

Study on Synergic System of Urban and Rural Basic Public Service in China

【作者】 杨毅

【导师】 刘筱红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 公共服务是世界各国政府最核心的行政职能。我国公共服务体制作为行政职能体系与行政运作制度的重要范畴,是政府对社会有效管理的重要路径,尤其是城乡基本公共服务为人民的生产、生活提供“底线”的制度支持和资源保障,更是政府“善治”践履的行政基础。伴随着我国市场经济体制的转轨、社会现代化进程的加速,政府公共服务体制的实践运行以及其综合绩效都表现出极大的协同性缺失问题,即在外部系统与经济、政治、社会、文化发展的非均衡,在内在层面与目标、组织、战略、执行整合的不协调。在新世纪着力化解公共服务协同缺失造成的均等化差异,成为提高政府执政能力和推进行政体制改革的主导目标,因而如何重构并优化我国城乡基本公共服务协同体制的课题具有极强的理论价值和现实意义。本文着力从制度变迁视角出发,以马克思主义理论经典学说、公共管理学科现代趋向以及科学发展观为指导,运用文献研究、案例研究结合实证调查、比较分析等研究方法,从政治学、经济学、管理学等多学科角度,坚持公平正义的均等价值取向,对我国城乡基本公共服务协同体制的内涵范畴、历史变迁、现实困境等问题进行了全面系统的研究。从国际经验和国内范例两个角度来探索在城乡统筹的公共服务发展场域中的协同体制的基本体系与运行机制,借鉴新制度主义、协同系统理论、耗散结构理论的有益见解和多中心治理、社会话语理论的创新观点,尝试提出协同政府、广域行政、公共财政、事权重组等优化公共服务协同体制的政策性建议。本论文涵括导论及五章共六个部分:导论部分阐释了研究缘起及其意义、说明了研究主题,概要性评述了相关研究的历史与现状,对本文涉及的基本概念作了必要缕析与界定,阐明了研究方法及主体分析框架。本文基于政府治理范式的转换,从社会发展的现实价值、学科研究的实践意义、行政改革的指向效果三个维度提出,政府在行政管理流程上符合新时期社会发展对于理念价值和运作效果的整体要求,应实现以基本公共服务均等化为取向的效率、效益和效果的有效协同,关键在转变职能、理顺关系、优化结构、提高效能等若干方面的统筹配合。第一章是对基本公共服务体制沿革的路径审视。运用制度经济学的方法,系统考察我国建国以后城乡基本公共服务体制的变迁轨迹,并就每个阶段体制运行状况、运作特点进行制度背景、制度功能、制度演进的全方位描述。尤其结合人民公社制度、城市单位制度的发展历程,梳理了我国城乡二元公共服务体制的制度成因。论述了改革开放后制度变革的社会背景、路径依赖产生的消极表现。论文认为,我国基本公共服务非均等现状的根本成因是建国后逐步形成、强化的非均等制度安排,以及改革开放后未能与经济体制改革统筹进行的公共服务体制沿革,历史状况是现实问题的重要诱因。第二章为基本公共服务体制的现实分析。结合协同理论、耗散理论,对我国当前发展阶段的公共服务体制的综合绩效和主要问题进行细致描述。并结合公共服务现实困境的具体表现,探究其内在原因以期寻求解决对策。论文认为,我国当前公共服务体制中城乡差异、区域失衡、群体差别的现实矛盾,是由于改革开放以来在财政制度、思想观念、行政执行等方面的因素造成协同缺失,必须寻求范式转换加以解决,政府应当通过从内外部两方面着手寻求制度变迁的强制性驱动力。第三章是西方国家基本公共服务体制的理论与实践。论文比较分析了主导西方国家公共服务体制的新公共行政理论、新公共管理理论和新公共服务理论,提出应吸收其所包含社会责任、公平、参与的观念,导入效率竞争的机制,遵循公民导向的价值。指出要合理选择适合我国的公共服务体制的实施模式,并从指导思想明晰化、法律制度系统化、管理方式规范化、供给形式多样化四大方面为构建我国基本公共服务的协同体制提供有益的借鉴。第四章是基于重庆统筹城乡改革试验区的例证研究。论文对城乡统筹这一公共服务体制的场域背景下的公共服务运作进行分析,提出体制发展的场域环境中亟需关注的体制核心因素。从协同模式、协同内容两大方面描述了重庆区域政府的创新经验,提出区域政府在公共服务协同体制构建上有效利用外在场域对体制变革的“负熵流”和强化制度变迁系统中的“序参量”作用两点理论启示。第五章为我国基本公共服务完善的创新路径,从目标、组织、战略、执行四大协同层次提出我国公共服务协同体制的构建路径。在目标层应坚持均等化的目标取向,在对社会福利最优化、公共效用最大化的共同追求中整合公共服务满意度、公共性、效益性三大目标,落实以人为本的目标效果。在组织层应通过协同政府、广域行政的理论与实践,在纵向和横向的维度优化公共服务的组织框架。在战略层应实施公共财政制度建设,在财政支付职能、转移支付制度等方面优化国家财政管理手段,同时进行事权重组,在政府纵向层级间明晰职责分工,推进机构体制改革。在执行层应兼顾供给、需求、运营机制的配套统一,形成基于政府为主导、多中心治理的多元供给体系,赋予公众有效参与公共需求表达的社会话语权,并从产品、价格、渠道、促销四方面健全政府公共服务运营。

