

City-level Diplomacy of Chinese Cities in the Age of Globalization

【作者】 杨勇

【导师】 曹云华;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 在全球化不断深入的时代背景下,城市作为财富、技术和人才的聚集地,发展节点功能日益突出。不同国家和地区城市对外交往活动的蓬勃发展,使得城市自身国际利益增加了,行为能力得到进一步增强,城市的国际地位明显上升。由于城市日益对本国、本地区乃至世界政治产生越来越大的影响,对于城市对外交往的研究有着十分重要的现实意义和理论价值。本文在对当今国际关系理论中关于城市发展理论考察的基础上,以城市的国际行为为研究对象,提出了“城市外交”这一理论,认为城市是非国家行为体,属于“次中央外交”的范畴,不同于传统的国与国之间的外交形式、性质和特征,是一国总体外交的有益补充。城市外交的决定因素包括:一国政治结构、自然地理条件以及城市的国际利益(包括政治、经济和文化)等。文章还回顾了城市对外交往的历史,通过对中央与地方关系、中国改革开放二十多年来的经验和教训以及地方政府的对外交往向国家外交提出的挑战和遇到的难题等问题的系统分析,以中国城市尤其是以广州为对象,剖析广州城市外交的体制、功能以及特点,初步描绘出广州城市外交的轮廓。以期表明,在中国这样高度集权的单一制国家内,也存在着活跃的地方政府对外交往,并且随着对外交往的深入,地方政府将会在国际舞台上发挥更为显著的作用;同时,也提出一些初步的解决思路,如如何构建中央与地方“共赢”的外交政策,希望为该地方政府乃至中国其它地区的地方政府构建更加完整的对外交往体系,更好地为各地区开展对外交往服务。

【Abstract】 In the age of globalization,function of city as a clot point of development is gradually revealed,which is a gathered area of fortune,technology and talents.The developments of external exchanges in cities of different countries and areas shows that international interests of cities are growing greatly and acting ability is strengthened.International position of city is exalted.Since more and more influential ability cities make to nations,regions and even world politics,studying on external exchanges of cities is one of most significant works of international relations.This article,based on over viewing modern theories of sub-national government diplomacy and world-city development,gives forth to a theory of "city-level diplomacy",which takes city as an object of study and believes that city is a non-sovereign actor and its diplomacy is one part of state-foreign policies. City-level diplomacy has its own features,such as forms,characters,which is determined by political structure of a state,natural geographical conditions and international interests of city(including politics,economics and cultural,and so on).The article also briefs history of city’s external exchanges,in the perspective of central-local relations,experiences and lessons of China’s opening and reforms, which shows and analyses opportunities and difficulties raised by city’s external exchanges.The author takes city of Guangzhou as an example of case-study,and summarized structure,functions and features of Guangzhou’s city-level diplomacy. The purposes of author is to makes a conclusion that although as a unitary state, there exists active city-level diplomacy in China and they played more and more important roles in world arena.Meanwhile,author put forward a tentative solution, such as how to make up a "win-win" foreign policy of central-local relations and hope to give an assistance to build up more reasonable and better structure of China foreign policy.

【关键词】 全球化中国城市外交广州案例
【Key words】 globalizationChinacity-level diplomacyGuangzhou case study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

