

【作者】 郝清

【导师】 姜学民;

【作者基本信息】 青岛大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 农民工是我国改革开放后形成的一个特殊的群体,他们的社会身份是“农民”,他们的职业是“工人”。他们的劳动力成本低廉,成为拉动国民经济发展的不可或缺的重要因素。然而,在我国城市现代化中发挥重要作用的农民工,在城市就业市场上却是弱势群体。这种弱势是多方面的:一是制度弱势,农民工进城不能充分享受“国民待遇”,制度上得不到有效保护,政策上倍受歧视:二是市场地位弱势。由于一般劳动力供给大大高于需求,工作岗位竞争激烈,农民工不得不接受低廉的工资和极差的劳动状况、生活待遇;三是能力弱势。农民工文化教育程度普遍较低,难以承担复杂性、专业性较强的工作。相比之下,这三重弱势中,农民工的能力弱势更具有根本性。制度障碍比较容易打破,而且已经发生松动,但是如果农民工人力资本低下的状况不能得到及时地改善,将难以满足城市和产业发展的需要,必将成为农村劳动力向城市转移的重要制约,也必然会成为我国城市化进程中的重要制约。所以应该加大对农民工人力资本的投资,促进农民工人力资本的转化和形成。“三农”问题历来是中国革命和建设的根本问题,全面建设小康社会有赖于“三农”问题的解决,而城市农民工则成为解决“三农”问题的核心。因此,制定以人为本理念的城市农民工政策,成为保证全面建设小康社会的生命线。本文在有效解决城市农民工问题的政策与对策上进行了一系列的探索,以期为解决城市农民工问题提供有益的理论基础。农村人口城市化是实现我国城市化的主要途径,而作为兼具农、工双层身份的城市农民工,则处在农村劳动力转移和农村人口城市化的前沿。在人力资本的概念上,本文借鉴舒尔茨的观点,认为人力资本是产权主体投资的能够带来价值增值的并依附于产权主体的价值存量的总和。根据这一概念,城市农民工显然还相当不具备人力资本的特征,更大程度上应该称之为人力资源。本文首先使用了定性研究与定量研究相结合的方法。在研究城市农民工人力资本收益率时,我们使用了明瑟模型和相关系数进行了分析,在得出不同农民工群体之间人力资本收益率的差异之后,我们又从历史与现实角度出发,定性地分析了产生这种差异的原因;其次,本文利用理论研究与应用研究相结合的方法,首先对前人的研究成果进行了综述,提出了农民工人力资本转化是我国经济的新发展阈的新观点,然后结合该观点,分析了我国现阶段农民工人力资本转化中存在的问题,对于我国经济增长的作用,以及采取什么样的措施,能够正确发挥农民工人力资本在经济增长中的作用。本文第一章介绍了研究的背景、提出了要研究的问题以及国内外学者相关的研究成果等;第二章提出农民大量转为产业工人是任何一个工业化国家所必然经历的阶段,我国出现的农民工群体实际上就是该阶段的一个体现,并重点分析了我国“农民工”一词的涵义,农民工在我国发展的历史,我国目前拥有的农民工的数量,农民工对于城市现代化建设和宏观经济增长的贡献,农民工在工资构成、年龄构成、文化技能构成方面的特点,在分析这些问题的同时,本文进一步提出了农民工在城市生活、工作中存在的问题;第三章首先回顾了人力资本理论研究的发展历程,重温了了人力资本经济学中的相关内容,重点阐述了美国著名经济学家舒尔茨提出的人力资本包含的五个组成部分。在该章中我们提出人力资本是人力资本产权主体通过投入一定费用可以获得的并能够实现价值增值的,目的是为了实现效用最大化,并依附于产权主体身上的价值存量的总和,并以此分享收益的价值。农民工是农民中最为活跃,最能产生价值的一部分,农民工人力资本转化无疑是我国向人力资本经济时代转化的关键,农民工人力资本的转化是我国经济增长中的一个新阈;第四章首先回顾了19世纪美国成功开发农村人力资本的案例,接着结合目前的现实回顾了党中央国务院关于解决农民工问题的一些对策,阐述了农民工在社会主义新农村建设中的作用,认为农民工从事二、三产业得到的收益可以反哺农业。农民工在全国各个大中型城市中跨行业、跨地域就业,接触不同于农村的城市环境,知识、阅历等都得到了丰富。最后,该章根据全面建设小康社会的需要,探讨全面建设小康社会中农民工向人力资本转化的可行性,得出农民工人力资本发展是全面建设小康社会目标的核心动力的结论;第五章主要通过实证研究,以青岛市为例,对农民工转化为人力资本进行了成本收益分析,在实证分析中我们发现,男性教育收益率略低于女性,在服务行业工作的农民工教育收益率略低于工业和建筑业农民工,来自青岛大市的农民工教育收益率高于来自青岛以外地区的农民工。另外,我们还重点分析了影响农民工人力资本收益率提高的农民工工资拖欠问题,提出工资拖欠问题的普遍存在降低了农民工降低了农民工进行人力资本转化的积极性,增加了农民工人力资本转化的成本,降低了农民工人力资本转化的收益:第六章研究了城市农民工人力资本的发展机制,具体分析了青岛市农民工人力资本转化的情况,对青岛市实施的有利于开发、利用农民工人力资源、保障农民工合法权益的政策措施进行了点评,然后将分析视角从青岛市转移到全国范围,根据我国目前的经济、社会、法律状况,提出了建立城市农民工人力资本生态经济型转化体系。第七章首先从国家对于农村基础教育设施投入和城市农民工职业教育投入两方面,提出我国对于实现农民工人力资本转化的投入相对来说还比较薄弱。该章中,我们认为政府首先要建立宏观调控机制和分类分级负担的投入体制,加大中央和省级政府对农村义务教育的投入力度,以此来提高教育财政支出在国家整体财政支出中的比重,构建农村义务教育财政经费投入的保障机制;其次要发挥财政政策资金的引导作用,拓展多渠道、多方位的农村义务教育经费投入;第三,要强化管理,完善我国农村义务教育财政转移支付制度,促进农村义务教育的协调发展;第四,要尽快建立农民工教育与培训的专门机构,同时加大职业技能培训的投入,以充分发挥政府在农村基础教育建设、农民工职业技能培训方面的作用。结论部分总结了前面的研究过程,提出只有当政府的主导作用真正发挥出来,农民工自身真正参与进来,才能真正实现农民工的人力资本转化。本文的创新点在于:一是首次将明瑟模型中计算人力资本收益率的方法应用到城市农民工当中,计算了城市农民工人力资本收益率;二是突破了农民工只是一般农村劳动力和人力资源的传统观念,将人力资本经济学内容同城市农民工相结合,提出城市农民工人力资本转化存在的可能性以及如何促成其完成该转化,提出了农民工是乡城人力资本的重要组成部分,而农民工人力资本转化是我国实现从人口大国到人力资源大国进而到人力资本大国的关键之所在;三提出了农民工人力资本是我国经济发展的新增长阈的新观点,丰富了农业与农村经济、劳动经济、人口生态经济、人力资源与人力资本经济等学科的理论。本文需要进一步研究的问题在于:首先,要更进一步、更深入地分析城市农民工和城市正式职工人力资本收益差异,及其产生这种差异的原因;其次,要更进一步分析城市农民工人力资本生态经济型转化体系究竟是如何在中国经济发展中发挥其具体作用的。

【Abstract】 Peasant Workers is a special group after China opened up to the outside world. Their social identity is peasant, but their profession is worker. Their labor force cost is low, while become one of the most important factor in national economic development. However, on one side, city construction needs peasant workers, on the other, peasant workers is the weak group in city employment market. This weakness has many aspects: first, the system weakness, peasant workers could not fully enjoy the national treatment. They could not be effectively protected, in policy, they are discriminated, too. Second, the weakness of market position. Since the laobr supply excceeds the labor demond, the job competition is fierce. Therefore, peasant workers have to accept extremely low sallary and very bad working condition. Third, the low ability. Peasant workers have low education, they could not burden complex work. Of all the 3 weakness, low ability is most fundamental. It’s easy to break system barrier, and has loosen. But if the low human capital circumstance could not change, it’s still difficult to satisfy the development