economic cooperation in Asia-Pacific region.By analyzing ASEAN’s status and role in ASEAN Regional Forum cooperation mechanism,the dissertation finds that ASEAN seizes dominance, has a dominant position and plays a leading role in the security cooperation in Asia-Pacific region.This dissertation attempts to study how the political,economic and security cooperation mechanisms are established in Asia-Pacific region,how the nature of cooperation mechanisms is positioned,and how the content,process,ways, and objectives in cooperation are selected and determined.All the attempts help us to argue that ASEAN has a dominant position or a unique position and plays a leading role or a unique role in political,economic and security cooperation in Asia-Pacific region.This dissertation holds that,after the cold war,ASEAN achieves a dominant position or a unique position and plays a leading role or a unique role in the Asia-Pacific regional cooperation.This argument is based on the following causes: objectively,ASEAN is provided conditions and opportunities by the great changes in international politics,economy,and security situation in Asia-Pacific region,the transition of international pattern and the reconstruction of international order in this region,the changes in major countries’ policies for regional cooperation in this region, and the contradictions and differences of big powers;subjectively,ASEAN’s success is dependent on its own pursuit,its balanced strategy between powers,its good relations with powers in this region and its experiences in regional cooperation.In the study,this dissertation used theories and perspectives of regional cooperation, refined from Game Theory,Realism,Neo-Realism,Neo-Liberalism and Constructivism,to give a theoretical analysis for ASEAN’s status and role in Asia-Pacific regional cooperation.At the same time,the author constructs a new theoretical model for analysis:regional cooperation and game tactics—leading role and act capacity—normal,rule and behavior means.This paper believes that ASEAN is also faced with serious difficulties in the Asia-Pacific regional cooperation.Although ASEAN is taking measures to enhance the ASEAN’s act capacity and behavior means in the regional cooperation in order to maintain ASEAN’s achieved status and role,the dissertation believes if member countries of ASEAN can not correctly understand and properly handle the relationship between sovereignty transfer and regional cooperation,can not strengthen ASEAN authority,and can not improve ASEAN’s international act capacity and behavior means,it is difficult for ASEAN to continue maintaining ASEAN’s status and role which were achieved in the Asia-Pacific regional cooperation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】F114.46
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1400