【Abstract】 Public Service is the most important administrative functions of different country’s governments. Chinese public service system is the government’s important path of effective management as an important area of our society. Especially urban and rural public service provide people with basic production and living resources. These resources are also the base of "good governance". Along with the transition in Chinese market economic system and quickly development of social modernization, the government’s (?)blic service system as well as its comprehensive performance showed great problems on lack of synergy. In the new century, Chinese government should make efforts to resolve the lack of coordination in public service caused by differences in equalization, as well as enhance the administrative ability and achieve reform objectives of public administrative system. So, there are important theoretical and practical significance on how to optimize and reconstruct the urban and rural basic public service system in China. In this dissertation, the author uses a variety of methods from the politics, economics, management, and other multi-disciplinary perspective, adheres to the fair value of equal justice for basic public service and makes a comprehensive study on synergic system of urban and rural basic public s service in China.This dissertation tries to explore the basic system of synergic in the field of public service from the international experience and examples of domestic perspective. The author learns from the new system theory, synergic system theory, the theory of dissipative structures, multi-center management theory, and social discourse theory views of innovation. In the meaning while, the author tries to give policy recommendations such as implementing co-government and wide-area administration, optimizing public finance, as well as reorganization of public service system to the government.This dissertation contains six parts:The first part is introduction. In this part, the author explains the origin and significance of the study, a summary of comments on the history and present conditions related to the study. Including the basic concepts involved in this article and analysis the main research methodology and framework of the whole dissertation.The first chapter is about evolution path of basic public service system. With the method of system’s economics, the author studies the changes in urban and rural basic public service system after the establishment of China and does a comprehensive description on every stage of operation, the operation of the system with background characteristics, the system functions, and the of the evolution of the system.The second chapter is the reality analyzes of basic public service system. The author thinks that current problems such as regional imbalance, the real difference between groups in urban and rural public service was due to the lack of coordination in national financial system, implementation of the policy, and other factors caused by the reform and opening up. We must seek to convert in paradigm and the government should seek to the mandatory driving force from both internal and external changes in the administrative system.The Chapter III is the theories and practice of basic public service system in western countries. Based on the experience of western countries, the author thinks Chinese government should make good use of western advanced experience such as clear guiding principle, Systematic legal system, standardized management, and diversification of supply.The Chapter IV is example study on the urban and rural areas comprehensive reform in Chongqing province. The author describes the contents of the regional innovative experiences from two aspects, one is the model of synergy and the other is the exact synergy contents in Chongqing province.The Chapter V is the path of innovation to improve the basic public service system. The writer proposes that we should build a synergic path of basic public service system from four aspects such as the goals, organization, strategy and implementation. .In the meaning while, the author described a detailed frame about how to construct a scientific, efficient and equitable system of urban and rural basic public service in China.

  • 【分类号】D630
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1145

