

The Study of John Corigliano’s Orchestral Technique

【作者】 郭鸣

【导师】 杨立青;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 作曲与作曲技术理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本论文选择当今仍活跃于国际乐坛的美国作曲家约翰·科瑞里亚诺(JohnCorigliano,1938~)的6部乐队作品为研究对象,并结合其在文化背景、美学观念、审美趣味等方面的形成,以及由上述因素所导致的作曲技法为视角,发掘其管弦乐配器法的“继承”与“发展”。并通过具体写法的“透视”与“分析”,对科氏在6部乐队作品中的音色、织体及具体的配器手段等方面进行梳理与研究,从而取得相应的结论。论文由导论、正文及结论组成。在导论中,首先对论文选题的缘起及本论题的意义做了简要的论述,并对美国当代音乐中“回归”现象做了概括性的梳理,同时对6部乐队作品的研究文本做了概况的介绍。正文由五个章节组成,前三个章节主要是对6部乐队作品的横向音高结构与织体、纵向和声结构以及复调结构与织体等诸因素分别进行了研究。在上述作曲技法的基础上,对各种技法的相互渗透、相互融合、相互对比也做了较为深入地分析,并归结出这些技法导致的织体的形成、音色的处理等直接影响管弦乐配器风格的各种因由。第四、五章是在前三章的基础上从宏观上对乐队的编制、乐队的摆放位置及多维声向的形成与意义做出详细的研究与论述。随后又在微观上对管弦乐配器中特殊演奏法的运用,不同音区的运用与处理,以及纵向多声部结构中的配器特征等方面也做了较为详实的分析与论述。在结论中,对科瑞里亚诺6部交响乐作品的技法特征、管弦乐配器的风格特点及形成其风格诸因素的缘由做了概括的总结。

【Abstract】 John Corigliano is the one of the extraordinary American composers nowadays. This doctoral thesis in the study of the orchestral technique in Corigliano’s composition reveals the characteristic of his orchestral technique by close analysing the means of the orchestration such as the timbre and the texture in his six orchestral works , and of his concept of the succession to the aesthetic tradition of western orchestral music and development from it.The thesis consists of the introduction, the text and the conclusion.In the introduction, it is explained about the reasons of the topic selecting and the meaning of the topic , and then it is expounded on the trend of return in the american contemporary music briefly , also to introduce the Corigliano’s six orchestral works which are going to be discussed further in the thesis.The text of the thesis consists of five chapters . The discussions in the first three chapters are about the horizontal structure of the pitched texture , the vertical structure of the harmony , and the texture of the polyphony in the six orchestral works . In a summary analysis , mutual infiltrating and fusing but contrasting among the all of the elements of composition are discussed to figure out how the elements such as the texture and timbre effect the style of the orchestration . The contents in the chapterⅣandⅤdiscuss the instrumentation about the works and the instrument position of stage , which causes the multiple acoustic direction , and then make a detailed study of Corigliano’s orchestral techniques about the use of the irregular playing and the different registers of the instruments, also the special orchestration in the texture of the vertical multiparts.In the conclussion , the features of the technique and the style of the orchestration in Corigliano ’s six orchestral works are summarized, also the reason of the elements which form the features.

【关键词】 科瑞里亚诺管弦乐配器法音色织体
【Key words】 CoriglianoOrchestrationTimbreTexture
  • 【分类号】J614
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】556

