

The Historical Document of Jinnan Kingdom Ruled by Emperor Gao

【作者】 曾育荣

【导师】 张其凡;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 高氏荆南是五代十国时期南方九国之一,存在于后梁开平元年(907)至北宋乾德元年(963),前后57年,共历四世五主。其疆域始有荆州一地,前后迭有变化,入宋时辖荆、归、峡三州,是南方诸国中地域最为狭小的割据政权。服从于在夹缝中求生存的目的,高氏荆南始终未称帝建国,并一直以藩镇体制作为政权的基本组织形式,政权内部略已显现的王国体制则处于从属地位,从而形成一种不太对称的双轨制政治架构.与政治上藩镇体制的主导地位相呼应,高氏荆南的军事体制以唐末五代的藩镇兵制为特色,以亲军和牙军为军队骨干,诸兵种中尤以水军力量至为突出。为免遭强邻吞并,高氏荆南外交的重点在于奉行事大政策,称臣于中朝,同时亦注重实施睦邻政策,交好邻邦,由此构建出彼此牵制、相互制约的外部环境。而在辖境以内,高氏荆南能重用人才,注重军事防御工程的修建,壮大军事实力,并切实采取措施以休养生息,又力行通商、征商政策。正是得益于内政的稳定和经济的发展,高氏荆南人口增长迅速,其速度并不逊色于盛唐时期,甚至有过之而无不及,由此亦能反映出其时经济发展所达到的高度。活跃于该政权中的文臣武将,则是高氏五主至为倚重的幕僚,亦是高氏荆南多次摆脱危机、走出困境的重要因素之一。延及五季宋初,伴随着统一浪潮的日益高涨,分裂割据赖以存在的客观条件逐渐丧失,高氏荆南无可避免地成为赵宋王朝实施统一战略的首选打击对象。乾德元年(963)二月,宋军以假道之计袭据江陵,高继冲纳降于宋,高氏荆南就此灭亡。

【Abstract】 Jinnan kingdom ruled by emperor Gao is one of the nine kingdoms in the South China between the Tang and Song Dynasty.It had been built up in the first year of Kai Ping(907)in Hou Liang and annexed to the Northern Song on the first year of Qian De(963).The regime lasted for fifty-seven years and had five monarch.At first,its domain is only Jing Zhou,but it had great changes during the fifty-seven years.At last, it got Jing Zhou,Gui Zhou and Xia Zhou.Jinnan kingdom ruled by emperor Gao is the most narrow geographical segmentation of the nine kingdoms in the South China.Jinnan kingdom had never established a state for surviving. It always kept military governorship as the basic organized of regime. The military system Of Jinnan kingdom is characterized by military governorship between late -Tang and Song dynasty.The Qin Jun and Ya Jun were the mainstay of army,especially Shui Jun.The internal regime has been slightly appear in the realm of the subordinate status of the system, thus forming a kind of too symmetrical two-pronged political structure. To avoid annexing by neighbor,diplomacy of Jinnan kingdom focused on pursuing central dynasty,and also focus on promoting friendship with neighbor.In the territory,Jinnan kingdom could use talent,build up the construction of military defense projects,expand military strength.It also took measures to recuperate from war,and to develop trade.Due to the internal stability and economic development,population grew rapidly. Its speed is not inferior to the Tang Dynasty,or even better than.It also reflected the economic development in that time achieving a high degree.The bureaucrat helped the Jinnan kingdom escaped from the crisis many times.At the beginning of Song Dynasty,along with the tide of reunification,Jinnan kingdom inevitably become the preferred targets by Song.On February in the first year of Qian De(963),the army of Song made a surprise attack on Jiang Ling.Gao Jichong was forced to give in. Jinnan kingdom ruled by emperor Gao was doomed to extinction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

