

Study on Humanistic Design for Space of Sightseeing Agricultural Park

【作者】 韩素芹

【导师】 王秀峰; 朴永吉;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 园艺环境工程, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 农业观光园是集观光旅游、农业生产和景观营造于一体的新型园林艺术形式,它具有旅游观光、休闲劳动、康娱教育、传统人文熏陶等功能,能实现经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的高度统一,适应新时代人们的心理需求。农业观光园是为人服务的,人是农业观光园行为活动的主体,人的活动更使农业观光园充满了活力。只有充满人文关怀,符合人的行为特征,具有环境意识的农业观光园才是人性化的农业观光园。本文基于环境—行为心理学的基础理论,将环境—行为心理学与农业观光园空间人性化设计两者相结合,从游客的使用角度出发,以满足游客的行为心理需求为目的,系统地研究了农业观光园不同空间中游客的行为心理特点,游客对活动项目、环境设施的评价,游客行为活动与空间环境设施的关系以及游客对空间环境的行为心理倾向,并初步提出了农业观光园空间的人性化设计的策略。通过对山东省已建成农业观光园进行深入的调查、分析和借鉴国内外其它地区农业观光园景观设计的成功经验,为建立一套科学、完善的农业观光园规划设计理论体系提供理论依据和技术支持。全文共分6个章节:1.序论阐述了本论文的研究背景,解释了本论文相关的概念,并对农业观光园的产生、发展和研究进展进行了综述。2.农业观光园空间中游客的行为心理研究研究了农业观光园游客的基本属性和利用特性,并根据游客的利用行为将农业观光园空间进行合理的分类,同时阐述了游客在不同空间中的行为活动,以及不同年龄游客的行为活动特点。并进一步探讨了行为心理的相关理论,重点探讨了知觉理论、需求等级理论在农业观光园景观设计中的应用。3.农业观光园体验空间游客利用与环境设施关系的研究通过广泛收集资料和现场行为观察、询问和问卷调查的方法,研究了不同年龄游客的对体验空间利用行为、心理需求,以及对体验活动项目和环境设施进行了评价,进而研究了游客利用的环境设施以及其与游客行为心理的关系,并探讨了游客对体验空间环境的行为心理倾向,主要结果如下:游客年龄不同选择参与体验活动项目也不同,主要有:蔬菜水果采摘、作物认养、品尝。行为心理需求体现在认知和新奇,身心放松和方便舒适方面。在游客的体验空间利用中影响较大的环境设施为农作物(园艺作物)、洗净台、说明牌、农耕工具、带遮荫的椅凳、亭子与花架、室外桌椅等。体验空间规划设计时,应首先考虑体验活动项目因子,其次为服务、休息设施和造景设施。4.农业观光园观赏空间游客利用与环境设施关系的研究在广泛收集资料和现场行为观察、询问和问卷调查的方法,研究了不同年龄游客的利用行为、心理需求,以及对观赏活动项目和环境设施进行了评价,进而研究了游客利用的环境设施以及其与游客行为心理的关系,并探讨了游客对观赏空间环境设施的心理倾向,主要结果如下:游客年龄不同参与观赏活动也不同,主要活动为观赏蔬菜、学习农业高新技术和了解传统农耕工具,游客参与观赏活动的行为心理需求主要体现在认知、新奇和欣赏美景。在游客的农业观光园观赏空间利用中影响较大的环境设施为农作物、栽培设施、名牌和亭、花架、日光温室、传统农耕工具、展览室和说明牌等。在进行规划设计时,应首先考虑观赏活动项目和设教设施,其次为服务休息设施。5.农业观光园娱乐空间游客利用与环境设施关系的研究通过广泛收集资料和现场行为观察、询问和问卷调查的方法,研究了不同年龄游客的利用行为、心理需求,以及对娱乐活动项目和环境设施进行了评价,进而研究了游客利用的环境设施以及其与游客行为心理的关系,并探讨了游客对娱乐空间环境设施的心理倾向,主要结果如下:游客年龄不同选择参与娱乐活动项目也不同,主要为冲浪、文化娱乐活动和垂钓活动。行为心理需求主要体现在认知和新奇,身心放松和方便舒适方面。在游客的娱乐空间利用中影响较大的环境设施为水上娱乐设施、带遮荫的椅凳、亭子与花架、室外桌椅、广场、游戏设施等。在进行娱乐空间的规划设计时,应首先考虑娱乐活动和设施因子,其次为造景设施和服务休息设施。6.结论及建议在结论部分,首先总结了本论文的研究成果,并据此提出了农业观光园空间的人性化设计策略。

