

The Analysis and Understanding on the Theory of Liver Zangxiang and Its the Thinking about Experience in Huangdi Neijing and Nanjing

【作者】 方亚利

【导师】 孙广仁;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 目的:《内经》、《难经》奠定了传统中医学肝藏象基本理论结构,本课题目的在于系统整理《内经》、《难经》中的肝藏象,以概括《内经》、《难经》肝藏象的内涵,并通过对其经验思维方法的探讨,在理论上把握其可能的发展方向。通过本课题的研究,以期从科学思维视野理解传统中医学中的肝藏象,正视传统肝藏象的优势和缺陷,了解传统肝藏象与相关知识的关系,从而认识其在现代科学领域中的位置,树立对传统肝藏象的信心,在理论和实践上促使传统肝藏象与相关知识的融合。方法:采用传统的文献整理方法,分析综合相关文献资料;借鉴学科交叉研究方法,利用思维科学的研究成果,梳理《内经》、《难经》肝藏象,明确其优势及缺陷,预测其发展方向。成果:《内经》、《难经》肝藏象内涵贯通自然、社会、人体各领域,是古人赖以认识人体肝藏的有关自然、人体、社会诸事物现象的集合体;是古人经验思维成果的结晶,具有鲜明的传统文化烙印,其优势在于经验材料源于临床实践活动,客观反映了人体肝藏象的多维复杂关系网络,倡导以预防为主的诊疗思想,重视发挥医患双方的主体能动性;肝藏象也因为其经验思维模式而无法摆脱经验思维的先天不足,经验之间缺乏抽象逻辑思维下的逻辑关系,肝藏象不具有同一性;理论上,作为经验思维成果的肝藏象的分化在于重建其各知识点的层次关系,肝藏象类比自然界草木之象,“木曰曲直”蕴含的抽象意义是肝藏象的抽象内涵,其深化发展方向是经验思维成果的数学化、逻辑化及实证化。结论:通过对《内经》、《难经》肝藏象的整理及其经验思维方法研究,明确了《内经》、《难经》肝藏象的内涵,从科学思维角度把握了传统肝藏象的优势和不足,在理论上认识到肝藏象的可能发展方向,不但有助于理解古医经肝藏象,而且为科学发展肝藏象奠定了基础,从理论源头梳理肝藏象结构层次关系,为肝藏象的临床应用提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Object :Huangdi neijing and Nanjing establish the basic framework about the theory of liver zangxiang.this paper mainly deal with the following assignment. Firstly, clean up the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing, so master the meaning of the theory of liver zangxiang. Lastly, by discussing the thinking about experience in the theory of liver zangxiang , envisage the predominance and disfigurement in it, realize the position of the theory of liver zangxiang in the modern science and know its conceivable developmental aspect. Method: Firstly, adopt conventional the method about cleaning up literature. Analyse and colligate correlative literature data. Lastly , by using disquisition harvest in thinking science, card the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing and forcast its developmental aspect. Result:The theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing is a aggregation of business and electrophoresis about gods image, naturalness and society. It is the ancient,s crystal by the thinking about experience. Its predominance lies its practice,multidimensional connection meshwork, and so on. Its disfigurement is its lack of logical relation. In theory, the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and nanjing will disintegrate. It will rebuild along two aspects.‘tree presenting bending and unwinding’is abstract meaning of the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing. Its another developing aspect is the theory of liver zangxiangs mathematicization, logicality and demonstrationization.Conclusion:Through cleaning up the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing and investigating its the thinking about experience, understand the meaning about the theory of liver zangxiang, know its predominance and its disfigurement and realize its conceivable developing aspect. This paper assists us understanding the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing. It also establish the basis for developing and applying the theory of liver zangxiang in Huangdi neijing and Nanjing.

  • 【分类号】R221
  • 【下载频次】467

