

A Study on the Ethical Problems of Agriculture in China

【作者】 方金

【导师】 胡继连;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 农业是国民经济的基础,三农问题一直是党和国家十分重视的重大问题。改革开放以来,我国农村政策有了很大调整,农村经济得到了快速发展,农产品的生产和交易空前繁荣,农业新技术日新月异,农村面貌和农民生活有了很大改善。然而,在这些重大变化的同时,农业领域以及农产品生产与交易过程中也出现了许多问题,比如:生物技术运用的风险性、农药的滥用、化肥的过度使用、毒大米事件、农业技术的垄断、农产品交易中的歧视、农民的社会、经济和制度地位以及农业资源的可持续利用等等问题。这些问题不仅是经济问题、管理问题、生态问题,更是伦理问题。这些伦理问题对于我国粮食安全、农村与农业可持续发展、农业环境保护和农业资源管理以及这些目标之间的平衡尤为重要,如果解决不好不仅会影响到农产品消费者的利益,影响到农业生物技术的研发和正确应用,影响到农业资源的保护、农产品的质量,而且会最终影响到农业的发展、农民的利益和农村乃至整个社会的稳定。因此,必须通过反省和行动解决这些问题。本文利用一般规范伦理学和经济伦理学、生态伦理学的有关分析工具,从伦理学的角度尝试来研究和解决这些问题。首先在阐释现代农业的本质特征的基础上,从整体上分析了我国农业问题的伦理内涵;其次,从历史和制度伦理学的角度探讨我国农业政策中伦理问题及其解决措施;从生态伦理学角度研究了农业环境保护与农业资源可持续利用问题;从农产品角色和利益相关者分析入手和经济与商业管理伦理学的角度探讨农产品生产与交易过程中的伦理问题,并就伦理型农业生产和农产品交易战略的构建进行了研究。最后,对我国更加公正和合乎伦理的农业体系构建提出了初步设想。本文的主要研究内容和结论如下:1.界定了农业伦理问题的涵义,并指出我国农业伦理问题研究的重要意义,当前农业伦理问题研究的国内外现状以及本文研究的主要内容和基本思路。本文认为:农业伦理问题有两个涵义,一是指农业领域中所出现的各种道德伦理现象,包括粮食伦理与安全问题、农业资源伦理问题、农产品生产和交易伦理问题、农业技术伦理和农业政策伦理问题等等;二是指调节农业领域中上述问题的价值观念、伦理规范和道德意识等的总和,即对农业伦理问题进行规范的问题。研究这些伦理问题对于我国农业的健康发展、农民收入的持续提高和农村的文明与繁荣具有重要的理论和现实指导意义。2.在重新审视现代农业的本质特征和进一步认识我国现阶段农业特点的基础上阐释了我国农业问题的伦理内涵,指出我国农业问题本质上应该是伦理问题:首先,农业是一种文化,它具有文化的性质,保护传统农业文化是重要的社会伦理责任;其次,农业的根本目的是使人类免于饥饿和营养不良,提高人类的体质水平和健康水平;第三,当前农业发展过程遇到的一些热点问题也都蕴含着伦理的性质;第四,中国农业的生产与经营实际上起着农民或农村社会福利的作用。3.运用制度伦理学的有关分析工具,对我国三农政策构建、制定和执行过程中伦理问题进行了研究,分析了这些问题产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决建议:(1)提高三农政策主体的伦理水平,树立正确政策伦理观;深刻认识农业地位和农民权利,增强政策主体的伦理责任和伦理意识;形成以人为本、公正的三农政策伦理价值核心。(2)加强三农政策制定过程的伦理导向,实现政策过程伦理化:提高三农期望,重视农民参与,加强政策信息管理,促使三农政策回归公共性、民主性和信息公开化;建立三农政策执行的利益整合机制,整合三农政策相关者利益。(3)按照制度伦理要求,还我国农民平等的国民待遇。(4)建立适合我国国情的更加公正的农地产权制度。4.运用环境伦理学的有关分析工具,从农业以及现代农业发展对我国农业环境与资源造成的压力入手,对农业与农业环境与资源的伦理价值进行了重新认识,提出了我国农业环境保护和农业资源可持续利用的伦理原则和行为规范。(1)农业具有粮食安全、环境生态、经济发展、文化教育等伦理价值:良好的农业生态环境不仅为提高农产品品质提供保证,同时也是提高农作物产品数量的环境保证;农业半野生生境对农作物及其半野生生境生物多样性的保护对于人类具有无可估量的价值;农业环境也具有很重要的人文价值;农业资源自身具有不依赖于人类利益取舍的价值,它既对农业生产、对于人类有价值,它更是整个生态体系的一部分,更对整个生态体系平衡的维护、可持续性存在以及自身可持续性产生工具性价值。(2)我国农业环境保护和农业资源可持续利用主要依据:资源共同性、生态保护性、社会公正性、责任层次性、经济发展性、发展知识性等伦理原则;主要遵循尊重自然、适度发展、保护环境、洁净生产、绿色消费等伦理行为规范。5.在阐述农产品、农产品生产与交易伦理内涵的基础上,运用经济或商业伦理的有关分析工具对农产品生产与交易过程中各利益相关者的道德责任、存在的不道德现象及其产生的原因进行了分析,据此提出了农产品生产与交易的伦理原则,并就伦理型农产品生产与交易战略制定提出了建设性的意见。(1)农产品生产与交易过程中存在农业资源浪费严重、忽视农产品的安全性、农业生产资料滥用导致环境污染和生态破坏、农业技术强制使用、农产品交易缺乏公平性、农产品质量欺骗、农业产业化过程中的败德行为等不道德现象;(2)导致这些现象发生的原因有:环境伦理、经济伦理、产权伦理意识淡薄,过分地追求利润,信息不对称,不良政策导向:(3)应遵循的原则:全球共有保护、资源可持续利用等环境资源伦理准则,粮食安全性、权益公平等等政策(制度)伦理准则,自由平等交易、诚实不欺和消费者自我保护等商业伦理准则。(4)伦理型农产品生产与交易战略的宗旨是消除饥饿、保证健康、提高福利、促进农业可持续发展;战略使命是以合乎法律和伦理的方式,为社会提供充足的、安全的、有竞争力的、能增进社会福利水平的农产品或农业服务;战略立足点是公平地对待各利益相关者,实现企业可持续性生存和发展。战略体系:信誉战略、伦理型产品战略、伦理型生产战略、伦理型组织战略、伦理型竞争战略、伦理型营销战略等。6.在以上研究分析的基础上,提出了建立我国更加公正和合乎伦理的农业体系的构想。(1)更加公正和合乎伦理的我国农业体系的目标:提高全民福利、保护农业环境、维护农村公平。(2)更加公正和合乎伦理的我国农业体系应包括合乎伦理的价值体系、生产体系、交易体系、产业化组织体系和支撑体系。(3)更加公正和合乎伦理的我国农业体系应建立正义民主的决策机制、忠实灵活的执行机制、严谨客观的评估机制等运行机制。