

Studies on Improvement Project and Technology of Shandong Holstein Herd

【作者】 樊新忠

【导师】 谭景和;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 生物化学与分子生物学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以现代动物遗传繁育学理论为指导,以山东荷斯坦奶牛群体改良为目标,在系统调查登记济南郊区代表性荷斯坦牛群体、分析制约荷斯坦奶牛群体改良因素基础上,综合运用现代计算机技术、分子生物技术和胚胎工程技术,开展了多项奶牛群体改良和育种技术研究,完成主要工作如下:1、本研究针对我国奶牛育种和现代奶牛场管理的需要,结合我国当前推行的乳用性能测定(DHI)和9分制体型线性鉴定体系,以Visual Foxpro8.0软件包为工具,开发了可在Windows操作平台运行上的现代奶牛登记与群体管理软件系统。该系统包括奶牛信息登记、信息查询、精液管理与选配、报表浏览、用户管理等模块,可对奶牛基本信息、系谱、奶牛图像、DHI测定、体型外貌评定、生产管理、繁殖、疾病治疗、精液等信息进行规范有效的采集和管理,从而方便地实现奶牛良种登记、奶牛评定、牛群繁殖和生产管理等功能。目前已在山东多家奶牛场和奶业小区投入生产运行。完成对济南市近郊主要牛场荷斯坦奶牛的品种登记、生产性能测定和体型线性评定,为奶牛群体改良提供了高效的技术平台;2、应用AFLP标记技术检测分析了中国荷斯坦奶牛的遗传结构,发现牛(群)的遗传杂合性与生产性能、功能寿命、体细胞数存在相关,杂合度高的个体通常具有较高的产奶量、较长的在群时间、较低的体细胞数和较短的产犊间隔。保持奶牛群体的遗传杂合性,有助于奶牛整体性能水平的提高。本研究利用双亲平均育种值和遗传距离对子代305天产奶量(Ymilk)、体细胞数(Yscc)和在群时间(YFHL)进行了预测,筛选出的最佳回归方程如下:研究结果表明,在实践中利用AFLP揭示的不同家系公牛与母牛群体间的遗传差异,可望用来预测后代的群内杂种优势和生产性能,在此基础上建立基于AFLP-DNA指纹的奶牛分子辅助选配技术是可行的。3、山东地区的荷斯坦母牛中,DGAT1基因K232A位点KK型表现为高的乳脂率、乳蛋白率和低的305天产奶量,AA型与之相反,KA型介于二者之间。对于305天产奶量、乳脂率和乳蛋白率, A基因的加性替代效应值分别为499.6kg(P<0.01)、-0.18% (P<0.01)和-0.07% (P<0.05),对产奶量的显性效应为270.5kg(P<0.01)。Leptin基因R4C位点对乳成分有显著影响,RR基因型比RC型牛乳脂量高34kg、乳蛋白量高8.8kg,比CC基因型乳脂量高30.4kg、乳蛋白量高20.8kg,R为有利等位基因,其基因加性效应为提高乳脂率0.25%和提高乳蛋白率0.1%。4、研究提出了充分利用国内外优异奶牛遗传材料的山东荷斯坦奶牛群体遗传改良技术策略,包括:建立以DHI、体型鉴定为核心的荷斯坦奶牛品种登记和科学管理体系;充分利用引进国外遗传材料和现代繁殖生物技术建立高产核心示范群;充分利用进口精液快速提高牛群质量,分享世界荷斯坦奶牛育种成果;广泛使用后裔测定验证公牛,按平衡育种原理科学选种选配;合理利用黄牛分阶段级进杂交繁育奶牛;应用繁殖生物技术建立奶牛、肉牛协同繁育的一体化生产改良新模式;健全奶牛育种和种质管理制度,自主培育或合作培育优秀种公牛等。

【Abstract】 Several studies on improvement project and technologies of Holstein dairy cattle in Shandong were accomplished, which based on investigation of representative holstein herd in the suburb of Jinan City and factors analysis that affecting herd genetic improvement, applied modern computer technology, molecular biology and embryo biotechnology integratively. The results are as following:In order to meet the requirement of dairy cattle husbandry and genetic improvement in China rural area, the Cattle Breeding Management Information System by Visual FoxPro8.0 was designed. The system could accomplish herd management, cow evaluation and elite breed registration, intelligentized select mating and suggested ways of improving farm management, based on data collection and analysis of basic herd information and individual information on milk production, reproductive performance, body type score, health status, feeding and progeny performance. The application in several different scale farms shows it can improve the efficiency of farms management and cattle breeding remarkably.The genetic construction of Chinese Holstein cattle herd base on AFLP was analysed, the result showed relationships between genetic heterizygosity and production performance, functional herd life(FDL) and somatic cell count(SCC). The individuals with higher heterizygosity usually associated with higher milk yield and lower SCC and shorter FDL. To keep the genetic heterizygosity can help improve total performance of cattle herd.The best regress equations for predict performance of offspring based on the average breeding value of parents and their genetic distance are as fallows:The result showed the genetic difference between bulls and cow herds revealed by AFLP can use for predict the heterosis and performance of offspring. The new molecule marker assisted mating technology base on AFLP-DNA fingerprinting is practicable.In Shandong Holstein herd, the KK genotype in DGAT1 gene K232A associated with higher milk fat, milk protein content and lower milk yield in 305 days, on the contrary AA genotype is in opposition, and KA genotype is in the middle. The substitute additive effect of A gene for milk yield in 305 days, milk fat and milk protein was 499.6kg(P<0.01)、-0.18% (P<0.01)和- 0.07% (P<0.05) respectively. The Leptin R4C locus affect milk content remarkably which RR genotype with 34kg or 30.4kg milk fat yield, 8.8kg or 20.8kg milk protein yield higher than RC or CC genotype. A is the valuable gene which substitute additive effect is increase milk fat percentage 0.25% and milk protein percentage 0.1% respectively.The strategy for Shandong Holstein herd improvement with the genetic resource abroad was gave which include: establish the Holstein dairy cattle registration and management system base on the DHI and body type score system, establish the high yield leader nuclear population by modern reproduction technology and imported genetic resource, genetic improve herd rapidly by imported elite bull semen to share the world Holstein breeding fruit, popularize progeny test bulls and select mating accord to balance breeding principle, breeding dairy cattle from scalper by two-step grading cross, set up the innovative dairy cattle and meat cattle cooperating breeding system, breeding elite bull by ourselves or cooperation, consummate national dairy breeding and breeding material management system.


