

The Political and Diplomatic Relationship between China and South Korea

【作者】 何彤梅

【导师】 姜龙范;

【作者基本信息】 延边大学 , 世界史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以中韩政治外交关系为课题,全面、系统地回顾了中韩政治外交关系发展的历史,论述了中韩建交以来,两国政治外交、经济、文化关系的发展过程,对影响中韩政治外交关系发展的诸因素进行了深入的探讨,从而揭示出未来中韩政治外交关系发展的趋势。论文分三个部分,即绪论、结论及由五个章节组成的论文主体部分。在绪论中,主要说明研究中韩政治外交关系对我国经济发展和政治外交的目的及意义。本论文在充分查阅了中、韩、英、日文献资料,运用现实主义理论方法的基础上,多视角地对中韩政治外交关系进行了整体研究。同时,对相关研究进行了综述性回顾。第一章从历史的角度就中韩关系的缘起作以介绍。自1910年“日韩合并”开始到“三·一运动”的掀起,中国仁人志士的呐喊与中国有识之士的声援将两国人民紧紧连在一起。在日本侵略中国时,中国各党派在积极进行抗日的同时对韩国临时政府也给与了无私的援助、支持和声援。30多年同仇敌忾,共同抗击日本军国主义的侵略,两国人民结下了深厚的友谊。第二章论述了冷战时期两极对抗下的中韩关系。战后大国对朝鲜半岛问题的处理最终导致了半岛的分裂,朝鲜半岛成为东西方对抗的重要场所之一。新中国成立初期“一边倒”战略使中朝友好交往,中韩严重对峙。朝鲜战争的爆发进一步使中韩由对立走向交恶。朝鲜战争后,中苏同盟得到巩固,苏、中、朝组成了反对美国及其盟友的战略同盟。第三章论述了冷战趋于缓和时期由两极到多极化过程中的中韩关系。70年代以后,东北亚的冷战气氛有所缓和,但并未改变中国同朝鲜半岛两个国家间关系的性质。韩国针对北方社会主义国家推行“北方外交”;中国正积极推行改革开放政策。于是,中韩间的非官方接触、间接贸易成为消融两国关系坚冰的催化剂,中韩关系开始松动。第四章论述了中韩建交后两国关系的全面发展。中韩建交符合两国政治、经济和安全利益。建交15年来,两国政治、经济关系得到了全面、飞速地发展,这种发展也为相互间的文化交流创造了良好的环境和氛围,“韩流”和“汉潮”的出现便是最好的例证。相比之下,中朝关系却迎来了短暂的“冷却”局面,但经过中朝双方的共同努力,两国关系开始向新型的国家关系转换。第五章就21世纪的中韩关系发展前景进行展望。中国对朝鲜半岛政策的基点是“南北并重”,这一政策不仅对中国的经济发展,而且对国家政治、安全都具有重要的战略意义。朝鲜半岛的统一是历史必然,在这一过程中,中国可以发挥不可替代的重要作用。韩国新政府的对外政策将目前的中韩关系提升为战略合作伙伴关系必将被提到议事日程上来。在结论部分,笔者综合全文归纳出中韩政治外交关系的发展趋势。尤其指出,未来中韩政治外交关系的发展将上升为战略合作伙伴关系。

【Abstract】 This dissertation concentrates on the study of the political and diplomatic relationship between China and South Korea, reviewing the history of the development of the political and diplomatic relationship between China and South Korea in an all-round and systematic manner, expounding the process of the development of the bilateral political, diplomatic, economic and cultural relations since the establishment of the Sino-Korea diplomatic relations and making an in-depth analysis of the factors affecting the development of the Sino-Korea political and diplomatic relations, thus revealing the trend of development of the Sino-Korea political and diplomatic relations.The dissertation comes of three parts: introduction, conclusion and the major part composed of five chapters.The introduction mainly explains the purpose of the study of the Sino-Korea political and diplomatic relationship and its significance to China’ s economic development and political diplomacy. By way of consulting adequate literature published in Chinese, Korean, English and Japanese and based on the realism, the dissertation makes a multi-angle study of the overall Sino-Korea political and diplomatic relationship. Meanwhile, the dissertation makes a general review of the related studies.Chapter I introduces the origin of the China-South Korea relations from a historical perspective. From the Japan-Korea merge in 1910 to the break of 3·1 Movement, the outcry of the kind and upright Chinese and support from the men of insight brought the peoples of the two countries together closely. During Japan’ s invasion into China, the various Chinese political parties, while fighting the Japanese invaders enthusiastically, offered unselfish assistance and support to the Korean provisional government. Filled with a common hatred, the two peoples developed profound friendship in their over 30 years’ joint fight against the Japanese militarist aggression.Chapter II describes the China-South Korea relations under the confrontation of the two poles during the cold war. Post-war intervention by the super powers in the Korea peninsular issue brought about the final split of the peninsular and Korean peninsular became a major front of confrontation between the west and the east. At early days following the founding of the People’ s Republic of China, the one-side strategy led to the friendly exchanges between China and DPRK on one hand, but resulted in the severe confrontation between China and South Korea on the other hand. The outbreak of the Korean War deteriorated the China-South Korea confrontation. After the war, the China-Soviet Union alliance was further strengthened and Soviet Union, China and DPRK entered into a strategic alliance against USA and its allies.Chapter III deals with the China-South Korea relations during the transitional period when the cold war tends to wane. After the 1970s, the atmosphere of cold war in Northeast Asia somehow relaxed. However such relaxation did not alter the nature of China’ s relations with the two countries in the Korean peninsular. Korea introduced "north diplomacy" toward socialist countries, while China was pushing forward the reform and opening up policy. Thus the non-governmental contact and indirect trade served as the catalysts in melting the tough ice of bilateral relations and the China-South Korea relations began to show signs of improvement.Chapter IV focuses on the overall development of the bilateral relations after the establishment of the Sino-Korea diplomatic ties. The establishment of China-South Korea diplomatic relationship promoted the political, economic and security interest of the two countries. The 15 years since the establishment of the diplomatic relations has witnessed the rapid overall development of the bilateral political and economic relations, which in return, creates a favorable environment and atmosphere for the cultural exchange between the two countries. The boom of popularity of Korean culture in China and the Chinese culture in Korea represents two of the best examples. In contrast, the China-DPRK relations have undergone a brief stagnation. However, with the joint efforts of the two parties, the China-DPRK relations are beginning to transform to a new state-to-state relation.Chapter V analyzes the perspective for China-South Korea relations in the 21st century. China’ s policy toward the Korean peninsular is guided by the principle of "common emphasis on both the North and the South" . This policy is of great strategic significance to not only China’ s economic development but also the state politics and security of China. Reunification of the Korean peninsula is a necessity of the history. In this process, China has an important role to play that can not be replaced. Upgrading of the current Sino-Korea relations to a strategic partnership as indicated in the foreign policy adopted by the new government of Korea will be brought to the agenda.The conclusion summarizes the trend of development for the China-South Korea political and diplomatic relationship, and predicts out in particular that the future Sino-Korea political and diplomatic relationship will be upgraded to strategic partnership.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 延边大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】D822.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1348

