

Identity Management Strategies: Research on Coping Mechanism of Disadvantaged Group Members

【作者】 钟华

【导师】 郭永玉;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 认同管理策略是弱势群体成员受到社会认同威胁时所采取的应对策略。该领域的研究关注弱势群体成员以何种方式应对弱势地位所带来的消极群体认同,人格、情境、信念及群体因素对人们的策略选择有着何种影响。对以上关系的探讨将有利于我们理解群际关系和群际行为,维护群际和谐。本文在社会认同理论、五阶段模型理论和系统合理理论的指导下,采用实验法与问卷法相结合的方式,分别以实验情景和现实情景中的弱势群体成员(中职生)为研究对象,探讨了个体特征、情境特征以及群体特征三类因素对于认同管理策略的影响。研究的主要结论如下:(1)个体特征因素对策略选择的影响作用认知风格和宿命观都对人们的策略选择都存在显著影响。场独立者倾向于选择个体策略和妥协策略,场依存者倾向于选择群体策略。个体所持的宿命观越强,其采取妥协策略的可能性越大。(2)情境特征因素对策略选择的影响作用优势群体的开放度和成员态度对人们的策略选择都存在显著影响。优势群体开放度提高时,选择个体策略的人数将增多,反之则减少;优势群体成员态度谦逊,选择个体策略的人数将增多,反之则减少。弱势群体的团体表现也显著影响了成员的策略选择。当群体接近成功时,人们倾向于选择群体策略;而当群体接近失败时,人们则更可能选择个体策略和妥协策略。(3)群体特征因素对策略选择的影响作用群体实体性、理性群体认同和情感群体认同对个体的策略选择都有直接影响,且群体实体性通过理性群体认同和情感群体认同对策略选择有间接影响。(4)相关测量工具的编制与修订本研究通过探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,证实编制的中职生认同管理策略问卷符合预期的三个维度,依次是个体策略、群体策略和妥协策略。中职生认同管理策略问卷的内部一致性系数为0.720,各项信度指标基本达到测量学的要求。验证性因素分析表明问卷有较理想的结构效度。修订的归属需要量表、宿命观量表和中职生群体认同量表的一致性系数分别为0.734,0.770,0.868,以上问卷各项信度指标基本达到测量学的要求。验证性因素分析表明问卷有较理想的结构效度。(5)中职生认同管理策略的现状分析随着年级的升高,中职生选择个体策略的可能性逐渐增大,而选择妥协策略的可能性则逐渐降低。有工作经验的学生倾向于选择个体策略。不同性别的学生在策略选择上不存在差异。

【Abstract】 Identity Management Strategies are defined as the coping strategies disadvantaged Group Members adopt, when they are confronted with inferior status and threatened by the negative social identity. The researches on Identity Management Strategies place emphasis on how disadvantaged Group Members coping with the negative social identity, and how factors of personality, context, belief and group influence the the identity management strategies by disadvantaged group members. It contributes to understanding intergroup relation and behavior, as well as maintaining harmony between groups.Directed by the Social Identity Theory, Five-Stages Model and System Justification theory, the current study investigated how factors of individual characteristics, group characteristics and context influence the identity management strategies by disadvantaged group members. The subjects are minimal-group members in a laboratory context and real-life group memberships (vocational high school students).The conclusions are the following:(1) Effects of individual characteristics factors on identity management strategies.Individual strategy and acceptance strategy was preferred by group member with field-independent cognitive style, and collective strategy were preferred by group member with field-dependent cognitive style. Individual strategy was preferred by group member with weak belief in fate, acceptance strategy was preferred by group member with strong belief in fate.(2) Effects of context factor on identity management strategies.When access to the advantaged group was open, people preferred individual strategy; when access to the advantaged group was restricted, people preferred collective strategy and acceptance strategy. When the advantaged group members were perceived arrogant, people preferred collective strategy and acceptance strategy; when the advantaged group members were perceived friendly, people preferred individual strategy. When the disadvantaged group performed well, people preferred collective strategy; when the disadvantaged group performed badlly, people preferred individual strategy and acceptance strategy(3) Effect of group characteristics factors on identity management strategies.Entitativity, cognitive in-group identification and affective in-group identification have direct impacts on identity management strategies by disadvantaged group members. While cognitive in-group identification and affective in-group identification can be regarded as powerful mediators between perceived entitativity and identity management strategies. (4) Questionaire development of identity management strategiesThe results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis show the questionnaire of identity management strategies has acceptable psycho-metric properties. Cronbanch’s a coefficients of the questionnaire is 0.720. It is composed by individual strategy, collective strategy and acceptance strategy. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that this questionnaire has high construct validity.The results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis show the revision of belong need scale, destination belief scale and group identity scale have acceptable psycho-metric properties. Cronbanch’s a coefficients of three scale respectively is Cronbanch’s a coefficients of 0.734, 0.770, 0.868. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that three scales have high construct validity.(5) Characteristics and developing trend of identity management strategies by vocational high school students.When vocational high school students move forward from grade 1 to grad 3, their preference for individual strategy gradually increase, but their preference for acceptance strategy gradually decrease. Individual strategy was preferred by vocational high school students with job experience. No gender difference is found among the vocational high school students.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1168

