

Study of the Ancient and Modern Literature and Prescribing Rules on the Keratitis in Traditional Chinese Medicine

【作者】 朱晓林

【导师】 田代华;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 通过文献研究与统计分析相结合的方法,对中医文献有关治疗角膜炎的古今方药进行分析研究。论文共分三部分,第一部分运用文献学方法,收集古今相关文献,系统总结角膜炎的病名沿革、病因病机、治法方药概况;第二部分运用统计学方法,对治疗角膜炎的334首古今方剂进行研究,从频数分析、聚类分析等角度,分析了元代及其以前、明代、清代和近现代四个历史时期角膜炎的证治规律特点,并从整体上对本病的方药证治规律进行分析探讨;最后,根据文献研究和统计分析结果,结合中医药理论,对角膜炎的病因病机、临证思路、辨证论治规律等进行重新认识,提出了以病因、病位、体质三要素相结合的角膜炎发病机理新假说和辨证论治新观点,为今后临床工作提供了新思路。

【Abstract】 Purpose of this thesis is to search the law of syndromes differences and treatment of the keratitis in term of studying TCM literature works and statistical analysis. Firstly, by the method of statistics, collecting data from the classical works of TCM and systemically analyzing the history, pathogeny, pathology, syndromes differences, therapeutic methods, prescription and drugs of the keratitis. Secondly, by usage of statistical analysis, such as cluster analysis, frequency analysis, etc. research the change of law and characteristic of the keratitis from the age of before Yuan Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty to the near and modern times on the angle of the medicine and treatment. All of these provide a new method to master the disease of differentiation of symptoms and treatment on the whole. Thirdly, based on the studying TCM literature works and statistical analysis, established new system of differentiation of syndrome and treatment by combining the theory of pathogeny, pathology and physique. Via multi-analysis, propose new prescription of pathology and drugs of the keratitis therapy, in order to offer new point in TCM clinical and optimization new laxative.

  • 【分类号】R276.7
  • 【下载频次】263

