

Being in a Live and Flexible Scene of Literature

【作者】 颜敏

【导师】 王列耀;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 时间上的连续性与空间上的杂生性使得文学期刊构成了鲜活流变、杂语共生的文学现场,能够呈现文学历史及其存在样貌的复杂多变性。从这一基点出发,本论文爬梳了“台湾、香港、澳门与海外的华文文学”在大陆文学期刊中传播与建构的相关情况与若干问题,对有关“台港暨海外华文文学”大陆流播的刻板印象进行了质疑与否定。一是梳理了“台港暨海外华文文学”在大陆文学期刊中的传播概况。纵向来看,从1970年代末到21世纪初,大陆文学期刊的相关传播活动大体可分为窗口期、高峰期,转型期和整合期四个阶段,同时,“台港暨海外华文文学”的整体感也经历了从隐约、凸显、分化和消失的过程。横向来看,首先,由于受众定位的差异,文学期刊中衍生出了有关“台港暨海外华文文学”的三种基本传播模式:学术的、纯文学的和大众的;其次,由于“地缘意识”、中国意识与“世界意识”组合关系的差异,文学期刊中形塑出三种“台港暨海外华文文学”的结构模式——主次分明型、众生平等型和含混重叠型。大陆文学期刊中“台港暨海外华文文学”的存在形态与价值意义的多元流变,否定了那种认为“台港暨海外华文文学”是政治需要之产物的观点。二是鉴定了文学期刊传播“台港暨海外华文文学”时主体性的显现方式。首先,文学期刊通过栏目形制等期刊语言,将选取文本重新组合,并赋予其新的价值意义,使之融入期刊的整体氛围之中,从而体现出建构性力量。其次由于处在多重视角多种力量的纠缠之中,特定文学期刊总是以一种调和协商的方式,寻找不同力量之间的空隙与契合点,以实现对“台港暨海外华文文学”的个性化传播。那种忽略对具体传播媒介的考察,只从宏观层面去把握“台港暨海外华文文学”大陆流播的研究思路,难免就会失之笼统与偏颇。三是分析了文学期刊的传播活动对“台港暨海外华文文学”与“汉语文学”的影响。文学期刊的现场感源于不同文本之间的相互影响与相互渗透,它呈现和促进了不同性质文学的融合生长过程。因此,文学期刊对于“台港暨海外华文文学”的传播促进了不同区域与国家华文文学的整合过程,有利于整合性文学观念的形成。随着文学交流的日趋深入,“台港暨海外华文文学”这一划地为界的术语也被世界华文文学、汉语文学、华文文学、中文文学等整合性概念所超越。

【Abstract】 Literature periodicals constitute a live and flexible scene of literature because it is continuous in time and miscellaneous in space; so we can see the complications of literature’s history and its existing condition when we study the periodicals. From this point of view, this paper explores how and why the "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" are transmitted and constructed in the literature periodicals of mainland, and has challenged the changeless imagination about the communication of "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" in the mainland.First, this paper includes a historical and current study of "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" communicated in the literature periodicals of mainland, See longitudinally, whose development from the end of 1970’s to the beginning of 21 century is divided generally into 4 stages: "window period" , "summit period" , "transformational period" and "integrated period" . Meanwhile the unitary feeling of "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" also involves a development process of ambiguity, highlight, differentiation and disappearance. See breadthwise, firstly, because different literature periodicals have different readers, there are three basic kinds of transmitting mode—Academic mode, pure literature mode and popular mode—in the literature periodicals. Secondly, because there is difference on combined modes of "geographical consciousness" , "Chinese consciousness" and "international consciousness" in the literature periodicals, there stand three different structure modes of "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" , namely, preferential type, equal type and ambiguous type. Based on the diversity of structural mode and value of "Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas Chinese literature" in literature periodicals of mainland, we deny the view that it is always an outcome of politics in mainland.Second, this paper discusses how the subjectivity of literature periodicals has been presented during the communication of "Hong Kong, Taiwan and overseas Chinese literature" . The first way is that the chosen texts have been reconstructed in the literature periodicals through the special language (such as column and form) and given new meaning and value, so that they can become a harmonious ingredient of the periodicals. Secondly, having been placed in a point where various angles and forces are gathered together, the given periodicals always coordinate with different factors and look for the crevice and identity of these factors to realize the characteristic communication. Therefore, if we neglect to study the specific medium and only see the general situation about the communication of "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" in mainland, our study would be sweeping and unilateral inevitably.Third, the influence of literature periodicals’ activities on communicating "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" and "Chinese literature" is discussed in this paper. A live scene of literature originating from the mutual influence and penetration of different texts presents and promotes the integrated process of different literatures. Therefore, the integration of Chinese literature in different regions and countries is also promoted through the communication of "Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" in literature periodicals, which is helpful to build the integrated views on literature. The concept " Taiwan, Hong Kong and overseas Chinese literature" named after the regions and countries would be replaced by some integrated concept such as "Chinese literature all over the world" , "Chinese literature" , "HuaWen literature" , and "ZhongWen literature" etc with the deep exchanges on literature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

