

A Study of Build the Ethical Order of the Modern Harmonious Society

【作者】 林更茂

【导师】 唐鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 社会主义和谐社会,是一个兼备社会政治理想和道德理想之双重特性的伦理社会,它不仅指社会生活秩序或状态的和谐平安,而且指人们精神心灵秩序或状态的和谐宁静。这样,和谐社会就具有了两层内涵,它既是社会对公平正义秩序的制度期待,也是人们对美好安宁生活理想的伦理期待。公平正义的制度安排,不仅可以对有限的社会资源进行合理的分配,而且使各种利益矛盾和冲突都得到有效调控,保持社会的良好的市场秩序和生活秩序;而伦理秩序从“应然”的层面规范了社会利益冲突的边界,降低了市场交易费用,提供了民主政治和合法政治的内在生长点,孕育了社会主义和谐文化的“善”的价值追求。正是伦理道德的价值性、超越性和实践性构成了和谐社会的价值支撑和精神力量。研究现代和谐社会的伦理秩序,是当代中国社会建设面临的紧迫课题。追求未来社会的伦理和谐并不是当代共产党人才有的道德理想,它是历代思想家们矢志不移的追求:从中国古代的等差有序、仁爱修身的纲常伦理,到近代的去私立公、天下大同、自由独立的道德理想;从古希腊罗马时期对正义、自由、平等的伦理追求,到文艺复兴时期对个性自由、人性解放的伦理呼唤直至19世纪空想社会主义者的美好的共产主义伦理设想,无不显示出人们对伦理秩序在社会稳定和谐中作用的认可,对个体权利的保证,对正义平等的确认,对道德责任的重视。只不过中国古代思想家把未来的和谐诉诸于个体的道德修养,西方思想家更寄希望于法律制度建设。马克思主义对未来社会伦理秩序的探索是全面而深刻的。不论是马克思主义创始人,还是中国的马克思主义者,都一直把实现社会的和谐,建设和谐的社会主义和共产主义社会作为自己的理想并在实践中向这一理想迈进。在他们促进社会和谐,建设和谐社会的思想和实践中,我们都可以找到以人为本、民主法治、公平正义、和谐协调、诚信友爱等伦理价值观,这就是蕴含在当代和谐社会思想和实践中的伦理秩序,也正是在这些伦理秩序的指导下,社会主义建设才不断向前发展。历史的必然也是现实的。建构现代伦理秩序,可以从历史中找到经验,也可以从现实中找到依据。在社会转型时期,构建和谐社会有序的伦理环境既面对着日益分化的利益差异和凸显的社会矛盾,又存在着诸多的伦理困惑和道德风险,这就使得和谐社会伦理秩序的建构既任重道远,又迫在眉睫。尽管当前引发我国社会已有伦理秩序变革的社会条件是多样的、复杂的,但究其根本来说,由于社会转型而产生的利益结构的变迁是导致伦理秩序变革的决定性力量。利益的分化与失衡,带来原有的伦理秩序生存环境随之转变,从而引起人际交往、社会生活方式、价值观念的根本变革,伦理秩序自然裂变而有待重构,利益多元与社会诚信意识、社会转型与理性政治认同、文化交汇与主导价值信仰和多难兴邦与民族从容心理的建构显得紧迫而意义深远。面对困境与诉求,我们需要重新确立未来社会新的伦理目标。社会发展成功与否,常常取决于社会发展所预先确立的社会发展目标或目标模式。而人类社会的发展不仅仅是经济、政治的,而且也是文化伦理的,价值维度成为社会发展的内在构成要素。价值维度的存在决定了社会发展需要或实际已然预制了某种社会发展的方向。构建社会主义和谐社会,需要确立与之相适应的在关涉人与自然、人与社会、人与他人和人与自己关系方面的社会发展价值目标。