

Religion and American Diplomacy Towards China after the End of the Cold War

【作者】 邹函奇

【导师】 徐以骅;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 国际政治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 冷战结束以来,传统的以地缘政治和意识形态划分的国际战略格局发生了深刻的变化。随着全球公民社会的兴起及宗教在世界范围的复兴,宗教越来越成为影响国际关系的重要变量之一。美国是宗教色彩最为浓厚的发达国家,在美国内部,以基督教福音派为核心的美国国内宗教右翼势力不断崛起并与政治右翼合流,它们利用共和党在国会中的优势,开展了一场声势浩大的全球范围的“反宗教迫害”造势运动。在这一大的国际及国内背景下,美国对华外交中自然出现了宗教问题升温的现象,在对华遏制政策乏力及人权外交失灵的情况下,宗教便成为美国推行其价值观念、干涉中国内政、开展对华外交的最新武器。宗教作为影响美国外交政策的诸多因素之一,具有无形(宗教价值观)和有形(宗教团体)两种力量。一方面,宗教思想是美国外交思想的基石,与美国外交理论和国际关系理论有着必然的联系;另一方面宗教又通过理念、选举、立法和政策等四个向度来影响美国的外交。冷战后,宗教对美国外交的影响已日益走向组织化、法制化和机制化道路,呈现出以宗教利益集团为驱动力、以“1998年国际宗教自由法”为主体、以“国际宗教自由办公室”和“国际宗教自由委员会”为两翼的“一体两翼”模式。在全球推进所谓宗教自由成为美国外交政策的一个中心内容。自1997年宗教右翼为阻止美国政府给予中国最惠国待遇而大势宣传并积极游说开始,宗教因素第一次介入到美国的对华外交政策领域中来。“1998年国际宗教自由法”出台以后,在“国际宗教自由办公室”和“国际宗教自由委员会”的历年报告中,中国一向是其批评的焦点,被定为是“严重侵犯宗教自由”的“特别关注国”。宗教问题已经同台湾问题、经贸问题一道成为中美两国高层会晤的必谈话题,随着国际形势的变化和中美两国国家利益的调整,宗教问题逐渐从人权问题中脱离出来,成为独立于且高于人权的影响两国关系的新的结构性矛盾,对中美两国关系的健康发展造成了极大的负面影响。

【Abstract】 The international situation based on geopolitics and ideology has undergone fundamental changes since the end of the Cold War. Religion is becoming one of the most important variables that affect international relations, thanks to the emergence of civil society and the renaissance of religion in the world. Among developed countries, the Unites States is most affected by religion. The American religious right is gaining steam and joins its hands with the political right. The two forces have capitalized on the Republican dominance of the U.S. Congress to advocate an anti-persecution movement all over the world. Given such background, it is natural for religion to play an increasing role in American diplomacy toward China. Religion has become a new tool for the U.S. to promote its values, intervene in the internal affairs of China and develop the U.S.-China relations, as containment and human rights diplomacy are not functional in the current world.Religion, as a factor that impacts the U.S. foreign policy, enjoys both spiritual power (religious values) and material power (religious groups). On the one hand, as the basis of U.S. diplomatic ideas, religious values are closely connected with American diplomatic theories and international relations theories. On the other hand, religion also influences the U.S. diplomacy with respect to idea, election, legislation and policy. After the end of the Cold War, the influence of religion on the U.S. foreign policy has become more systematized, legalized and mechanized. Driven by religious interest groups, the U.S. Congress passed in 1998 the "International Religion Freedom Act" aimed to help people who are persecuted because of religion. The U.S. State Department set up the "Office of International Religious Freedom" and the Congress set up the "Commission on International Religious Freedom" in compliance with the 1998 Act. The Act and the two institutions form a pattern of "one body with two wings", which ensures the so-called religious freedom becomes "the core" in the diplomacy of the U.S.The first time that the religious factor was involved in American diplomacy toward China is when the religious right lobbied to stop the Administration to grant China Most-favored -nation status in 1997. Since the enforcement of the 1998 Act, China has always been the focus of criticism in the annual reports of both the Office and the Commission, and has been designated as the "Country of Particular Concern". The religion issue, together with Taiwan and trade, has become an important theme in high-level Sino-U.S. talks. As international situation is changing and the two countries have reevaluated the priorities of their national interests, the religion issue has gradually separated from the theme of human rights, and has become a new source of conflict at the level of structure that weighs on the Sino-U.S. relations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1147