【Abstract】 As a new form of landscape art integrated with sightseeing tour, agriculture production and landscape architecture, sightseeing agricultural park has quite a number of functions such as tour sightseeing, relaxation labor, salubrious recreation and education etc., which can be beneficial to carry out high unification of the economic social and ecological performance and suited to psychological needs of modern people. Sightseeing agricultural park serves people and people are main part to take part in activities which can fit it with activity. If sightseeing agricultural park is full of humanism attention and suited to people’s activity character, it can be recognized to be humanism sightseeing agricultural park.Based on environment behavior psychology, this article integrates environment behavior psychology with humanism design of sightseeing agricultural park space. From tourists active -ities, this article sums up tourists behavior and psychology characteristic of different age in different space and their estimation to landscape. It also studies the relationship between tourists activities and environmental facilities and the tourist psychological tendency to it. At last it puts forward humanism design advice. By investigates the sightseeing agricultural park in Shandong and uses other succeed experience, we can provide theory and technology to establish a suit of plan and design theory system.The article is divided into six chapters:1. IntroductionThis chapter expounds the study background and correlative concepts and summarizes the studies on sightseeing agricultural park.2. Study on behavior and psychology characteristic of tourists in space of sightseeing agricultural park.This chapter studies tourist basic attributes and utilizing features and classifies the space of sightseeing in agriculture. Meanwhile it expounds tourists behavior and psychology characteristic of different age in different space. It also explains the correlative theory and especially about aesthesia and need grade theory.3. Study on relationship between tourists activities and environment equipment in experience space of sightseeing agricultural park. This chapter studies tourists behavior and psychology characteristic of different age in experience space and their estimation to landscape. It also studies the relationship between tourists activities and environmental facilities and the tourist psychological tendency to it,the main results are as fellows: tourists of different age always take part in different activities and the main activities include picking fruits, planting crop and eating; The behavior psychological needs are mainly cognizance, relaxation and convenience; The environmental facilities which influence tourists to use it are mainly horticulture plants, baptistery, explaining brand, dead stock, seat with shade etc.; when design it, experience activities items should be considered firstly, secondly service and rest facilities.4. Study on relationship between tourists activities and environment equipment in viewing space of sightseeing agricultural park.This chapter sums up tourists behavior and psychology characteristic of different age in viewing space and their estimation to landscape. It also studies the relationship between tourists activities and environment equipment and the tourist psychological tendency to it,the main results are as fellows: tourists of different age always take part in different activities and the main activities include viewing vegetables, studying high agricultural technology and cognizance dead stock; The behavior psychological needs are mainly cognization, novelty and aesthetic need; The environmental facilities which influence tourists to use it are mainly horticulture plants, cultivating facilities, explaining brand, greenhouse, traditional dead stock etc.; when design it, viewing activities items should be considered firstly, secondly service and rest facilities.5. Study on relationship between tourists activities and environmental facilities in recreation space of sightseeing agricultural park .This chapter sums up tourists behavior and psychology characteristic of different age in recreation space and their estimation to landscape. It also studies the relationship between tourists activities and environmental facilities and the tourist psychological tendency to it, the main results are as fellows: tourists of different age always take part in different activities and the main activities include surfing, cultural activities and whiffing; The behavior psychological needs are mainly relaxation, convenience and comfort; The environmental facilities which influence tourists to use it are mainly recreation facilities on water, seat with shade, kiosk and flower shelves, square, enfant palying facilities etc.; when design it, recreation activities items and facilities should be considered firstly, secondly landscape architecture facilities.6. Conclusion and adviceThis chapter sums up research fruits about this article and puts forward humanism design advice based on it.