人与自然的和谐既非“顺天无为”,也非“人定胜天”,而是生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好,故需要抛弃绝对的“人类中心主义”,坚持和谐共生的价值观,促进生态文明与社会文明的统一;人与社会的和谐源于社会发展进步和人的全面发展是和谐社会的两个基本向度,人的全面发展是社会进步的价值归依,社会进步是人的全面发展的必要条件,故需要坚持集体主义价值导向,确立和谐共进的价值观,促进个人发展与社会发展的统一;人际和谐是社会和谐的核心元素,人际和谐不仅有利于个人的全面发展,而且有利于群众的安居乐业,社会的安定祥和,故需要坚持宽容诚信的交往原则,确立和谐共处的价值观,促进人人共同进步;社会和谐最终取决于每个社会成员的尊严和价值得到实现,尊重和发展主体性人格是构建社会主义和谐社会的人本基础,故需要关注人自身的和谐,确立主体性人格价值观,促进个人自由而全面的发展。为了实现新的价值目标,我们需要重构现代社会伦理秩序的核心内容。基于社会主义和谐社会的基本特征和社会主义伦理道德建设的基本要求,联系现实的道德困境,我们认为现代和谐社会伦理秩序的核心内容是多元而丰富的:个体权利作为对人的主体性价值的肯定与阐释,已经成为现代社会赖以生存和发展的一个实质性要素,成为衡量一个社会现代化的标志,它是社会和谐的人本基础;与权利相对应,道德责任不仅体现道德的崇高,关乎个人的生存和幸福,而且是社会生活和社会关系对现实的人的现实的要求,它是社会和谐的基本命题;民族精神体现了一个民族的独特精神和一个民族的自我意识与自我认同,体现了整个中华民族共同的价值追求与价值理想,有助于实现全社会的国家认同、文化认同和意义认同,它是社会和谐的认同源泉;权力道德较之其他职业道德,具有更大的权威性、政治性、责任性和社会影响性,它能保证社会的政治理想和政治原则在获得国家法律的合法性的同时,也能够获得社会伦理的正当性辩护与支持,从而使政治权力的运用同时具有政治合法性和道德正当性,它是社会和谐的主导工程;社会公正是社会的政治利益、经济利益和其他利益在全体社会成员之间合理而平等的分配,它意味着权利的平等、分配的合理、机会的均等和司法的公正。它是衡量社会全面进步的主要尺度,是社会和谐的终极目标。和谐社会需要和谐的运行机制,构建和谐社会的伦理秩序,是对现代多样性社会新的伦理价值的制度、体制和机制进行导向性安排。内在运行机制着力强调社会内部构成要素在作为“一切社会关系总和”的主体人的自觉意识支配下,按照倡导型公共伦理约定,实现优化组合,达到个体价值最大化和社会价值最大化的有效机制安排。这种长效机制既包括教育运行机制,也包括文化熏陶机制、舆论引导机制和政策导向机制。它们都是通过直接运作于人们的精神生活而发挥着对社会伦理关系的影响,是现代伦理秩序构建的内部实施系统。外部保障机制着力强调为社会组织内部构成要素在组织单位外部重新组织成新的系统创造多种可能的环境条件。它更强调社会组织之间的秩序和谐,强调作为“一切社会关系总和”的主体人所处的宏观外在环境的和谐。关于外部保障机制,主要有社会流动机制、利益协调机制、组织沟通机制、社会保障机制、社会管理机制、社会控制机制和社会预警机制等,它们共同保障着现代伦理秩序的构建与运行。马克思主义创始人曾预言,未来新社会将使人更充分地获得全面而自由的发展。只有全面发展的人,才能驾驭生产力、科学技术和交往形式的巨大进步,而生产力与交往形式的全面发展,又正是推动社会趋于和谐的内在动力。因此,促进人的全面发展与实现社会和谐发展是互为前提和基础的,两者相互促进、逐步提高,统一于人类社会发展进程之中。

