

Study on the Contribution of Agricultural Mechanization to Grain output Efficiency

【作者】 张劲松

【导师】 王雅鹏;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 粮食是农业生产的重要领域,其产出效能的衡量是各种投入要素合理配置进行生产所能提供的最终现实粮食总量和水平。农业机械作为粮食生产的重要工具和重要要素,农业机械化通过作用于粮食生产的影响因素来对粮食产出效能做出贡献,其作用是正向的。农业机械化对农业生产的贡献分析是一个生产率测算范畴。国内外研究存在很大差异。国外纯粹对农业机械化的研究较少,在研究方法上,发达国家主要采用定量分析法,研究重点是农业机械化优化问题,而发展中国家研究重点是农业机械化政策。我国在研究方法上偏重于定性研究,主要包括对农业机械化进行系统分析,探索农业机械化发展的制约因素,研究农业机械化在国民经济发展的重要地位,解决农业机械化发展的理论基础,阐述农业机械化发展的阶段性,科学指导农业机械化实践。在定量研究方面,着重于农业机械化系统分析、农业机械化优化分析,以及农业机械化的贡献率研究上。在此背景下,本文在回顾与分析我国农业机械化发展的历史和现状之后,借鉴其他领域对效能定义,界定了粮食产出效能的概念;结合国内外关于农业机械化发展对农业生产贡献测算的理论研究,测算湖北省农业机械化对粮食产出效能的贡献;最后提出了发展农业机械化,以更进一步完善其对粮食生产的作用的政策建议。本文的主要内容如下:第一,分析国内外关于农业机械化及其发展的研究现状,研究成果及可借鉴和不足之处;第二,总结我国农业机械化发展的历程,分析目前农业机械化发展的现状及其存在的问题;第三,借鉴相关领域对效能含义的概括,提出了粮食产出效能的概念,在此基础之上,阐述我国粮食产出效能的现状、影响因素及其衡量方法;第四,定性分析农业机械化和粮食产出效能之间的关系;第五,农业机械化对农业生产贡献率测算方法研究;第六,以湖北省为例,测定农业机械化对粮食产出效能的贡献;第七,分析比较国外先进模式,提出促进农业机械化发展的政策建议。通过研究,本文得到的结论及成果主要是:第一,借鉴其他领域对效能含义的理解,提出了粮食产出效能的概念,首次将农业机械化作为影响粮食产出效能的因素之一系统研究;第二,在详细分析和介绍Cobb-Douglass生产函数、索罗余值法、数据包络分析法和项目有无比较法的基础之上,选取适当的变量、模型和数据,测算了湖北省农业机械化对粮食产出效能的贡献;第三,在借鉴国内外已有成功经验、发展模式和农业机械化对粮食产出效能贡献定性分析的基础上,提出湖北省新时期加速扩大农机总动力,推广适应不同生产规模和各个生产环节的农业机械,促进其对粮食生产贡献的政策措施。

【Abstract】 Grain production is one of the important fields in agricultural production. The measurement of grain output performance is the ultimate total output and level with reasonable allocation of all kinds of input factors. As the most important equipment and factor, agriculture machine makes great contributions to the grain output performance by impacting all the factors, and the results are positive.The analysis of contribution made by agricultural mechanization to agricultural production lies in the scope of productivity estimation and great differences do exist between homes and abroad. Few analysis are focusing on pure agricultural mechanization in foreign countries, and about the methodologies, the development countries mostly analysis these issues quantitatively and concentrate on the optimization problems of agricultural mechanization. However, the developing countries are mostly analysis the policies issues.In our country, with the main focus on qualitative analysis, we study the following problems, systematic analysis of mechanization, constraints factors impeding the development, the important role and status in the national economy, resolving the theoretical basis of development, statement of stages characteristics and instruct the development scientifically. On the quantitative analysis scope, we focus on systematic analysis, optimization analysis and contribution estimations.Under the background mentioned above, the analysis comprehensively overview the related research on mechanization and agricultural development, retrospect and analysis the way mechanization has been through of our country and its shortcomings. By resort to the definition of performance in related areas, this analysis put forward and lay out the meaning of grain production performance. And then, relationship between development of mechanization and grain production performance is given theoretically, followed by factors analysis that will have effect on the performance of grain production. By pick Hubei province as a sample, we use econometric methods to estimate the contribution that agricultural machines make to the grain production performance of Hubei. Finally, policy instructions are put forward concerning agricultural mechanization. The context is arranged as follows:(1) Review and analysis research related to the agricultural mechanization, more focus is given to the review of contribution estimation;(2) Retrospect the way agricultural mechanization has been through, and analysis its present situations, strengths and weakness;(3) By referring to various kinds of definitions concerning performance in related fields, give out the definition of grain production performance. On the basis of that, conditions, influence factors and estimation methods are all given;(4) Analysis the relationship between agricultural mechanization and grain production performance theoretically;(5) Review of estimation methods on contributions agricultural machines make to the agriculture production;(6) Select Hubei province as an example and estimate the contribution that agricultural machines make to the grain production performance;(7) Mechanization patterns of selected developed countries is analyzed and contrasted in order to draw some experience and implications;The conclusions achieved through the study are as follows:(1) Referring to various kinds of definitions concerning performance in related fields, give out the definition of grain production performance. For the first time, we systematically analysis’s the mechanization as one factor affecting the grain output.(2) Reviewing various estimation methods on contributions agricultural machines make to the agriculture production. Selecting proper variables, models and data, we estimate the contribution made by mechanization to output in Hubei province.(3) Taking a close look at the successful experiences of foreign countries, we analysis the development patterns and contribution studies of agricultural mechanization made to grain output performance of foreign countries, and suggest that Hubei province should increase total power of agricultural mechanization, diffuse different scale of production mechanization, and some advices are given to further improvement of the contribution of mechanization to output performance.

  • 【分类号】F323.3;F326.11
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1608
  • 攻读期成果

