

A Study of Long Ping Ji

【作者】 熊伟华

【导师】 张其凡;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 《隆平集》是一部记载北宋太祖至英宗五朝史事的史籍,本文对《隆平集》进行了全面细致的研究。全文分上、下两篇,上篇为本书作者研究。《隆平集》的作者旧题为北宋的曾巩(1019—1083),但南宋晁公武的《郡斋读书志》和清代的《四库全书总目》都对此提出疑问,特别是《四库全书总目》断然否定曾巩为《隆平集》的作者,虽然近代文史大师余嘉锡先生对《四库提要》之说进行了有力的辩驳,但并未在学术界形成定论。本文上篇在余嘉锡先生论证的基础上,进一步提出新的论据,证实《隆平集》确为曾巩所作。本文下篇为本书研究。首先,考察了曾巩主持修纂的《五朝国史》与《隆平集》之间的密切关系,论证了《隆平集》即《五朝国史》的草稿本;其次,分析了《隆平集》的主要内容、体例特色和写作风格,并对《隆平集》的版本流传进行了梳理;最后,通过将《隆平集》与其它同时代同题材的主要史籍如《续资治通鉴长编》、《东都事略》、《宋史》等进行比较和分析,探究了其史料来源和史学影响,指出《隆平集》作为现存唯一一部由北宋人所著的北宋前期史,具有其它的有关北宋的史籍无法取代的特殊价值。我们应该重视《隆平集》的史料价值,充分有效地利用它。

【Abstract】 Long Ping Ji is a essay collection of recording the histories of five periods in North Sung dynasty which was from Taizu to Yingzong. The thesis studied it roundly and carefully.There are two parts in this thesis. The first part researched the author of Long Ping Ji. The author was once considered as Zenggong (1019—1083) , but both Jun Zhai Du Shu Zhi of Chao Gongwu in South Sung dynasty and the catalogue of Si ku Quan shu in Tsing dynasty doubted it. Especially the catalogue of Si ku Quan shu firmly denied that the author of Long Ping Ji was somebody else except Zenggong. Although modern historian Yu Jia xi proved that it was Zenggong that the author of Long Ping Ji in Summary Arguing of Si Ku,the doubts remain existent among the academy. The thesis brought forward the new arguments on the basis of Yu Jia xi’s argumentation and proved that Zenggong really was the author of Long Ping Ji.The other part of this thesis researched the Long Ping Ji itself. Firstly, studied the relation between the Long Ping Ji and Wu Chao Guo Shi (five periods histories of North Sung dynasty) which was compiled by Zenggong and proved Long Ping Ji was the rough draft of Wu Chao Guo Shi. Secondly, analyzed the main content, format characteristic and writing style of Long Ping Ji and hackled its popular edition. Lastly, compared and analyzed Long Ping Ji with other history books which belonged to the same style and period, such as Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chang Bian, Dong Du Shi Lue, Sung Shi, etc., explored the historical data and effect and indicated that Long Ping Ji was a North Sung dynasty history book which only wrote by the person of North Sung dynasty and it was so valuable that it cannot be replaced by any other history books about North Sung dynasty. So we should think much of the historical data value of Long Ping Ji and use it availably and adequately.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】315

