

Viscera Basis and Characteristics of Body Fluid Metabolism on the Basis of "Correspondence between Wuling Powder Formula and Syndrome"

【作者】 窦志芳

【导师】 张俊龙;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目的:在五苓散文献学和“方证相应”研究基础上研究津液代谢的藏象学基础。方法:在津液代谢理论回顾与梳理的基础上,运用文献学方法、数理统计方法和数据挖掘方法,研究津液代谢的藏象学基础。结果:原方研究表明:四气以热性为主,五味以甘辛为主,药物归经主入脾和膀胱。医案研究表明:泄泻和水肿是五苓散最常用于治疗的疾病;最常见症状为小便不利;证候要素以湿为主;治则以从脾论治为多。贝叶斯网络研究表明:五苓散方证各要素都与脾密切相关。加减药物四性以温性为主,五味以苦甘辛为主,归经以入肺肝为主。结论:脾是津液代谢的重要藏象学基础;肾是津液代谢的调控之机;应高度重视膀胱在津液代谢中的地位与作用;五苓散“方证相应”研究为藏象学研究提供了新思路、新方法。

【Abstract】 Objective: To study the viscera basis and charateristics of body fluid metabolism onthe basis of previous study on "correspondence between Wuling powder formula andsyndrome". Methods: Literature review, mathematical statistics, database knowledgediscovery were applied to the study of Wuling powder on its literature recordings, property,flavor and meridian action of its ingredients, and related medical records.Resuits: Wulingpowder was maily warm in nature and sweet and acrid in taste. It tended to act on spleenand bladder meridians and indicated to diarrhea and edema or symptoms such asinconstance of urine, abdominal distension, lassitude, and diarrhea. The concerned drugswere warn in nature and bitter, sweet and acrid in taste. They usually acted on lung andliver meridians. The key sydrome was dampness and the treatment usually focused onspleen. Conclusions: Spleen plays an important role in body fluid metabolism and therapy.Kidney is a important viscera in body fluid metabolism.We should pay more attention tothe effect of Urinary Bladder.in body fluid metabolism and therapy. "Correspeondence offormula to sydrome" offers new eyesight for the study of basic Chinese viscera.


