

Theory Study of Distinguishment and Assessment on Behavior-psychological Symptoms with Five-Shen Syndrome Dfferention to Brain Diseases of TCM

【作者】 肖长国

【导师】 齐向华;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 面对中医脑病心理行为异常发病率不断升高,现有的辨证理论对其认识不足、临证疗效不佳的状况,为提高诊疗水平,适应现代科研发展要求,将中医古籍中发掘出的五神辨证,在临床初步验证有效的基础上,进行进一步的文献整理和理论研究。具体步骤:①追源溯流,运用文献学研究方法,将中医古籍中业已存在的理论雏形进行还原;②依据五神辨证产生的历史文化背景,利用传统文化中的相关哲学思想对其理论进行充实;③并结合现代心理学,用五神辨证对中医脑病心理行为异常的识别和评价进行量化、统一对照标准,使其具有临床验证的可行性支撑,为五神辨证理论的验证和复构打下了基础。

【Abstract】 Facing to the unceasingly tendency of behavior-psychological symptoms , The brain disease discipline of Traditional Chinese Medicin(eTCM) has met the great challenge that there are no appropriate method to distinguish and assess the symptoms. In order to solve the problem, we Recovered the five-Shen syndrome differention from the Classical literatures of TCM. The concrete step is :⑴Through studying classical Literaturel, we recovered the Theory embryonic form of five-Shen syndrome differention;⑵Absorpte modern scientific achievement , Constructing five-Shen syndrome differention;⑶Using modern psychology method, discussing the possibility of five-shen syndrome differention in distinguishing and assessing brain diseases of TCM ad built the foundation of the theory.

  • 【分类号】R277.7
  • 【下载频次】263

