

Study on Operational Efficiency Evaluation and Reform Strategy of Agricultural Credit System in China

【作者】 许玉晓

【导师】 王家传;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 农业是安天下、稳民心的基础产业和战略产业,保持农业和农村经济的发展,对保持经济快速发展和社会长期稳定具有重大意义。近年来“中央一号”文件提出要建设社会主义新农村和发展现代农业,可见农业和农村问题在中国的重要性和紧迫性。现代农业的发展是以资金、技术和劳动等生产要素的高效率投入为前提的,而资金作为现代农业投入的主要组成部分,对现代农业的发展起着支撑和促进作用。正如著名经济学家西奥多.W.舒尔茨1964年在《改造传统农业》一书中所指出的,传统农业向现代农业转变所需要的一系列条件,既有物资资本条件,也有人力资本条件,这些条件的获取都需要农业投资。因此,发展现代农业需要解决的一个核心问题,就是所需资金的来源问题。发达国家的经验表明,随着农业现代化进程的推进,金融机构提供的农业信贷资金将成为农业投入的重要资金来源。因此,在我国建设现代农业的过程中,应当重视发挥信贷资金对农业的支持作用。近年来,我国逐步加大了对农业的信贷支持力度,农业信贷投入在数量规模以及增长幅度都有了较大的提高,截至2007年12月末,我国农业贷款余额已达15429亿元。然而,现有投入与实际需求相比仍存在着较大的差距,表现为农业获得的贷款支持低、农民贷款难等问题依然突出,因此,我国农业信贷问题依然十分严峻。导致我国农业信贷问题的影响因素很多,但归根结底是现行的农业信贷制度已不能适应农业和农村经济的发展。因此本文通过史料佐证与数量模型测度等分析法,着重阐明改革与完善我国农业信贷制度的客观必要性,从制度层面探索规制农业信贷行为,减少实践中的不确定性、降低交易费用,约束其间的相互制衡关系等问题,进而提出改革完善我国农业信贷制度的策略建议,为我国农业信贷制度建设提供理论依据与决策参考。这对于发展我国农业信贷理论,规范与完善我国农业信贷制度,保障农业生产安全,推进现代农业和新农村建设具有重要的理论价值及实践指导意义。本文主要包括以下研究内容:第一章,导论。本章从研究背景入手,通过梳理国内外研究现状,确立研究的切入点,同时介绍了本文的研究方法和研究技术路线,并对全文的研究内容进行简单概括,最后,指出本文的创新之处和需要进一步研究的问题。第二章是研究界定和理论基础。本章首先对农业信贷、农业信贷制度、农业信贷制度效率等概念进行界定,在此基础上,阐述了与本文研究相关的制度经济学、农业经济学、农村金融学等相关理论,以此建立了本文研究的理论基础。第三章关于我国农业信贷制度的历史变迁分析。本章从历史发展的视角,依据农业经济决定农业信贷,农业信贷促进农业经济发展的机理,归纳、总结建国以来,特别是改革开放以来,我国农业信贷制度几次重大变革的状况特征。第四章关于我国农业信贷制度的现状分析。本章分析了现阶段我国农业信贷制度的状况特征,主要探讨了目前我国农业信贷制度在农业信贷供给体系、农业信贷组织、农业信贷市场、农业信贷监管等方面存在的制度缺陷和问题。第五章对我国农业信贷制度运行效率进行分析。通过采用现实调查资料佐证与数量模型测度等分析方法,从农业信贷组织效率、农业信贷市场效率、农业信贷监管效率、农业信贷制度创新效率和农业信贷投入对农业产出的影响等方面,对我国农业信贷制度运行效率进行全面客观的评析,着重阐明改革完善我国现行农业信贷制度的客观必要性。第六章对国外典型国家的农业信贷制度的特征分析和借鉴。本章全面归纳了国外典型国家农业信贷制度的发展历程及其制度特点,归纳总结了改革完善我国农业信贷制度的可供借鉴之处。第七章提出改革与完善我国农业信贷制度的基本策略。贯彻落实科学发展观,立足国情、坚持城乡统筹,以加快推进现代农业和新农村建设为目标,重点对改革完善我国农业信贷制度的目标、原则、框架内容、措施建议及外部环境优化进行了研究。本文的创新性研究主要在于从制度层面揭示了我国农业信贷问题严重的根本原因在于现行农业信贷制度难以适应农业和农村经济的发展要求;构建了农业信贷制度运行效率的评价体系;系统提出了改革完善农业信贷制度的目标、原则和内容框架。但仍需要在农业信贷制度运行效率评价体系的细化及不同地域间农业信贷制度运行效率的差异比较方面做继续深化研究。

