

Valuations on Surfaces and on Arithmetic Surfaces

【作者】 许宁

【导师】 李克正;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(数学科学学院) , 代数几何, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 赋值理论具有很长的历史,他在很多领域都有重要的应用。赋值是许多代数对象的研究工具。令K为k的有限生成扩域,tr.deg(K/k)=n<+∞,v是K的一个k-赋值。如果n=1,则K是k上曲线C的函数域,v可以由C的一个素除子来定义,我们称它为除子类型。每个除子类型的赋值都是离散的。我们把它推广到高维(即n≥2)情形,它对K-群的计算以及刚性解析空间的研究都有帮助。本论文主要研究n=2的情形,它比n=1的情形要复杂得多。我们定义了赋值的高度以及单项式axsyn,s∈Q,n∈N,a∈k的(?)-次数,其中(?)(x)=sum from i=1 to +∞aixri,ai∈k,ri∈Q,0<r1<r2<…,(?)ri=r<+∞为任意给定的形式级数。从而得到曲面上k-赋值的完整分类,并且给出了赋值和超越级数的关系。进一步地,我们证明了曲面上所有非平凡k-赋值都可以由爆发的无穷序列给出,具体给出了爆发的过程。一个平行的问题是算术曲面上赋值的分类,也就是对Q的超越度为1的有限生成扩域上的赋值的分类。在本论文中,我们给出了赋值的高度的定义以及大域Cp,G的定义,其中p为素数,G(?)R为包含1的加法子群。我们得出Cp,G是一个域并且Cp,Q是代数闭的。从而得到算术曲面上赋值的完整分类。进一步地,对任意m≤n∈Z,令Vm,n为n-m+1维R-向量空间,坐标指数从m到n。我们推广Cp,G的定义,使得其中p为素数,G(?)Vm,n为包含1的加法子群。我们得出如果m≤0≤n,则Cp,G是一个域。

【Abstract】 The valuation theory has a long history. It has important applications in various areas. Valuation is a researching tool for many algebraic objects. Let K be a finitely generated field extension of k with tr.deg(K/k) = n <+∞, v be a k-valuation ofK. When n = 1, it is well known that K is the function field of a curve C over k,then v can be defined by a prime divisor of C. We call it the divisor type. Each valuation of divisor type is discrete. There have been attempts to generalize this method to higher dimensional (i.e. n≥2) cases. It is helpful to the calculations of K-groups and the study of rigid analytic spaces.In this paper we study the case when n = 2, it is much more difficult than the casewhen n = 1. We define the height of a valuation and the (?) -degree of a monomialaxsyn, s∈Q, n∈N, a∈k , for any given formal series(?)(x) = sum from i=1 to +∞aixri,ai∈k,ri∈Q, 0 < r1 < r2 <…, (?)ri= r < +∞. Based on this the author obtains thecomplete classification of k -valuations on surfaces. In addition, we get the relationship between the valuation and transcendental series. Furthermore, we show that all the nontrivial k -valuations can be given by the infinite sequences of blowing-ups and give the process of blowing-ups.A parallel problem is the classification of valuations on arithmetic surfaces, i.e. theclassification of all the valuations of a finitely generated field extension of Q withtranscendental degree 1.In this paper, we give the definition of the height of a valuation and the definition ofthe big field Cp,G, where p is a prime and G(?)R is an additive subgroupcontaining 1. We conclude that Cp,G is a field and Cp,G is algebraically closed. Based on this the author obtains the complete classification of valuations on arithmetic surfaces. Furthermore, for any m≤n∈Z, let Vm,n be an R -vector spaceof dimension n-m + 1 , whose coordinates are indexed from m to n . We generalize the definition of Cp,G, where p is a prime and G(?)Vm,n is an additivesubgroup containing 1. We also conclude that Cp,G is a field if m≤0≤n.

【关键词】 赋值高度全序群
【Key words】 ValuationHeightRankTotally ordered group

