

The Modern Vision of Chinese Traditional Flavor Theories

【作者】 李知

【导师】 蒋述卓;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 文艺学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “味”是中国古典美学的重要范畴,是中国艺术精神的表现和具体化。研究从味觉的特殊性和丰富的中国饮食文化入手,探寻出味觉与中国人的审美意识起源的密切关系。运用文化研究的理论和方法考察“味”在不同的历史时期的内涵和特征,寻找“味”逐渐成为中国古代文论的核心范畴之一的历史轨迹。其间,“味”与其他范畴互相阐释、互相补充,形成一个完整、系统、自足的体系。用味论与印度诗学、西方文论展开比较诗学研究,以确立中国味论的定位及其价值。味论批评有其独特的诠释方式与批评方法,涉及作家、作品、读者、世界四个要素。与英美新批评、结构主义、解释学、接受美学以及现象学和存在主义中某些思想有相通之处,在西方理论互释的过程中既可拓展理论的深度,也可在两种异质文化的碰撞中找到契合点,从而发现新途径。最后讨论在面临文学样式转型的过程中,味论如何实现自身从传统向现代的转换,以保持其理论效力。

【Abstract】 "Flavor" is an important category in Chinese classical aesthetics and a representative of Chinese art psychic.In the research presented here,we first set out from the gustatory particularity and lush culture of Chinese cuisine to find out the close relationship between gustatery and Chinese aesthetic consciousness;we also used theories and methods of Culture Study to study the different meanings and characters of flavor in different historical eras,and to seek for how "flavor" become one of the core categories of Chinese ancient literature theories over a historical period. During this period,"Flavor" and the other categories explained and supplied each other,therefore formed an integrity and self-sufficient system;we compared "Flavor" theories with Indian poetics and Western Literary Theories in order to establish the status and the value of Chinese "Flavor" theories.The "Flavor" criterion is featured by its unique interpretation model and critic methods consisting of four elements:authors,works,readers and the world.It has some similarity with New Criticism,Structuralism, Hermeneutics,Receptive Aesthetics,as well as Phenomenology and Existentialist Hormonology.From the collision of two cultures,we can widen the "Flavor" theory,as well as identify similarity between two cultures, which may lead to a new approach in studying the theory;last,we discussed how the "Flavor" theories evolved from the traditional model to the contemporary model,to keep its effectiveness while facing the challenge of modern literary genre transformation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

