

Coping with the Changing World: The Research of US National Security Strategy Report (1990-2006)

【作者】 刘彦

【导师】 陈乔之;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 布什、克林顿和小布什三位美国总统的11份《美国国家安全战略报告》,在美国国家安全战略的认识、判断、反应等3个基本环节上,布什和克林顿之间存在明显的连续性,而小布什与他们之间则存在很大的不同。表明冷战后美国国家安全战略的形成过程,发生了重大断层,至今没有实现稳定。小布什坚持极端化的国家安全观念,是对克林顿、布什,甚至第二次世界大战结束到冷战结束历任美国总统,都坚持的务实的国家安全观念的重大改变。这是导致冷战后美国国家安全战略形成过程,发生重大断层的根本原因。坚持极端化的国家安全观念,就是坚持以美国的实力无限,因而美国的目标可以无限的观念,作为制定和实施美国国家安全战略的基础;坚持务实的国家安全观念,则是坚持美国的实力有限,因而美国的目标也必须有限的观念,作为制定和实施美国国家安全战略的基础。小布什执政后,极端化的国家安全观念在美国占据了主导地位。这是以新保守主义为代表的保守主义思潮,与小布什自身的极端化倾向密切结合,并且受到“9.11”事件的直接推动而形成的局面。美国陷于伊拉克战争严重困境难以摆脱,小布什主义难以为继,新保守主义的影响迅速下滑,都充分显示了小布什以极端化的国家安全观念为基础的国家安全战略趋于失败。失败的根本原因是,这一战略严重损害了美国的利益,使美国在战略全局上陷于被动。冷战后美国实力在世界上的地位及其变化趋势、世界形势及其发展变化,以及美国决策者的素质和能力,共同决定了冷战后美国国家安全战略的形成过程。冷战后美国国家安全战略的形成过程,将不同于冷战时期。将表现为,在务实的趋势占据主导地位的同时,极端化的倾向可能一再出现,并且相互渗透,相互影响。

【Abstract】 It reveals from 11 copies of US National Security Strategy Report by George Bush, Clinton, George W. Bush, that there is an obvious continuity between George Bush and Clinton, while George W. Bush is greatly different from them in the cognition, estimation, and reaction concerning US national security strategy. The appearance that there is a major fault in the formation of US national security strategy after Cold War, which generates a unstable national security strategy.The extremist concept of national security held by George W. Bush is a great change compared with the pragmatic concept of national security promoted by Clinton, George Bush, even former US presidents dating from the end of the Second World War to the end of the Cold War. His extremist concept is the fundamental reason leading to the major fault in the formation of post Cold War US national security strategy. To insist on the extremist of national security strategy means to hold on the point that US has unlimited extension, therefore, US can have unlimited targets, which becomes the fundament of establishing and implementing US national security strategy. The pragmatic concept of national security believes that US has limited on extension conducting US has limited targets. Ever since George W. Bush got into White House, the extremist concept of national security dominates US society, which is the result of the conservative trend of thought represented by neo-conservatism combing the extremist trend of George W. Bush, while being directly driven by "9.11".United States now trapped in the difficult position resulting from Iraqi War, and also George W. Bush philosophy is difficult to continue, neo-conservatism’s influence declining rapidly. All those fully portents that the national security strategy based on the extremist concept of national security was failed. The primary failure is the strategy damages the profit of the United States from current overall strategy of US in passive.The status and changing trend of US strength in the world, the world situation and world’s development and changes, and the qualities and abilities of American decision-makers created the formation of US national security strategy after Cold War. Also, influenced by those elements, derivative of US national security strategy after Cold War will be different from that in Cold War. When pragmatic trend dominates, extremist trend might appear with both trends infiltrating and influencing each other.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】D871.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1351

