

【作者】 汤筠冰

【导师】 孟建;

【作者基本信息】 复旦大学 , 广播电视学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当下社会的“视觉转向”不但意味着一种文化范式的转型,更意味着意识形态格局的转变。本文以视觉文化传播的经典文本——奥运会申办宣传片作为分析对象,探讨在跨文化传播中国家形象是如何建构的,揭示在全球化的语境下,隐藏在视觉文化传播中的后殖民主义、民族主义等意识形态对构建国家形象的作用。论文包括引言、五章正文和结论。第一章对本研究涉及到的相关理论进行了梳理,视觉文化传播的分析方法包括符号学方法、意识形态方法、影视学方法,跨文化传播理论涉及到殖民与后殖民文化批评理论、文化混杂理论、文化身份建构与认同理论;第二章是运用视觉文化传播的分析方法对伦敦、北京、纽约等申奥片个案进行了深入分析,揭示了申奥片视觉文本背后传达出的“文化优越”、“视觉谄媚”为特征的“情感结构”;第三章研究了申奥片中的国家形象的视觉表征,总结出申奥片影像传播中的“国家与民族性影像”的表征范式。其范式包括紧凑性、景观性、移情性、日常性、亲切性5个要素,申奥片中国家形象围绕着特定的主题:城市景观、民俗文化、儿童与少年、集会和庆典中展开;第四章讨论了申奥片的传统与现代、国家话语与民间话语、大众文化与精英文化、殖民与后殖民的“文化混杂”现象,其背后的历史动因是后殖民移居的历史,文化与政治的分离,消费社会和工业社会的置换等;第五章分析了在申奥片的组织传播和大众传播两个传播渠道中,本国和他国政府、本国和他国媒介合力完成了对国族身份的建构及认同。论文最后指出,全球化语境下,媒体在跨文化传播中所建构的国家形象并非国家状况的客观再现,不仅受到媒体自身力量的限制,更受到经济利益和意识形态的支配。大众媒体通过视觉化的表征符号影响着公众的舆论,并在全球受众心目中“投射”国家形象。

【Abstract】 "The visual turn" in nowadays society reflects not only a shift of cultural "paradigm" but a transition of ideology as well. Through analyzing a classic example, the Promo bid for 2008 Olympics, this article explores the construction of national image in a cross-cultural communication context and reveals the roles ideology hidden in visual-cultural text, such as Post-Colonialism, nationalism play in manufacturing national images in a global context. This article includes foreword, five chapters and a conclusion. In chapter 1, theory relative to the research is discussed. On one side, analytical method in visual-cultural communication includes semeiology, ideology theory and the Study on Film & TV. On the other side, theory in cross-cultural communication refers to colonial and postcolonial cultural criticism, cultural intermixing, cultural construction and identity theory. Using analytical methods in visual culture, chapter 2 reveals the "emotional structure" of "culture superiority" and "vision sycophancy" conveyed in the Promo bid for Olympics through a deep analysis of the promo in London, Beijing and New York. Chapter 3 studies the visual representation of national images and summarizes prime examples of national and ethnic images in promo bid for Olympics. There are five elements: compaction, landscape, empathy, routine and cordiality. Special themes on national images in promo involve urban landscape, rural folklore culture, children and youth, and assembly and celebration. Chapter 4 describes a series of problems, such as modernity and tradition in promo bids for Olympics, state and civic discourses, popular and elites cultures, colonial and postcolonial cultural intermixing, which results from the history of postcolonial immigration, the separation of culture from polity, and the replacement of industrial and consumption society. Chapter 5 analyzes how the government and the media of the host and guest countries construct their national and ethnic identity. Finally, the article maintains that national image constructed via the media in cross-cultural communication is not the objective representation of national status quo. It is not only restricted by media power but also under the control of economic interest and ideology. By means of visual symbol representation, the mass media influence public opinion and "project" national images on the audience’s minds.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 复旦大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】4000

