

A Study on Eco-agricultural Clusters Theory and Regional Practice

【作者】 郑军

【导师】 史建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 生态农业是当前我国农业发展的阶段性诉求,代表着现代农业发展的方向。产业集群作为一种世界性的经济现象,已构成了当今世界经济的基本空间构架。从产业集群视角寻求实现生态农业持续、健康发展的有效路径,对于有效解决当前我国生态农业建设中存在的诸多突出问题或矛盾,增强生态农业产业竞争力,统筹城乡发展、繁荣区域特色经济,不仅具有重要的理论价值,而且具有重要的现实意义。本文在内容上分为四个部分,第一部分:系统诊断部分。在对我国生态农业发展现状进行系统剖析的基础上,提出了本文的研究视角—生态农业集群;第二部分:系统构建部分。从集群体系层面提出了生态农业集群的基本架构,分析了生态农业集群的作用机理,构建了生态农业集群竞争力的评价指标体系;第三部分:系统考察部分。从实证分析的层面对德州市发展生态畜牧业集群的状况(市域)和栖霞市发展生态果业集群的状况(县域)进行了实践考察,为所构建的生态农业集群理论体系提供了现实基础;第四部分,系统优化部分。结合我国实际,提出了现阶段加快我国生态农业集群建设的对策建议。本文的主要研究结果(结论)是:⑴生态农业建设应是一个复杂的、系统的、动态的演绎过程,是多环节、多主体共同参与的过程,不能就生态农业而生态农业,其发展目标、功能定位和战略选择应根据不同经济区域或同一区域不同社会经济发展阶段的条件与要求来进行适时规划、设计、组装、运行及更新,这是我国生态农业发展的现实需求。此外,我国现阶段生态农业发展必须遵循两个基本基点:即市场导向和区域优势,如果离开了这两点来盲目发展生态农业,实践中很难行得通,是不现实的,也是不理性的。⑵产业集群(Industrial Cluster)作为20世纪60年代之后世界工业领域兴起的一种非常重要的经济现象,是产业组织发展的一个重要特征,已取得了广泛的成功。产业集群不仅存在于发达国家和地区,也应存在于发展中国家和地区;不仅存在于高新技术产业,也存在于传统产业。培育和打造区域产业集群是提高区域经济竞争力的有效途径,也是经济发展的必然趋势,实现产业集群由工业领域向农业领域的渗透或转变将是一种历史的必然。⑶我国生态农业发展缓慢或推广受阻的关键原因在于生态农业建设依然处于一种分散的、无序的状态,属于典型的“政府主动+农户被动”型,表现为与生态农业产业化的要求很不相适应,尚不能应付自然和市场的双重风险,同其它一般农业产业相比也不具备明显的竞争优势,缺乏生产效率。分析认为,解决这一问题的切入点或突破口应从生态农业组织建设入手,认为生态农业集群建设是市场经济条件下搞好生态农业组织建设的有效路径。⑷生态农业集群发展本质上是一个拥有独特组织结构的博弈参加者的“集体行动”,集群拥有自身的效用函数(农户、农业龙头企业、相关与支持性产业的厂商(组织)、消费者、政府等)。其中农户是生态农业集群的基础构件,农业龙头企业是生态农业集群的核心构件,相关与支持性产业的厂商(组织)是生态农业集群的辅助构件,消费者是生态农业集群的源动力,而政府则是生态农业集群的宏观调控者。各主体之间是一个紧密联系、密切合作的有机整体。⑸探讨了生态农业集群的作用机理。分析认为,农业资源禀赋差异是生态农业集群的诱因;规模经济与范围经济是生态农业集群的重要力量;集群学习效应是生态农业集群优势的持续动力;合作与博弈是生态农业集群的内在机制;路经依赖是生态农业集群成长的基础。并指出,在指导生态农业集群发展过程中,五个方面是同时发挥作用的,而决非孤立地存在着。在集群发展的不同阶段,作用机理的侧重点也应当有所不同,相互间也可能存在一定程度上的矛盾或冲突。但随着集群阶段的不断演进,作用机理不同层面间的耦合也必将进一步深化,作用机理的效应也必将进一步显现。⑹构建了生态农业集群竞争力评价指标体系。分析结果表明,对生态农业集群一级指标而言,影响最大的是主体层,然后依次是效益层、产品层、要素层和组织层。其次,从每个一级指标(准则层)所反映的二级指标(指标层)来看,农业龙头企业和政府在主体层中的地位与作用最为重要;经济效益在生态农业集群效益层中所占的权重最大。由此我们可以推断,其一,生态农业集群竞争力形成的关键在于能否拥有和形成一支按照集群理念从事生态农业经营的主体队伍。其二,尽管我国生态农业在发展目标定位上一再强调生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的统一性与同时性,但实事上,要做到三者的同步进行是较为困难的,生态农业所体现的生态效益和社会效益是建立在良好的经济效益为前提的基础之上的,如果离开经济效益片面追求所谓的生态效益与社会效益是很难行得通的。⑺案例分析和调查结果表明,一方面,生态农业集群理念在实践中已有成功的雏形,竞争优势也日渐显现;另一方面,农户集群意识淡薄、农业龙头企业带动能力不强、农户合作组织涣散、政府激励与监督机制的缺失等,也在很大程度上影响和制约了我国区域生态农业集群建设的速度和质量。⑻现阶段加快生态农业集群建设应注重做好以下工作:要搞好生态农业集群建设的战略规划;要提升与培养生态农业集群各参与主体的生态经营意识;要注重对生态农业龙头企业的支持与培育;要加强农户合作组织建设;要做好生态农业集群产品质量与品牌建设;要加强与生态农业集群相关的政策法规与制度建设。

