

On Education and Training of Informally Employed Labour Force

【作者】 燕晓飞

【导师】 范先佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在中国就业形势日益严峻的情况下,非正规就业成为破解就业难题的有效途径。目前,非正规就业已经成为中国劳动力市场的重要组成部分。可以预见,伴随经济发展和改革深化,非正规就业劳动力将会在中国经济、社会发展中发挥越来越重要的作用。现阶段,中国非正规就业劳动力的构成主体是农村转移劳动力、城镇下岗失业人员、个体从业人员等社会弱势群体。这个群体不仅人力资本存量低,而且缺少继续教育和培训的机会。低下的劳动力素质严重阻碍了非正规就业劳动者个人和家庭境况的改善,放大了社会阶层间的利益冲突,制约了经济发展,威胁到社会的和谐与稳定。因此,这一群体的素质与技能提高成为摆在我们面前的迫切任务。当前,中国针对非正规就业人员的教育培训理论尚属空白,教育培训实践尚不成熟,教育培训体系与制度尚未形成。由此可见,对非正规就业劳动力教育培训的理论研究和实践探讨成为亟待解决的重要课题。本文将非正规就业劳动力的教育培训问题纳入到教育培训市场供求的理论框架之中,以全面剖析非正规就业劳动力教育培训市场的基本要素——供求主体(Entity)、教育培训产品、教育培训市场自身的性质和特征为逻辑起点,重点考察了政府、非正规就业者、用人单位、社会教育培训机构等相关主体在非正规就业劳动力教育培训中的行为模式与特点,得出非正规就业劳动力教育培训供求主体的“理性经济人(Economy Man)”性质、教育培训偏重于“公共性”的“准公共产品”性质、教育培训市场的“混合经济”性质等基本结论,并以此作为全文分析的理论前提。在此基础上,本文进一步探究了非正规就业劳动力教育培训供求中存在的突出矛盾和问题,分析了问题产生的制度与政策根源,提出了化解矛盾,解决非正规就业劳动力教育培训难题的制度设计与模式构想。全文共八章,除第一章导言之外,分为四个部分进行讨论:第一部分为概念界定和文献综述,由第二章构成。主要阐释非正规就业劳动力教育培训的相关概念,并对国内外现有研究成果和文献进行梳理与评述。本文将研究对象锁定在处于弱势地位的非正规就业劳动者,重点研究该群体的教育培训问题。第二部分为基础理论研究,奠定全文的分析基础,由第三章和第四章构成。从教育供求的基本原理出发,探讨非正规就业劳动力教育培训市场基本要素的性质,揭示政府担负非正规就业劳动力教育培训责任的理论依据。在考察非正规就业劳动力基本状况的基础上,分析非正规就业劳动力的教育培训需求与教育培训选择的行为特征与行为诱因。第三部分为问题挖掘与根源探究,由第五、六、七章构成。通过对中国非正规就业劳动力教育培训的历史回顾与现实考察,揭示出非正规就业劳动力教育培训中存在的供求总量矛盾、供求结构矛盾和供给模式缺陷等深层次问题,并从劳动力市场分割、教育体制与政策层面对问题的根源进行深入剖析。第四部分探讨问题的解决路径,由第八章构成。在借鉴国外经验的基础上,结合我国实际,提出非正规就业劳动力教育培训制度的设计思路,构建中国非正规就业劳动力的教育培训供给模式。

【Abstract】 Informal employment has become an effective way to settle the problem of employment hardship when nowadays China’s employment situation hardship is becoming more and more severe. Currently, informal employment has become an essential component of China’s labour market. Predictably, with the development of the economy and the furtherization of the reform, informally employed laboure force will play an increasingly important role in China’s economic and social development.At the present stage, China’s informally employed labour force mainly consists of the weak-powered crowds such as the labours from the countryside, the laid-off workers in cities and towns and self-supplied workers. These groups of people are not only low in the storage of labour capital, but they are short of opportunities of continued education and training. The poor quality of labour greatly hinders the improvement of the personal and family situation of the informally employed labours, which expands the conflicts between social classes, restricts the development of the economy and threatens the harmony and stability of the society. Therefore, the improvement of the quality and skills have become an urgent task we have to face. Currently, China has no education and training theory for the informally employed labours, and the education and training practice is not mature and the relavant education and training system and institution have not formed. Thus it can be seen that the theorecital research and practice on the informally employed labours is a subject needed to be coped with.This dissertation includes the issue of training of the informally employed labours in the theoretical frame of the supply and demand for education and training market, and with the logical beginning point of thorough analysis on the factors of the education and traing market of the informally employed labours—interest-entity of supply and demand, products of education and training and the particular nature and features of the education and training market, the dissertation mainly makes research into the training patterns and characteristics in the education and training of the informally employed labours by the related interest entities such as government, units of employers, social education and training institutions and so on, and thus comes to a conclusion about the nature of the "rational economy man" of the supply and demand in the education and traing of informally employed labours, the nature of the fact that education and training focuses on "public goods" and the nature of "mixed economy" of education and training market, which also acts as the theoritical premise of the whole analysis. Based on the above, this dissertation goes on to look into the severe conflicts and problems in the supply and demand of the education and training of the informally employed labours, and analyses the causes in system and policy about the issue, hence putting forward the design of institution and patterns dealing with the hardship in settling the problems of the education and training of informally employed labours.The dissertaton consists of eight chapters with mainly four parts except for Chapter One as an introduction.Part One consists of Chapter Two with the defining of the concepts and acknowledgement of the books referred to, which clarifies concepts related to the education and training of the informally employed labours, and hackles and comments on the research achievements. The objects of the research is fixed on the weakly-powered informally employed labours with the focus on the issue of education and training.Part Two consists of Chapter Three and Four with basic theoretical research, which establishes the foundation of the whole dissertation. This part, based on the basic principle of supply and demand for education, researches into the nature of the basic factors of the market of education and training of the informally employed labours, and exposes the theoretical gist of the duty for the government to offer education and training for the informally employed labours. On condition of the observation of the situation of the informally employed labours, this part analyses the demand for education and training of informally employed labours and action features and inducements of the choice of education and training.Part Three consists of Chapter Five, Six and Seven with the digging for problems and the search for the causes, which, through the review of history and observation of the reality about the education and training for China’s informally employed labours, illustrates the deep issues about the contradiction of the total amount between supply and demand, the contradiction of the framework of supply and demand and the defects of supply pattern in the education and training for informally employed labours. This part also makes a further analysis on the origin the problems concerning the division of labour market, educational system and policy.Part Four consists of Chapter Eight with discussion on the approaches to settle the problems. With the help of the experience from other countries and relating to China’s reality, this part of the dissertation puts forward the design of education and training system for the informally employed labours, thereby trying to construct the supply pattern of education and training for China’s informally employed labours.

  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1405