needs of the city and the industry. It is destined to be a barrier to the country work force to the city, and also a barrier to the city expension. Therefore, we should increase the human capital investment to city pesant workers, with the intention of forming peasant workers human capital.The problem of three agriculture has been the fundamental problem in China innovation and construction. To fully build a welloff society relies on the resovation of three agriculture. While the peasant workers is the core of three agriculture. Therefore, making related policy focusing on the human become the bottom line in building a welloff society. This article focuses on finding measure that could effectively resolve the problems of city peasant workers, intending to supply a theratical basis for resolving the problems of peasant workers. The urbanization of country people is the important approach for urbanization. And the peasant workers with both identity of worker and peasant stay on the border of the transfer of country labor force and urbanization.First, we comprehend the quantity analysis and quality analysis. When researching citizen peasant workers’ human capital revenue rate, we used Mincer model and correlation index. After getting the result that different peasant workers group’s human capital revenue rate has the discrimination, we analyzed from the history and reality, getting the reason why the discrimination exists. Second, we comprehend the theoretical research and practical research. First, we previewed the achievement by former scholars. Then we posed the idea that peasant workers’ human capital is the new motivation for China economic development. Then we start from this idea, analyzed the existing problems of the peasant workers’ human capital to China economic development, the function of peasant workers’ human capital to China economic development, and the measure we take to fully utilize the peasant workers’ human capital for the economic development.In chapter one, we introduced the backround of the research, posed the questions to be researched, and stated the related research achievement in domestic and foreign scholars;In chapter two, we point that the transfer of peasant is a must to any country experiencing industrialization. Our peasant workers is one of the express. We have an in depth analysis of the content of peasant workers, the developing history of peasant workers, the amount, the countribution of peasant workers to city urbanization, the characteristics of the forming of ages, salary, culture skills. By analysing these questions, we further disguised the problems in the livelyhood and work of peasant workers in the city;In chapte 3, we first stated the development of human capital theory, reviewed the 5 parts of human capital mentioned by the famous American economists Schultz. In this chapter, we mentioned that human capital value could increase by investing a certain amount. The aim is to realize maximization of the effect, and share the benefit. Therefore, the villagers exceeding 70% played an important role in increasing the human capital in China. Peasant workers is one of the most effective and most able to produce the value. The transfer of peasant workers human capital is no doubtedly the breaking point of the transfer of China to human capital time. The transfer of peasant workers is no doubtedly a new region for China economic development.In chapter 4, we review the successful example that the US explored the village human capital in the 19th century, and the related policy posed by the centural government, state the role by the peasant workers in the construction of socialist new village. We think that peasant workers embark on the second and third industry could feed back the agriculture. Peasnt workers working in many large&medium sized cities, getting in touch with the city environment different from the village, the knowledge and experience is enriched. As the leader of country innovation, leader, peasant workers played and important role in building a