

Study on Yan Geling’s Novels from Trans-cultural Perspective

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 饶芃子;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 严歌苓(1959-)是目前北美华文文坛最具实力和影响力的新移民作家,她的小说创作取得了显著的成就,作品屡次在国内外华文文坛引起轰动,值得进行个案分析和深入研究,至今还没有以严歌苓为个案研究的博士论文。本论文以跨文化的研究视野,运用比较文学、文化研究、女性主义批评、精神分析等方法,梳理严歌苓小说在创作题材、女性形象、叙述模式和美学意识等方面的演变和拓展,通过文本细读,对作家如何将海外生活体验转化为文学艺术创作进行系统、深入的阐释,揭示东西方文化碰撞下的严歌苓小说创作对中国文学的独特贡献,并寻求海外华文文学新的“汉语诗学的话语”。论文第一章介绍严歌苓的生平和小说创作概况,分析国内的研究现状和学术评价。第二章梳理严歌苓小说创作的题材内容,展现其小说题材的演变轨迹,并分析作家对“极致环境”中的人性探寻。第三章分析严歌苓小说中“女性人生”的演变,探讨女性形象系列的文化内涵和民族寓意,阐明作家身份的转变对女性形象塑造的影响。第四章从“双层时空叙事”、叙事者“我”以及历史叙事等方面揭示严歌苓小说叙事方式的特点及其身份意义。

【Abstract】 Yan Geling (1959-) is one of the most powerful and influential new immigrant writers in the North America Chinese literary arena at present. She has achieved the remarkable achievement in fiction creation and her works have repeatedly received the wide acclaim in the Chinese literary field home and abroad. Therefore, it is worth carrying on the case analysis and the in-depth research on her and her work. But so far there has been no doctoral dissertation which takes Yan Geling as the case study. This dissertation is based on the trans-cultural research perspective as well as a blending of approaches of comparative literature, cultural research and feminist criticism, in order to investigate the evolution and extension of Yan Geling’s fiction in terms of creative themes, female images, narrative patterns and aesthetics consciousness. How the writer fuses the overseas life experience into her artistic creation is to be interpreted systematically and penetratingly via close reading of her works; the unique contributions of Yan Geling’s fictions in the context of East-West cultural collision to the Chinese literature is to be revealed; the new "Chinese poetics discourse" of the overseas Chinese literature is to be explored.The first chapter of the dissertation provides a sketch of life and of the fiction writing of Yan Geling, together with an overview of the progress of domestic research and academic appraisal. The second chapter is an attempt at the discussion of the diversified subject materials of Yan Geling’s fiction, and of the thematic evolution of her works; simultaneously unfolds her deep insights into human nature under the "extreme environment". The third chapter focuses on the evolution of the feminine life in her fiction, the cultural connotations and national implications of feminine images, and the impact of the writer’s transformed cultural identity on the characterization of female characters. The fourth chapter concentrates on the artistic techniques like "double temporal-spatial narrative", narrator "I", history narrative and so on, offering an anatomy of the features of fictional narrative patterns and significance of the writer’s complex identity.

【关键词】 严歌苓人性女性种族文化结构历史叙事
【Key words】 Yan GelingHuman natureFemaleRaceCultureStructureHistory narrative
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

