

【作者】 芮晟豪

【导师】 孟建;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 自从1992年韩中两国建交以来,来华的韩国留学生人数不断增加,他们的文化适应问题是当今普遍存在、亟待解决、且刻不容缓的问题。韩国留学生的文化适应是指他们作为“陌生人”(具有双重身份:韩国人+在华高校的学生,称之为“在华韩国留学生”)通过跟中国社会接触沟通,自己的身份重新定位的过程。从传播网络的观点来看,这一身份重新定位过程是韩国留学生跟中国人建立传播关系,并从中延伸出传播结构的过程。本研究为了分析韩国留学生在上海的文化适应模式及其原因,以传播网络为切入点来对上海五所高校的304名韩国留学生进行了问卷调查,对30名韩国留学生进行了非正式访谈和深度访谈。笔者运用的是以定性为主、以定量为辅的研究方法。研究结果表明,在华韩国留学生采取了三种不同的文化适应模式来适应新的文化环境,它们分别为“分离型”、“过渡型”和“整合型”文化适应模式。有35.2%(107名)的韩国留学生选择了在中国重建一个由自己同胞组成的个人传播网络,跟中国人没有任何传播关系,这就是“分离型”文化适应模式。也就是说他们仍然以韩国人的身份来面对中国社会,在学业、生活方面依靠的参照系都是韩国社会通用的规则,用自己有限的知识和经验来对周围的事情加以理解和解释。这种文化适应模式导致了韩国留学生在中国社会上几乎处于一种隔离状态。有59.2%的(180名)韩国留学生为了尽量多认识中国人或者实现自己到中国来的初衷,尝试跟中国人进行交往,然而却只能建立以工具性、混合性关系为主的个人传播网络,这就是“过渡型”文化适应模式。笔者把他们跟中国人很难建立情感性关系的种种原因归结为以下三大类:“韩国人”身份和“中国高校的学生”身份之间的张力;人际交往方式的差异;在学业上和生活上都找不到“共同的语言。”有5.6%(17名)的韩国留学生在中国社会一方面保持“韩国人”的文化身份,另一方面跟中国人建立了以情感性关系为主的个人传播网络,这就是“整合型”文化适应模式。他们在韩中两国世界(“飞地”与“当地”)的反复推拉之中,逐步转变为一种能够客观地评价两种文化的双重身份的人,而且成为了联系两种文化的桥梁。他们不仅能够有条件认识和反省自己的文化,而且可以对韩中两种文化的异同进行比较和对照。在实证研究基础之上,笔者提出了解决来华韩国留学生适应问题的政策性建议,大致分为两个方面:其一,充分利用“整合型”留学生、韩国留学生传播网络的资源;其二,在生活、学业方面实行“隔离和趋同结合在一起的韩国留学生管理方式”。最后,笔者提出一些有待于今后进一步探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 Ever since the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and China in 1992, the number of Korean students coming to China for study has been increasing. The phenomenon of their cultural adaptation in China has become an omnipresent and pressing issue waiting to be addressed. The cultural adaptation of Korean students refers to the transition of their identity from a "stranger", entitled "Korean students in China" and possessing dual identities (a Korean person as well as a college student in china), to an "insider" on campus through their interactions and communication with the Chinese society. From the perspective of communication networks, it is a transitional process in which the stranger establishes communication ties with the locals and develops communication patterns.To examine the formation and causes of the cultural adaptation models for Korean students in China, this study employs the concept of communication networks and has carried out surveys on two levels: one, a questionnaire filled out by 304 Korean students from five different universities in Shanghai; two, in-depth informal interviews with 30 Korean students. The research has incorporated both qualitative and quantitative methods. As this study shows, in order to adjust to the new culture, Korean students in China generally adopt three different types of cultural adaptation models. They are the separating model, transitional model and integrative model. Among all Koreans students surveyed, 35.2%, or 107 of them have opted for establishing a personal communication network which is composed solely of his or her country fellows and have no communication ties with the local Chinese. This is the separating model for cultural adaptation, in which these students hold onto their Korean identity when faced with the Chinese society, taking general rules in the Korean society as the frame of reference for their study and daily life and interpreting their surroundings with their limited knowledge and experience in China. This model has led to a state of isolation for some Koreans students living in China. In an effort to meet more Chinese or accomplish their original goals for coming to China, 59.2%, or 180 of the surveyed Korean students tried to socialize with the Chinese locals. However, the personal communication networks they construct consist primarily of ties built with instrumental or mixed motives. The author believes that there are three major causes for their inability to establish emotional bonds with Chinese: the tension between their identity as a Korean and at the same time, a college student in China; inability to find common grounds with Chinese in either study or daily life; differences in interpersonal communication styles.There are 5.6%, or 17 Korean students among the surveyed that fit the integrative cultural adaptation model, in which they are able to maintain their Korean identity on one hand and on the other hand, build a personal network characterized by expressive ties with Chinese. Under the dynamic and intertwined influence of both the "Korean enclave" and local Chinese society, they have gradually assumed dual identities and acted as a bridge between the two cultures, able to view the two cultures from a more objective perspective. They are now capable of not only getting to know and reflecting upon their own culture, but making comparisons and contrasts between Korean and Chinese cultures.On the basis of the empirical study, the author has proposed that a constructive approach be taken to address the issue of Korean students’ cultural adaptation in China: firstly, we need to fully tap into the resources supplied by Korean students with the integrative model and their communication networks; secondly, an effective machanism should be implimented, which will encourage and facilitate the integration of separation and assimilation in Krean students’ study daily and life. At the end of this study, some issues that demand our attention are brought forward for future discussion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1706