【Abstract】 The development of agriculture and rural economy is very important for economic development and social stability because agriculture is a very important basic industry. In recent years,documents No.1 of new socialism countryside and modern agriculture show that agriculture and rural issues are critical in China. The development of modern agriculture needs input of funds, technology and labor. And capital as the primary element plays a supporting and facilitating role in the development of agriculture. As Theodore W. Shultz, a famous economist, in 1964 in the Transformation of Traditional Agriculture says that the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture needs a series of conditions including both material capital and human capital, and these conditions depend on the agricultural investment. Therefore, the key to solve the development of modern agriculture is to find the source of funds. The experience of developed countries shows that with the development of agricultural modernization the agricultural credit funds of financial institutions will be the main source. Therefore, agricultural credit funds of financial institutions will play an important role in the development of modern agriculture.In recent years, China has vigorously supported the development of agriculture by input plenty of agricultural loans, the input of agricultural credit has improved in size and number. As at the end of December 2007, the number of agricultural credit has been 15429 billion yuan. However, the existing inputs can not still meet the demand, there is phenomenon of the low level of agricultural credit and farmers being difficult to obtain loans. There are many influencing factors of agricultural credit problem, but ultimately the most important reason is that the existing system of agricultural credit can not meet the development of agriculture and rural economy. Therefore the research explains emphatically the objective necessity of reforming and perfecting the system of agricultural credit, explores the behavior of agricultural credit in the system level to reduce uncertainty and transaction costs and finally propose suggestions of reforming and perfecting the system of agricultural credit of China by a range of methods such as empirical analysis and normative analysis. There is important theoretical and practical value for developing agricultural credit theory, regulating and perfecting the system of agricultural credit and promoting the construction of modern agriculture and new countryside.The dissertation divided into nine chapters.Chapter 1 is introduction.Chapter 2 is a theoretical analysis and defining concept of agricultural credit. This chapter firstly defines some concepts of agricultural credit, system of agricultural credit and performance of system of agricultural credit and so on. on this basis this chapter expounded theories about institutional economics, agricultural economics, rural finance and so on.Chapter 3 analyses the historical changes of system of agricultural credit. This chapter summarizes the characteristics and adaptability of the historical changes of system of agricultural credit since 1949 based on the mechanism that rural economy determines agricultural credit, agricultural credit promotes rural economy.Chapter 4 analyses the present situation of system of agricultural credit. This chapter focuses on the defects of supply system of agricultural credit, Organizational system of agricultural credit, agricultural credit market and agricultural credit supervision.Chapter 5 measures the operational effectiveness of system of agricultural credit. This chapter gives an empirical analysis of the operational effectiveness of system of agricultural credit based on the analysis of the effectiveness of Organizational system of agricultural credit, agricultural credit market, agricultural credit supervision and system innovation. The operational effectiveness of system of agricultural credit finally shows the impact of agricultural credit on agricultural output This chapter systematically analyses the operational external effectiveness of system of agricultural credit by collecting quarterly data of agricultural credit on agricultural output (1999-2006) and building number model.and shows the objective necessity.Chapter 6 is a comparison of international system of agricultural credit. This chapter comprehensively summarizes the characters of system of agricultural credit of typical states and expounds the reference to reform and perfect system of agricultural credit of China.Chapter 7 proposes the basic strategy of system of agricultural credit of China. This chapter researches the basic principles, elements, framework and so on in the primes of implementing the scientific development concept and aim of promoting the development of modern agriculture and new countryside.The main innovations of this dissertation are in many aspects: it reveals that the most important reason leading to agricultural credit problem is that the existing system of agricultural credit can not meet the development of agriculture and rural economy; the dissertation constructs the operationl efficiency evaluation system of agricultural credit system and makes systematically the target, principle and content framework of agricultural credit system reform. But it needs to study future the fllowing question:the refinement of the operationl efficiency evaluation system of agricultural credit system,the regional difference of agricultural credit system rural finance operational efficiency.


