

The Social Status of Western Composers

【作者】 夏滟洲

【导师】 杨燕迪;

【作者基本信息】 上海音乐学院 , 音乐学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 本论文旨在研究西方作曲家的社会地位。主要围绕与作曲家所从事的活动中的几个方面如物质回馈、精神回馈及社会影响等要素而展开,以个案研究阐述作曲家的社会身份。论文采取观察、比较等社会学方法,美学—历史双向研究方法,从音乐创作与作曲家的社会间关系,从作品概念的历史形成与音乐形式因素之发展等方面着手,分层次、多角度地论述西方作曲家的社会身份之形成。本论文导言对所选择论题从研究目的与意义、国内外就此论题展开相关研究的已有成果及得失,作出评价。随后的章节基于一种音乐社会史的断代而展开,共分三章。其一是欧洲中古社会时期;其二是近代早期到欧洲市民社会成熟之前:其三是西方资产阶级革命爆发以来,至贝多芬生活的时代。这三部分是论文的主体,分别从艺术概念的嬗变、作曲家技术的发展、音乐风格与社会结构的交互影响和音乐保护体制的作用等方面分而述之,试图从社会分层、音乐与社会的关系的演绎之中揭示出西方作曲家社会身份变化之历史。第一章,围绕“自由七艺”的重要性、音乐在教会仪式中的功能和日常生活中的世俗音乐几方面,论文首先论述了音乐在中世纪文化中的地位和角色,并分析了上述音乐活动中音乐家的不同及其所具有的角色。在中古社会,比较突出的是为教会工作的音乐家,他们基本上完全是附属性的神职人员,没有自我身份。同时,西方音乐实践、音乐作曲行为的早期发生,在一定程度上反映了当时音乐家身份的变化。诸如记谱法之出现和不断发展等音乐行为,作为一种社会行为,为音乐家所用,决定了这一行为的主导者所具有的音乐家一作曲家身份,“作曲”意识开始萌芽,音乐史上作曲家的“无名氏”状态,经由中世纪晚期,逐渐向留下姓名的“作曲家”概念过渡。第二章,从文艺复兴早期到巴洛克时期。受人文主义影响,在这一历史阶段,音乐演出由原先的教堂延伸到了世俗的宫廷,宮廷贵族擅用的音乐赞助制度促进了西方音乐的发展并参与了社会的构建。生活在教会中的音乐家(歌唱家)—作曲家,他们附属于教会,有着优渥的生活保证和资源,充分地利用着他们所处时代的音乐实践规则,履行着自己的天职。受雇于宫廷中的作曲家的地位依然是依附性的。但宫廷形成的赞助制,使音乐和作曲作为一种职业,得到西方社会认可。与此同时,音乐内部的技法演进(如各种复调模仿技术和弥撒中的循环统一概念,世俗音乐中出现的一些新的体裁等),既确证了“作曲家”概念的形成,又预示能够掌握利用作曲技法者,并以之描述社会的变化,必然会使自己获得新的社会身份。随着社会结构的变化,在巴洛克晚期,由于音乐印刷的持续增长,中产阶级的兴起,音乐的市场机制开始浮现,刺激了作曲家为追求创作自由的想法,导向了一个新的时代。第三章,在“现代性”形成初期条件下,艺术的自律和音乐的独立,器乐跃居统治地位,作品概念主导等,这些因素使音乐的文化地位上升至从未有过的高度,终于使现代意义上作曲家身份确立定型。在音乐实践中,音乐本体发生的变化,也都导向了我们现在所认可的“作曲家”概念。其他如音乐的社会建制的成熟,音乐出版的作用,音乐教学的普及等也在一定程度上加强了作曲家的社会身份。于是,凭借音乐实践与作曲行为的技术原则,作曲家从起初的“手工业者身份”逐渐朝向现代意义作曲家身份演变,在18世纪末期到贝多芬生活的时代,清晰地反映了作曲家身份的变化过程。总体上,贵族赞助制开始衰落,但还没有完全退出。海顿延续了传统贵族赞助制,莫扎特遭遇了体制过渡阶段中必然会有的尴尬,贝多芬则圆熟地利用了贵族赞助与市场的好处,实现了作为作曲家在人格和经济上的独立自主,现代意义上的作曲家成型。

【Abstract】 This dissertation will study the social status of the past great composers and its influence in the western countries.The research will focus on the composer’s social life and his contribution and influence to the communities in terms of materialism and spiritualism.The analysis methodology in this dissertation encompasses observation method,comparison method,aesthetics-history method.Including analysis from the angle of music composition and the lifestyles of composer,their social circles,style of music creation and the formation and development of music trend during their period.In the introduction,explanation will be given on the objective and purpose of this study as well as the evaluation of comments given on similar studies conducted by others.The main contents of this dissertation consists of three parts,the first part focus on composer from the European Medieval society,the second part spans from composer from the European early modern civil society and lastly the era from Beethoven.These three parts describes the evolution of music,music style and the interrelationship between music and social development during these periods.In detail,the first chapter discussed on the importance of "the seven liberal arts".As well as the importance of music in the church ceremony and its functions in their daily lives.The paper first discussed the role that music plays in the medieval era.In the medieval society,the most outstanding one is the work of musicians for the church. These musicians basically componere music for the sake of their religion and did not claim any credits for it.Slowly,the practice and styles of music composition reveals to a certain extent the changed in social status of the composer.Such as the notation of the emergence and continued development of music as a kind of social behavior.This culture started to create a new form of identity,for the musician-composers.As a result, the "composition" author sense began to sprout.The ’nameless’ status has gradually transitioned to be a known ’composer’ concept through the close of the Middle Ages.The second chapter presents the early era of Renaissance to Baroque era.Influenced by the humanism,The music performance extended from the original church to the secular palace.The music patronage rules be good at utilizing by the nobles promoted the western music development and was used to build the social.The musician(singer) and composer living in the church life were attached to the church has the advanced life guarantee and resources.They fully used their music practice rules of their time and performed their roles.The statuses of the employed composers by the palace were still the subordinate,But the patronage rule formed by the palace makes musician and composer as one career recognized by the western social.Meanwhile,The inner techniques development such as the polyphony mimic technique,the mass circulation and combination concept and the new topics in secular music not only confirmed the formation of the composer concept,but also predictive the composer who grasped the compose techniques and described the social changes could get the new social status.As the social structure changed,in the late Baroque era,as the music printing keeping on increase,the middle class development,the music market mechanism appeared.This stimulus the thoughts of the composer who pursuing the creation freely.This leads to the new era.The third chapter described the combined factor such as the arts self discipline,the self independence,the instruments dominant status and the masterpiece concept lead role etc.made the music culture status rising to the never reached height in the "modernity." formed early stage.This made the composer status formed in the modern concept.In the music practice,the changes of music main body such as some new style, that is the structure of concerto/sonata,masterpiece style as the highly matured sonata style etc.all leaded to the composer concept we now recognize.Others such as the musical social structure including the maturity of music structure,the role of music publishing,the music instruction population etc.strengthened the social status of composer to some extent.Depending on the music practice and compose behavior technique principle,the composer transformed from the initial "odd job labors" gradually to the modern composer status.From the late age of 18th century to Beethoven living age,it clear reflected the transformation procedure of composer status. Generally,noble patronage rules dwindled but not wholly disappeared.Haydn prolonged the traditional noble patronage rules,Mozart got the embarrassment unavoidable in the style transition,Beethoven skillful used the advantages of noble patronage and market system and fulfilled the composer self dependence in human characters and economics, the modern concept composer formed.

  • 【分类号】J603
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1716