【Abstract】 The harmonious socialist society is an ethical society with a dual nature of social political ideal and moral ideal, which refers to both the harmony of social order and the peace of people’s mental state. Therefore, the harmonious society has two connotations: the society’s systematic expectation of fair and just order, and people’s ethical expectation of happy and peaceful life. A fair and just order helps to make a reasonable distribution of limited social recourses, to get an effective control on all kinds of conflicts of interests, and to keep a favorable market order and life order of the society; while the ethical order, at the level of "what it ought to be", restricts the boundary of social conflicts of interests, reduces the market trading expense, provides the innate growing point of democratic politics and legitimate politics, and broods the value pursuit of "virtue" of the socialist harmonious culture. It is the value, transcendence and practicality of ethical morality that form the value support and the spiritual power of the harmonious society. It is an urgent task to study the ethical order of the modern harmonious society in china’s present social building.The moral ideal of ethical harmony in future society is not only pursued by the present communist party, but also sought by the ideologists steadily over the eras. From the guides and virtues of order, mercy and self-cultivation in ancient China to the moral ideal of sacrificing private interests to public interests, the Great Harmony, the liberty and independence in modern times; from the pursuit of justice, liberty and equality in ancient Greece and Rome to the call for the freedom of individuality and the liberation of humanity in the Renaissance, until the communist ethical ideal of the Utopian socialists in the 19th centaury, all of which show people’s approval of the effect of the ethical order on social stability and harmony, the assurance of individual right, the confirmation on justice and liberation, and the emphasis on morality and responsibility. However, to realize future harmony, Chinese ancient ideologists resort to individual moral cultivation while Western ideologists build more’ hope on legal system building. Marxism has been doing a thorough exploration on the ethical order of future society. Both the founders of Marxism and the Chinese Marxists set the building of harmonious socialist and communist society as their aim and stride forward towards this goal in practice. In their thought and practice of advancing social harmony, we can find the ethical values such as putting people first, democracy and the rule of law, equity and justice, harmony and coordination, honesty and fraternity, which are the ethical orders contained in the present thought and practice of harmonious society. Only under the guide of these ethical orders, can the socialism building make constant progress. The certainty of history is also practical. We can learn from history as well as find realistic ground to build the modern ethical order. During the transformation period of society, building an orderly ethical environment is faced with greater divergence of interests and increasingly obvious social conflicts, and with many ethical puzzles and moral risks, which makes this task arduous and urgent. Although the transformation of original ethical order are caused by various and complicated social factors, basically it is decided by the change of interests structure resulting from the transformation of society pattern. The divergence and imbalance of interests brings about the environmental change of original ethical order, which in turn leads to the essential reform of interpersonal communication, life modes and social values. Consequently, the ethical order breaks up naturally and needs reconstruction. It is significant and urgent to harmonize the interests diversity and the social honesty, the transformation of society pattern and the reasonable acceptance of politics, the cultural exchange and the dominant values and faiths, the distress resurrecting the nation and the nation’s calmness when facing it.Faced with difficulty and demand, we have to establish a new ethical goal for future society. The success of social development depends on the goal or the goal mode that the society set ahead. As the development of human society is not only economic and politic but also cultural and ethical, the dimension of values becomes an integral element of social development. It decides the need of social development, or actually predetermines the direction of social development. To build a socialist harmonious society, it is necessary to set a goal of social developmental values involving the relations between man and nature, man and society, man and other people, as well as man and self. The harmony between man and nature does not indicate submitting to nature or conquering nature, but means expanded production, a better life and sound ecological conditions, which entails abandoning human-centeredness, adhering to the values of coexisting harmoniously, and promoting the unity of ecological conservation and social civilization. The harmony of man and society originates from the development of society and the all around development of man, which are two basic orientations of harmonious society. The all around development of man is the ultimate goal of social progress, and social progress is the requirement. Therefore, it is necessary to stick to the values of collectivism, harmony and progress for all to promote the unity of individual development and social development. As the core element of social harmony, interpersonal harmony is beneficial to people’s life and work in peace and contentment and the social stability. And to promote development for all, it is required to uphold the communicative principle of tolerance and honesty and to establish the values of harmony and coexistence. Because social harmony hinges on the realization of every social member’s dignity and worth, the humanistic basis for building a socialist harmonious society is to respect and develop subjective personality. To encourage free and all-around development of individuals, we should pay attention to the harmony of oneself and establish the values of subjective personality.To fulfill the new goal of values, the core contents of the ethical order of the modern society needs restructuring. Based on the fundamental characteristics of the socialist harmonious society and the main requirements of the socialistic ethics cultivation, and giving consideration to the practical moral difficulties, we believe that the core contents of the ethical order of the modern harmonious society have multi-aspects. Individual right, as the affirmation and explanation of individual’s subjective value, become a substantial element indispensable to the existence and development of the modern society, which is the indication of social modernization and the humanistic basis of social harmony. Corresponding with right, moral responsibility not only reflects moral loftiness and concerns with individual’s survival and happiness, but also shows the practical requirements of social life and social relations on individuals, which is the basic issue of social harmony. The national spirit embodies the nation’s unique characteristic, self-consciousness and self-recognition, indicates the whole Chinese nation’s common pursuit and ideal of values, and helps the realization of national, cultural and worth recognition, which is the recognition source of social harmony. Power morality, compared with other professional codes of conduct, is more authoritative, political, responsible and influential in society. It guarantees that the social political ideal and principles are justified by the nation’s law and are supported by the social ethics at the same time, thereby makes the use of political power legitimate in politics and valid in ethics, which is the leading project of social harmony. Social justice is equitable distribution of political, economic and other interests among all the social members, which in turn means equitable rights, reasonable distribution, equal opportunities and impartial judicature. It is the main criterion measuring social progress in all aspects and the ultimate goal of social harmony.A harmonious society needs a harmonious operational mechanism, which makes directive arrangements on the new system, structure and organism of ethics and values. The internal operation organism stresses that the social integral elements, dominated by the consciousness of the subjective men who are "the total of all the social relations", follows the initiative public ethical conventions to achieve the optimal combination and the maximization of individual values and social values. This permanent mechanism includes educational operation mechanism, cultural cultivation mechanism, directive mechanism of public opinion, and policy guiding mechanism. All of them influence the social ethical relations by affecting people’s spiritual life directly and form the internal implementation system of modern ethical order. The external guarantee mechanism creates various possible conditions for reorganizing the social integral elements into a new external system. It emphasizes order among social organizations and harmony of the macro-environment that the subjective men are in. The external guarantee mechanism includes social circulating mechanism, interest coordination mechanism, organization and communication mechanism, social guarantee mechanism, social management mechanism, social control mechanism and social warning mechanism, all of which ensure the construction and operation of modern ethical order.The founders of Marxism had predicted that the future society will bring human to the free and all around development. Only the all around developed men can control the great progress of productive forces, scientific techniques and communication modes, and in turn, the development of productive forces and communication modes in all aspects are the internal motivation promoting social harmony. Therefore, the advance of people’s all around development and the fulfillment of social harmony are the prerequisite and foundation of each other. The two promote mutually and improve gradually, integrating in the developmental process of human society.

【关键词】 和谐社会伦理秩序道德
【Key words】 harmonious societyethical ordermorality
  • 【分类号】B82
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】936