【Abstract】 Ecological agriculture is the current aspiration of China agricultural development, representing the direction of modern agriculture development Industrial clusters as a global economic phenomenon, constitutes the basic space framework of contemporary world economic. Perspective from the industrial clusters seek to achieve the effective path of ecological agriculture sustained and healthy development,this is conducive to solute many outstanding problems or conflicts in China eco-agriculture construction, enhance the competitiveness of ecological agriculture industries, coordinate urban and rural development, prosperity regional characteristics economy, not only of great theoretical value, but also has important practical significance.In the content of this paper is divided into four parts, PartⅠ: diagnosis of the system. Based on the systematic analysis of China’s ecological agriculture development, proposing the study perspective—eco-agriculture cluster; PartⅡ: construction of the system. From cluster system angle to propose the infrastructure of eco-agriculture cluster, analysis the mechanism of ecological agriculture cluster, design the evaluation index system of ecological agriculture competitiveness; PartⅢ: inspection of the system. Empirical analysis the development level of eco-livestock industry clusters in Dezhou(city domain) and the development of eco-fruit industry cluster in Qixia(county domain),to provide a reality foundation for the construction of ecological agriculture cluster theoretical system; PartⅣ:part of the system optimization. With China’s reality, put forward some policy proposals which will help to accelerate our ecological agriculture cluster pace.The main study results (conclusions) are:First, co-agriculture construction is a complicated, systematic and dynamic interpretations of the process, is a multi-part, multi-joint participation of the main course, can not comment on itself, its development goals, function and the strategic choice should be based on the conditions and requirements in different economic region or the same region in different stages to planning, designing, assembling, operating and updating, which is the reality needs of China’s ecological agricultural development. In addition, the development of ecological agriculture in China at this stage must follow two basic point:that is, market-oriented and regional advantages, if we leave the two points to blind development our ecological agriculture, in practice, it is very difficult work, it’s unrealistic and not sensible.Second, industrial cluster as a very important economic phenomenon in industrial world in 1960s,is an important feature of industrial organization development, has a wide range of success. Industry cluster not only exist in developed countries and regions, should also exist in developing countries and regions; not only exists in the high-tech industries, also exist in traditional industries. Nurture and build regional industry cluster is an effective way to enhance regional economic competitiveness, it is the inevitable trend of economic development, and industrial clusters from the industrial areas to agricultural areas of infiltration or change will be a historical necessity.Third, China’s slow pace or the disruption for promotion in ecological agriculture development, the key reason is eco-agriculture construction is still in a scattered and disorderly state, is typically an "government active + farmers passive" type, not suit for the request of ecological agriculture industrialization, it is not possible to respond to natural and market risks, compared with other industries in general do not have clear competitive advantage, lack of productivity. Analysis of the view that the solution of this problem or entry point should be in ecological agriculture organization construction, and the construction of ecological agriculture cluster is an effective path choice for ecological agriculture organization building under the market economy conditions.Forth, ecological agriculture cluster development is essentially a unique organizational structure of the game to participate in the "collective action", the cluster has its own utility function (farmers, agricultural enterprises, with the support of industry-related companies (organizational), Consumers, government, etc.).Eco-agriculture farmers which is the basis of cluster components, agricultural leading enterprises is the core component of the cluster, industry-related companies (organization) is the supporting components, consumers are source of power in ecological agriculture clusters, and government is the macro-control role. It is a close cooperation organic whole between the participants.Fifth, discuss the mechanism of ecological agriculture cluster. Analysis of the view that differences in agricultural resource endowment is the incentive for ecological agriculture cluster; economies of scale and scope is an important force for ecological agriculture clusters; cluster study is the continuing momentum of ecological agriculture cluster advantage; cooperation and game is the internal mechanism of ecological agriculture cluster; path dependence is the basis of cluster growth. And pointed out that in guiding the development of ecological agriculture cluster, five aspects play a role at the same time, and its certainly not in isolation. In clusters at different stages of development, the focus of the mechanism should also be different; there may be contradictions or conflicts in a certain extent. However, with the cluster stage evolving, role of the coupling between the different levels will also further deepened, the effect of mechanism will also further manifested.Sixth, construct the competitiveness evaluation index system of ecological agriculture cluster. The results show that for the first grade index, the greatest impact is the main body layer, to be followed by efficiency layer, product layer, elements layer and organization layer. Secondly, from the second grade index(of indicators) of each first grade index(of criteria),agricultural leading enterprises and the government play the most important status and role. the weight of economic benefits is largest in the efficiency layer. From this we can infer that, firstly, the key of formation ecological agriculture cluster competitiveness is whether we possess a development team which can form a cluster in accordance with the concept of eco-agriculture. Secondly, although the target of China’s ecological agriculture development repeatedly stressed on eco-efficiency, economic and social benefits of integration and at the same time, but in fact, achieve this goal is more difficult, the ecological and social benefits must be built on good economic returns, if we avoid the economic benefits to one-sided pursuit the eco-efficiency and social benefits, it will be very difficult.Seventh, case analysis and findings show that, on the one hand, ecological agriculture cluster concept in practice has been successful prototype, the competitive edge is increasingly appear; on the other hand, farmers have a weak sense of clusters, the ability to promote agricultural enterprises is not strong, farmers cooperation organization slackly, the incentive and monitoring mechanisms missing, these influence and has hampered the speed and quality of China’s regional eco-agriculture cluster construction in a large extent.Eighth, building ecological agriculture clusters at this stage should focus on doing following work: do a good strategic planning of ecological agriculture cluster; training and enhancing the eco-business sense of participants; focus on support and nurture leader enterprises in ecological agriculture development; strengthen the construction of farmers cooperation organization; strengthen product quality and brand building; strengthen the related policies and regulations and system construction.


