

Study on Sustainable Exploitation and Utilization of Water Resources in Urban Areas

【作者】 王效琴

【导师】 王启山;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 环境工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国多数城市面临着水资源短缺与水污染的双重困扰,不合理的水资源开发利用不仅导致与加深了这一问题,而且带来一系列问题,比如资金浪费、生态环境等问题,已经影响到社会经济的可持续发展。不合理的水资源开发利用方式受传统的发展观与经济增长观影响,因此,从循环经济理念与可持续发展观出发指导城市水资源的综合开发利用研究已迫在眉睫。城市水资源要实现可持续利用,必然要重视非常规水源利用,非常规水源利用在国内尚处于起步阶段,相关的技术、规范、政策等尚不成熟。本文从可持续发展观与循环经济理念出发,提出了城市水资源可持续开发利用的原则,通过收集非常规水源利用相关文献与咨询业内专业人士,分析了目前非常规水源利用的技术经济情况与对生态环境的影响,提出了适合我国国情的非常规水源开发利用模式。应用层次分析法,从技术经济、生态环境与社会效益三方面构建了城市水资源开发利用措施综合效益评价模型,评价指标体现可持续发展观与循环经济理念。该模型为定性与定量评价各种水资源开发利用措施的综合效益提供了一种方法,为各种水源的优先开发利用次序决策提供了依据。应用该模型对节水、雨水利用、污水回用、海水淡化、长距离调水的综合效益作了定性评价;以天津市为例,对污水回用、海水淡化、长距离调水的综合效益做了定量评价,认为:污水回用的综合效益远大于后两者,天津应优先大力发展污水回用项目,海水淡化由于能耗高等问题,近期可为天津市提供的水量远小于南水北调将提供的水量,对于严重缺水的天津,海水淡化的综合效益低于南水北调。应用多目标规划法建立了城市水资源开发利用优化模型,该模型综合考虑了社会经济发展的需求、能源的节约、水环境的保护与开发利用的成本,把水污染治理成本纳入了城市水资源开发利用的综合成本中,该模型的应用使得在众多的开发利用方案中能够优选出节能、环境友好、成本低廉的方案,使城市水资源的开发利用真正实现社会、环境、资源与经济效益的统一,优化计算结果将提出各种水源组合开发利用形式与各种水源的开发利用程度。针对天津市的水资源情况与社会经济发展趋势,应用城市水资源开发利用优化模型,研究了天津市的水资源开发利用优化方案,提出了使成本、能耗、污染物排放量都较小的各种水源开发利用量。认为:天津市的现状用水水平虽然能支撑2010年的经济发展规模,但却得付出昂贵的资金与能源的代价,是一个资源浪费型的水资源利用模式,所以天津市必须加大节水力度,并调整产业结构,才能实现可持续的发展;无论是在节水、还是节水并优化产业结构的情况下,天津市都无法依靠开发当地常规水资源、引滦引黄水与非常规水源而解决缺水问题,必须结合南水北调调水,但调水量多少需综合考虑经济、资源与环境效益优化确定,根据本文的计算,规划的调水量规模偏大;.通过节水,天津市2010年的缺水量并不像规划中的大,因此,海水淡化这样高能耗的供水方式可以少量利用,而不宜大规模利用,规划中2010年达到1.5亿吨的规模偏大,它的大规模应用尚有待于能耗的降低。在非常规水源与长距离调水中,污水是应优先开发利用的,高度的污水处理率与污水回用率是天津市实现水资源可持续开发利用的必然选择。

【Abstract】 Most of cities in China suffer from both problems of water scarcity and water pollution. The reasonless water resources exploitation and utilization not only resulted in and aggravate the problems, but also bring a series of other problems such as financing waste and environment problems. The traditional development viewpoint and economic increase viewpoint resulted in the reasonless water resources exploitation and utilization model. So, it is urgent to study the sustainable water resources exploitation and utilization based on the philosophy of cyclic economic.It is important to utilize unconventional water resources for realizing water resources sustainable utilization in urban areas. It is at the stage of start to utilize unconventional water resources in China, the correlative technology, criterion, policies are imperfect. Firstly, the principle of water resources sustainable utilization in urban areas is put forward based on the sustainable development viewpoint and the philosophy of cyclic economic. Through collecting the literatures about unconventional water resources utilization and consulting specialists, the economy, technology and effect on environment are analyzed, the models of unconventional water resources utilization suitable for specific situations of China are put forward.An integrated benefit assessment model (IBAM) for the urban-water-resource-related policies is established on the basis of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). A system of integrated benefit assessment indices (SIBAI), with comprehensive reflections on social, economic and environmental interests, is proposed, guided by the sustainable concept and the cyclic economic philosophy. The IBAM provide a method to decision-making the priority order of all kinds of water resources exploitation. The integrated benefit of measure, such as saving water, rain water utilization, water recycling, seawater desalination, and the South-to-North diversion project are appraised qualitatively. The IBAM and SIBAI are then applied to appraise quantitatively such cases as water recycling, seawater desalination, and the South-to-North diversion project, in Tianjin city. It drew a conclusion that the integrated benefit of the water recycling is far greater than the seawater desalination and the South-to-North diversion project, Tianjin should step up its investment in the waste water recycling projects and nurture the sewage recycling programs as a priority. As seawater desalination involves high consumption of energy, the water available for Tianjin in the near future is far less than the South-to-North Water Diversion section will offer. For such a metropolitan worst affected by water shortage as Tianjin, this is an important factor which leads to the fact that the integrated benefits of seawater desalination measures are lower that those of the South-to-North Water Diversion section.The water resources exploitation optimize model (WREOM) is established based on the multi-object planning. The WREOM reflects on social development demand, energy sources saving, water environment protecting and etc, the cost of fathering water pollution is brought into the total cost of water resources exploitation, which makes it possible that a project with saving energy sources, environment friendly property and relatively low cost is selected from all kinds of projects. The aim of WREOM is a unification of social, economic and ecological benefits. The WREOM will tell a priority project which include the model of all kinds of water sources exploitation and how degree all kinds of water sources should be exploited.The last, the WREOM is applied to optimize the project of water resources exploitation in Tianjin city. It drew a conclusion that the cost and energy source consuming are very high for satisfying the demand to water in Tianjin city in 2010 at the status quo level of utilizing water. Tianjin city should enhance the level of saving water and adjust the structure of industry. Whether at the status of saving water or saving water and adjusting the structure of industry, Tianjin city can’t resolve the problem of water scarcity through exploiting conventional water sources and unconventional water sources, it is necessary to rely on the South-to-North Water Diversion (SNWD) Section, but, the quantity of diversion water needs to confirm through taking into account comprehensive social, economic and environmental interests. On the basis of optimized project, the quantity of diversion water planned is bigger. Through saving water, the quantity of water to demand isn’t as large as it planned, the size of seawater desalination mode should be confine which consumes large of energy sources. The quantity of 150 million ton seawater desalination every year planned is larger in 2010. Among unconventional water sources and Water Diversion from far away, sewage should be priority exploitation. It is necessity choose of the higher ratio of treating with and recycling of sewage in Tianjin city.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期
  • 【分类号】TV213.9
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】3034