harmonious village. At last, for the needs of fully building a welloff society, this chapter posed the feasability of the transfer of peasant workers to the human capital, getting the result that peasant workers is the core in the aim of fully building the welloff society.In chapter 5, we took Qingdao as an example, made an analysis of peasant workers human capital transfer benefit. In the analysis, we found that the male education benefit rate is slightly lower than female; peasant workers working in service is a little bit lower than industry and construction; peasant workers from Qingdao city is higher than that from outsided Qingdao. Plus, we have an indepth analysis of the salary arrear that affects the income rate of peasant workers, mentioning that the salary arrear lowered the action of peasant workers to human capital, increased the cost for peasant workers to human capital, lower the income rate of the peasant workers to the human capital;In chapter 6, we researched the development system of city peasant workers human capital, had an indepth analysis of the circumstance of Qingdao peasant workers human capital transfer, reviewed the policy for using human resources, protecting peasant workers’ legal right in Qingdao. Then, we transferred our sight to the whole country, according to the current economic, social and legal circumstance, posed the boilogical transfer system of peasant workers human capital;In chapter 7, from the two points that the government’s investment to the village education infrastructure is low, and the peasant worker’s professional education investment is low, we first mentioned that the investment by the government to the peasant workers’ human capital transfer is comparatively weak. In this chapter, we think the government should first bulid the macro adjustment mechanism and the grade investment system, increase the centural and local government investment to the village duty education infrastructure. By doing this, we increase the education investment rate to the whole national financial income, and build the ensurance system of village duty education; second, we should let the governmental financial play a leading role, broaden the investment channel to village education investment; thirdly, we should intensify the management, fufil the transfer payment system, to make the village duty develop; fourth, we should build the education and train branch for peasant workers, and increase the professional train investment, to fully play the governmental role in building village education infrastructure and peasant workers professional skill train.The result concluded the former research process, mentioning that only the function of the government really plays, the peasant workers’ really participate in it, the true human capital transfer will truly realize.The creation point of this article is: first, it broke the traditional idea that peasant workers are common village labor force and human resources. It comprehends the knowledge of human capital economics and the city peasant workers, pointing that peasant workers is the most important part in country human capital, is an extremely important question in fully building well-off society. Second, we calculated the peasant workers’ human capital revenue rate by using Mincer model. Thirdly, we point out that country human capital is the new developing region in China economy, enriched the theory of village economy, labor economy, human biology economy, human resource and human capital economy.The questions that need further research is: first, we need to further analyze the difference between city peasant workers and city workers’ human capital revenue rate, and the reason leading to the difference; second, we will further analyze how the city peasant workers’ ecological economic transferring system acts in China economic development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 青岛大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】D412.6;F323.6
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1860
  • 攻读期成果

