

The Comparative Study on Families of Jin and Chu in Spring and Autumn Period

【作者】 王准

【导师】 张正明; 王玉德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域文化史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 家族在春秋时期的历史中占有非常的重要地位。长期以来对于春秋时期家族的研究着重于中原与东方诸国家族的普遍形态与家族制度的一般规律,然而仅此不能揭示家族丰富的地域属性,也不能解释家族对各国历史走向的不同影响。本文运用历史学与文化比较的方法对春秋晋、楚的家族进行了考察,将其划分为公族、公室与卿大夫家族三个部分,分别解析家族的形态与内部结构,分析其地位变化与发展规律,并进一步探讨家族的地域特点给当地带来的历史影响。公族是春秋贵族阶层的主干,可以从广义、狭义两个层面解读。晋、楚的广义公族表面上词义相同,但是作为一种观念的形成,在两国发源于不同的语境。由于共同遭遇接连灭族的恶劣生存环境,为了区分自身与国内强横的非公族贵族,晋国的广义公族观念被自觉认同。楚人在战场上显示出强悍的战斗力之后,出于与他国氏族进行区隔的需要,形成了楚公族的观念。不论是从际遇或是立氏的角度来看,晋国的狭义公族在武公、献公时代以后都经历了严重的打击,逐渐凋零。狭义公族在楚国发展则比较平稳,延绵不绝,只是在庄王、共王以后家族势力趋于下降。虽然两国都有公族大夫,但在两国不同的环境中分别发生了演化,正是两国公族不同境遇的缩影。公室与公族有着密切联系。两者之间有相互依赖的一面,也有相互争夺、此消彼长的一面。晋国由于放任公族逐渐凋零,导致公室地位下降,最终让异姓卿族掌控军事,被玩弄于股掌。此关系正是前者的写照。楚公室通过紧握重要人事任免权,有效遏制公族争权,巩固自身地位,正是后者的注脚。晋、楚公室都施行嫡长子继承制度。晋国在经曲沃代翼的变故之后,试图以驱逐公族的方式保障嫡子的继承权,最终让异姓卿族得到左右国君继承的机会。虽有“楚国之举,恒在少者”的说法,楚国实行的仍然是嫡长子继承制,较少受到卿大夫的干扰。卿大夫家族是国君统御之下规模最大的贵族阶层。晋、楚两国的家族在卿大夫层面差别越来越大,主要表现在家族结构、中央执政制与地方县制等方面。晋国卿大夫家族的亲属组织具有“室”“家”“宗”三级结构,反映晋国家族与宗法制度的兴盛。楚国的组织则趋于简单,一般只有两级结构。晋国严重依赖世族,形成六卿轮流执政的独特制度。楚国则经历了从依赖世族到重用近亲的转变,防止卿大夫家族势力过度膨胀。晋楚的县最初都是设置于边境地区的君主直辖地。春秋后期,晋国六卿家族渗透到县内,使其逐渐演变成为卿大夫家族的势力范围;楚国在县中进行的人事改革使楚县保持了直辖的性质。晋国赵氏与楚国蔿氏正好可作为代表,用于分析卿大夫家族对两国的影响。在对晋楚家族展开论述的同时,本文对相关的继承制度、姓氏、官制、县制等也进行了研究,以期更好地从整体上反映春秋晋楚家族。

【Abstract】 Clans play a very important role in the Spring and Autumn Period. For a long time the study on clans emphasizes clans’ prevalent conformations and general rules of clan system which can neither reveal the variety of regional traits of clans nor explain how clans affect the historical trends of each kingdom. By using historical methodology and cultural comparison, this article has a deep research into the characteristics of clans in state of Jin and state of Chu, and classified the clans into three groups: Gongzu(i.e. the descendants of the kings), Gongshi(the present royal family) and Qingdafu (the clans of senior officials). On the basis of the classification, this paper attempts to analyze their different forms and internal structures, the change of their political status and rules of their development, and has a further discussion on the historical influence on local kingdoms brought by regional characteristics of clans.Gongzu is the main force of nobility in Spring and Autumn Period, which can be analyzed in broad sense as well as in narrow sense. Though Gongzu in broad sense in Jin and Chu covers the same surface meaning, either of them originates in distinct environment. In face of the bad environment which could make them die out, and in order to separate themselves from the non—Gongzu nobility in the state of Jin, they consciously accept the concept of Gongzu in broad sense. In order to distinguish themselves from foreign noblemen, Chu accept the concept of Gongzu after showing their big power of waggle in the war. From the perspective of their experiences and clans founding, Gongzu in narrow sense in Jin is going downhill after suffering serious strike during the ruling of the kings of Jin Wugong and Jin Xiangong, while Gongzu in narrow sense in Chu has survived generation after generation steadily, which is declining after the kings of Chuzhuangwang and Chugongwang. Although Gongzu officials exist in both countries, they have evolved in different ways under different circumstances.Gongshi and Gongzu have a very close relationship. On the one hand they rely on each other, but on the other hand they fight for the political power. Gongshi in Jin declines in political status due to their ignorance of the gradual withering of Gongzu. As a result, the non-Gongzu nobility control the military affairs and put Gongshi under control. Gongshi in Chu has confirmed in its position by setting up new personnel system and containing Gongzu’s struggle for power. Both countries carry out the same successive system that the oldest lineal son of the king succeeded to the throne. After a serious usurp event, Gongshi in Jin attempts to guarantee the implementing of the successive system by expelling Gongzu. Thus, the non-Gongzu nobility get the opportunity of interfering the succession to the throne. In Chu, there is a saying that goes like "The successor must be the youngest one". However, the successive system is still implemented in Chu, and seldom interfered by the clans of senior officials.Qingdafu is the largest-scale noble class under the leadership of the king. There are great differences between the clans of senior officials in both countries, which are demonstrated in such aspects as the clan structure, the central administrative system and the local administrative system. In Jin, the structure of the clans of senior officials is three-leveled, namely, the core family, the extended family, and the clan. The structure of the clans of senior officials in Chu is less complicated, which is generally covers two levels. Gongshi in Jin relies excessively on the clans of senior officials. Therefore, there forms a special political system that six clans take turns to be in the leading position. Gongshi in Chu transfer its trust from the clans to close relatives so as to prevent the clans from getting excessive power. At first the counties in both countries are founded in border areas and under the direct manipulation of the king. Later on, the clans of senior officials in Jin extend their power into those areas, and gradually keep them within their power range. However, Gongshi in Chu establish new personnel system to keep them under its control. The clan of Zhao in Jin and the clan of Wei in Chu are employed as the cases for the analysis of the influences on both countries exerted by the clans of senior officials.Meanwhile, this paper does some research on the related items, such as successive system, family name, official system and local system, with the purpose of reflecting the clans in the Spring and Autumn Period comprehensively.

【关键词】 春秋家族公族公室卿大夫家族
【Key words】 Spring and Autumn PeriodClansGongzuGongshiClans of senior officials
  • 【分类号】K225
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】865

