

European Community Competition Law and European Integration

【作者】 彭心倩

【导师】 朱义坤; 王子昌;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国际关系, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 欧洲一体化是多种合力共同作用的结果,其中欧共体竞争法发挥着独特作用。本文从自由建构主义(liberal-constructivism)的角度对欧共体竞争法的产生和作用进行了分析。这里所谓的自由建构主义指的是国际关系理论中自由主义和建构主义相互综合的一种分析范式(paradigm)。自由建构主义认为,建构一种各国认同的制度,可以节省国家间的交易成本(transaction cost),促进各国的国家利益。依据这一范式,本文认为从舒曼计划到欧洲煤钢共同体的建立并不是人们想象的自然过渡那么简单,以竞争法为导向的欧洲煤钢共同体的建立,是以欧洲复兴和国际压力为策动,在美国干预之下的,竞争法观念悄然作用于欧洲政治精英的产物;欧共体竞争法通过消除共同市场上成员国政府以及成员国企业的限制竞争的行为,有力地维护了欧洲共同市场上的自由竞争,成为欧洲一体化尤其是经济一体化的基石;欧共体竞争法分散执行权的“现代化改革”妥善解决了共同体与成员国之间权力分配的矛盾,形成了以共同体为引导,成员国积极参与,促进共同利益发展的协调机制,成为了欧洲一体化得以深化发展的重要制度因素;而欧洲竞争制度对于市场经济的普适性,使得欧共体竞争法可以作为“欧洲模式”的载体,而成为入盟前“接轨”的先决条件在联系国中推广,从而成为欧洲扩大的重要制度因素。总之,欧共体竞争法体现的价值观念和制度特点是其能够成为欧洲一体化促进因素的关键原因。

【Abstract】 Many forces lead to European integration, among which European Community competition law (ECCL) plays a unique role. This paper takes a view of liberal-constructivism to study creation and effect of European Community competition law. This liberal-constructivism refers to a comprehensive analytical paradigm of liberalism and constructivism. liberal-constructivism believes that constructing an institution identified by nations can reduce transaction costs among nations to increase interests of nations. According to that paradigm, this paper believes that transference of Schuman Plan to European Coal and Steel Community was not as smooth as people thought, which directed by competition law is a result of combination of endeavor of European renaissance, international pressure, American intervention and politic elites’ acceptance to competition law; and though abolishing anti-competition behaviors of member states and their undertakings, European Community competition law has strongly sustained competition in European common market, therefore become a footstone of European integration especially European economic integration. The "Modenization of European Community competition law", which decentralizing the power of enforcement of European competition law, well settles allocation of power between supranational organization and member states, helps to form a common effort to common interests which is leading by supranational organization and supported by member states, thus makes it an important institutional factor of further and deeper development of European integration. With its applicable to every market economy countries, European Community competition law can be a pre-condition to access European Union, which at the same time generalizes European model to the association countries, thus becomes an important institutional factor for European Enlargement. In a word, the value and nature revealled by European Community competition law is the main factor which makes it become a important factor in the process of European integration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