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is the basic of national economy and San-nong problems are always momentous one that CCP and our nation attach importance to. Since the reform and opening of China, because of the great changes of agricultural policies, rural economics has developed rapidly, the producing and business of farm produce have really been flourishing, and rural condition and farmer living have greatly improved. However, agriculture and the producing and business of farm produce have also brought a series of problems, such as the risk of biological technology, the misuse of pesticide, the overmuch of fertilizer, the poisoned rice accident, the monopolization of agricultural technology, the discrimination in business of farm produce, the farmer’s status in society, economy and system, the utilize of agriculture resources, and so on. These problems are not only economical, administrant and ecological ones, but even ethical ones. They will produce some important effects on our country food security, the countryside and the agricultural sustainable development, the agriculture environmental protection and the agriculture resource management as well as the balance between these goals. Therefore, we should solve these problems through our introspection and actions.The article has tried to use some analysis tools of the general standard ethics, the economical ethics and the ecological ethics to study and solve these problems. First, it has overall analyzed the ethical connotation of the agriculture questions in our country on the foundation of explaining the modern agriculture substantive characteristics. Next, it has discussed the ethical questions in agricultural policies of our country and produced some solutions from the angle of historical and the system ethics; it has studied the agriculture environmental protection and the sustainable use of agricultural resources from the angle of ecological ethics; it has discussed the ethical problems in the process of agricultural product production and transaction through analyzing the ethical role and party interested of farm produce and from the angle of business ethics, and has studied on the construction of the ethical strategy of agricultural product production and transaction. Finally, it has proposed the preliminary idea on the more equitable ethical agricultural system of our country.The following are the main points of the thesis:1. The ethical problems of agriculture have two meanings: the first is ethical phenomenon which appears in the agricultural domain, including the food security, the agricultural resources ethics, the production and transaction ethics of agricultural product, agricultural technology ethics and agricultural policy ethics and so on; the second is the sum total of the values, ethical standards and moral consciousnesses which adjust the above problems. Studying these ethical problems will have the important theory and practice significance for the healthy development of agriculture, continual enhancement of farmers and the countryside civilization and prosperity.2. The Chinese agricultural problems should be the ethical problems. Firstly, the agriculture is one culture. It has the cultural nature, It is the important social ethical responsibility to protect the traditional agricultural civilization; secondly, the primary purpose of agriculture is to avoid the hunger and the malnutrition and to enhance humanity’s healthy standard; Thirdly, the current hot spots of agriculture is also containing ethical nature; Fourthly, the produce and management of Chinese agriculture are playing the