

A Study on the Manner Category in Mandarin Chinese

【作者】 王丽彩

【导师】 邵敬敏;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文是关于汉语语义范畴系统的一个专题研究,主要讨论了汉语中的方式范畴。汉语句法语义范畴的研究,是“从语法意义入手探求语法形式”这一研究思路的直接表现,也是与功能语言学、认知语言学等西方理论相呼应的具有汉语特色的研究课题。本论文以“语义语法”的理论和分析方法为基础,以“认知语言学”中的范畴理论为指导,运用语义特征分析方法,贯彻形式和意义相结合的原则,以北京大学CCL现代汉语语料库为主要语例来源,对方式范畴的框架和本体进行了深入、细致的研究,建立了一个汉语的方式范畴系统。本文的主要成果,归纳起来有以下7点:1.第一次较全面系统地研究了汉语中重要的句法语义范畴——方式成分的性质,指出了方式范畴是一种原型范畴,方式范畴由语义论元范畴和语义角色范畴构成,并从形式和语义两个方面严格区分了方式和工具、材料的界限。2.根据原型范畴理论,研究了方式范畴的典型成员和非典型成员的特点,并论证了内部成员在典型性上的程度差别。3.根据方式成分跟VP的关系,把方式范畴分为致使类方式和非致使类方式两个大类,致使类方式又分为有意致使和无意致使两个次类。根据动作的主体对方式成分控制度的不同,把方式范畴分为可控方式和非可控方式,可控方式又分为自主方式和非自主方式。从而第一次多方面、多角度建立了方式范畴的语义系统,大大深化了对方式范畴内涵的认识。4.通过对介词引导的方式状语述题化和话题化条件制约的观察,认为介词引导的方式状语可以分为偶发型方式和规约型方式两种语义类。5.本文按照动词能否带方式格的情况把动词分为方式动词和非方式动词,然后根据所带不同方式格的情况把方式动词分为绝对方式动词和相对方式动词,从而建立起方式动词这样一个语义小类。6.通过对能充当方式宾语名词性质的研究,发现能充当方式宾语的名词是基本词汇的下位词。7.通过对方式介词语义次类的研究,发现表示方式的介词有使用义、依据义、凭借义、表现义四个语义类。本文的研究,不仅在理论上证明了语义范畴理论对汉语研究的价值,证明了从语法意义入手探求语法形式这一研究思路对汉语研究的科学性,而且在实践上为计算机处理和识别自然语言、对对外汉语教学等都提供了必要的帮助。

【Abstract】 This paper is a research about Chinese semantic categories system, in which the mainly discussing subject is manner category. The research of Chinese semantic categories system is a direct representation of a research method which means "beginning with grammatical meaning research to explore grammar form". And this research with Chinese characteristics is also fitting the theories of functional linguistics and cognitive linguistics. A Chinese Manner category will be sketched in this paper. The theory of Semantics grammar and Cognitive grammar are used in this paper.In a word, the main achievements in this paper are as follows:(1) This is the first time that the manner category is studied systemic and roundly. We have found manner category is a prototype category. Manner category is made up of argument category and semantic role category. We discriminate manner category, instrument category and material category from meaning and form.(2) Based on the theory of prototype -based category, we study the features of typical manner category member and non-typical manner category member and discuss degree hierarchy of the typic member and un-typical.(3) We have divided manner category into causative manner and non-causative manner, causative manner is divided into intentional causative manner and non-intentional causative manner according to the relationship of manner category and Vp. We have divided manner category into control manner and non-control manner. So we set up the semantic system of manner category for the first time and deepened the knowledge of the manner category.(4) This paper analyzes rhemization and topicaliczation’s restrictions of manner case. According to this, manner case is divided into common manner and occasional manner.(5) The verb in modern Chinese is classified two parts ’manner-verb’ and ’no manner-verb’ according to the ability of combing manner case in this paper, then manner-verb is classified two parts ’absolute manner-verb’ and ’relative manner-verb’ according to combing different manner case.(6) We found the nouns of manner object are sub-basic level category word.(7) We found manner preposition have four sub-meaning, which is "shiyong"(使用), "pingjie"(凭借), yiju(依据) and "biaoxian"(表现).This article not only verifies theoretically effectiveness of semantic category, but also testify the research thinking of "beginning with grammatical meaning research to explore grammar form". The achievements of the article are helpful to computer natural language processing and the teaching of Chinese as a second language.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 03期