social welfare role of the farmers or the countryside in fact.3. In our country, the ethical problem of San-nong policy is the result of neglecting the farmer’s basic rights and freedoms, and is the result of the interest conflicts of policymakers and executants. In order to solve the problem, the thesis propose the following suggestions: (1) To enhance the ethical level of San-nong policymakers and executants; to set up the proper ethical values of policy; to understand profoundly agricultural status and farmer’s right; to enhance the ethical responsibility and consciousness of San-nong policymakers and executants; to form the ethical value system of San-nong policy which take humanism and justness as the core. (2)To make the process of San-nong policymaking more ethical; To enhance the expectation for the development of San-nong; To make San-nong policy more public, more democratic, and more open by encouraging the farmer to take part in the policymaking and strengthening information management of the policy; To establish the mechanism to conform the benefit of all parts in the process of San-nong policy implementation. (3) To enable the farmer of China to enjoy the equal national treatment. (4) To establish the property right system of rural land that is more just and more suitable to our country national condition.4. Along with the development of modern agriculture, the pressure of agricultural environment and resources in our country is more and more big. We should renewedly cognize the ethical value of the agricultural environment and resources. On this foundation, we have proposed the ethical principle and the behavior standards of agricultural environmental protection and the sustainable use of agricultural resources in our country. The ethical principles include: the intercommunity of resource, the ecology protection, the social justness, the hierarchical responsibility, the emphasis of economical development, the development on technology. The main ethical behavior standards are as follows: respecting the nature, the moderate development, protecting the environment, the cleanly production and the green consumption.5. On the foundation of expatiating on the ethical meaning of the agricultural production and transaction, the thesis has analyzed the immoral phenomenon and the immoral responsibility of all parties interested that is related to the agricultural production and transaction, has proposed the ethical principles of agricultural production and transaction, and has constructed the ethical strategy of agricultural production and transaction.6. In China, the more just and more ethical system of agriculture should be constructed. The agricultural system should achieve these following goals: enhancing the welfare of all the people, protecting agriculture environment, maintaining the justness of countryside. The agricultural system should be composed of the following systems which are more just and more ethical: the value system, the production system, the transaction system, the organization system and the support system. The agricultural system should also establish the more just and more ethical mechanism of policy-making, policy-executing and evaluation.


